LA6358NS ,High-Performance Dual Operational AmplifiersOrdering number: EN 3191AMonolithic Linear ICLA6358N.6358NSHigh-PerformanceDual Operational Amplirl ..
LA6358S ,High-performance dual operational amplifierOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V =15V,V = −15 VCC EEParameter Symbol Conditions min typ ma ..
LA6393D ,High-Performance Dual ComparatorOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25˚C, V =5VCCRatingsTestPl arameter Ss ymbo Condition UnitCircuit ..
LA6393M ,High-Performance Dual ComparatorOrdering number:ENN1103BMonolithic Linear ICLA6393MHigh-Performance Dual ComparatorOverview Package ..
LA6393S ,High-Performance Dual ComparatorFeatures1 4• LA6393D : DIP-8 pin package, LA6393S : SIP-9 pin9.4package.• Wide operating power-sup ..
LA6458 ,High-Performance Dual Operational AmplifiersOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V =15V,V = −15 VCC EEParameter Symbol Conditions min typ ma ..
LC87F5564A ,8-bit microcontrollers (LC87 series)features : • CPU : Operable at a minimum bus cycle time of 100ns • On-chip Flash ROM Capacity : 64 ..
LC87F5NC8A ,FROM 128K byte, RAM 4096 byte on-chip 8-bit 1-chip Microcontrollerfeatures such as 128K-byte flash ROM (onboard rewritable), 4096byte RAM, Onchip debugging function, ..
LC87F66C8A ,8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller with 64KB FEPROM and 2048 Byte RAM On ChipOrdering number : ENN*6711 CMOS IC LC87F66C8A 8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller with 64KB FEPROM an ..
LC87F72C8A ,8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller with 128 KB Flash Memory and 2048-Byte RAM On ChipFeatures (1) Flash ROM -Single 5V power supply, on-board writable -Block erase in 128 byte units -1 ..
LC87F7DJ2B , FROM 192K byte, RAM 8K byte on-chip 8-bit 1-chip Microcontroller