LB11690 ,Brushless Motor Drivers (3-phase drive): Electric bicycles motor driverAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C (Note: Ratings for the LB11690H are preliminary.)Parameter Sy ..
LB11820 ,Direct PWM Drive Brushless Pre-Driver for Household Appliance MotorsOrdering number : ENN7104AMonolithic Linear ICLB11820MDirect PWM Drive Brushless Pre-Driver forHous ..
LB11822 ,Brushless Motor Drivers (3-phase drive): PPC and printer paper feed and drum motor driverAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitSupply voltage V max ..
LB11822 ,Brushless Motor Drivers (3-phase drive): PPC and printer paper feed and drum motor driverElectrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V = VM = 24 VCCRatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Unitmin ..
LB11826 ,Brushless Motor Drivers (3-phase drive): PPC and printer paper feed and drum motor driverElectrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V = VM = 24 VCCRatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Unitmin ..
LB11827 ,Brushless Motor Drivers (3-phase drive): PPC and printer paper feed and drum motor driverElectrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V = VM = 24 VCCRatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Unitmin ..
LD3985M47R ,ULTRA LOW DROP-LOW NOISE BICMOS VOLTAGE REGULATORS LOW ESR CAPACITORS COMPATIBLEapplications are in mobile phone and similarThe LD3985 provides up to 150mA, from 2.5V tobattery po ..
LD3985M50R ,ULTRA LOW DROP-LOW NOISE BICMOS VOLTAGE REGULATORS LOW ESR CAPACITORS COMPATIBLEapplications are in mobile phone and similarThe LD3985 provides up to 150mA, from 2.5V tobattery po ..
LD49300PT08R ,3A Very low drop for low output voltage regulatorPin configuration . . . . 54 Diagram . . . 65 Maximum ratings . . . . 76
LD49300PT12R ,3A Very low drop for low output voltage regulatorElectrical characteristics . . . . . 87 Typical characteristics . . . . . . . 98 Applicat ..
LD7550 , Green-Mode PWM Controller
LD7550IN , Green-Mode PWM Controller