LA4583M ,Compact Cassette Stereo Recording and Playback SystemFEATURES. Electronically switched recording and playbackmates. Automatic power and recording mute w ..
LA4585 ,3-V Preamplifier Power Amplifier for Headphone Stereo ProductsFeatures• Two radio input switches (pre-muting switches)• The LA4585M is designed for use in playba ..
LA4585 ,3-V Preamplifier Power Amplifier for Headphone Stereo ProductsOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V = 3.0 V, fi = 1 kHz, 0.775 = 0 dBm, preamplifier R = 10 k ..
LA4585M ,3-V Preamplifier + Power Amplifier for Headphone Stereo ProductsOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V = 3.0 V, fi = 1 kHz, 0.775 = 0 dBm, preamplifier R = 10 k ..
LA4589W ,1.5V Stereo Headphone Preamplifier and Power AmplifierOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25˚C, V =1.2V, f=1kHz, 0dBm=0.775V, R =10kΩ (preamplifier),CC LR ..
LA4590W ,1.5 V Stereo Headphone Preamplifier and Power AmplifierOperating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V = 1.2 V, f = 1 kHz, 0.775 V = 0 dBm, R = 10 kΩ (preamp), ..
LC863348C , 8-bit 1-chip Microcontroller
LC863532B ,8-bit microcontrollers (LC86 series)Ordering number : ENN7936 LC863548B, LC863540B CMOS IC FROM 48K/40K/32K/28K/24K/20K/16K-byte, L ..
LC863540B ,8-bit microcontrollers (LC86 series)Ordering number : ENN7936 LC863548B, LC863540B CMOS IC FROM 48K/40K/32K/28K/24K/20K/16K-byte, L ..
LC863548B ,8-bit microcontrollers (LC86 series)Ordering number : ENN7936 LC863548B, LC863540B CMOS IC FROM 48K/40K/32K/28K/24K/20K/16K-byte, L ..
LC865008B ,8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller Ordering number: EN 5650LC865020B/16B/12B/08BCMOS LSILC865020B/16B/12B/08B8-Bit Single-Chip Micro ..
LC865012 ,8-Bit Single Chip Microcontrollerpin assignmentas for the LC865000 series mask ROM version, and a 32K- "byte EPROM. Program data is ..