L2720W13TR ,Low drop dual power operational amplifiersBlock diagram1 16VS OUTA2 15OUTB N.C.3N.C. 14 N.C.413VEE / GND VEE / GND5 12VEE / GNDVEE / GND- + + ..
L2724 ,LOWDROP DUAL POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Supply Voltage 28 VSV Peak Supply Voltage (50m ..
L2726 ,LOWDROP DUAL POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERapplications in compact-discamplifier/power booster combination is required.VCR automative, etc.PIN ..
L2726 013TR ,LOW DROP DUAL POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERapplications in compact-discamplifier/power booster combination is required.VCR automative, etc.PIN ..
L2726013TR ,LOW DROP DUAL POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERapplications including servoamplifiers and power supplies.The high gain and high output power capab ..
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LB10-10B09 , LB series ---- is a compact size power converter offered by Mornsun.
Low drop dual power operational amplifiers
September 2010 Doc ID 13407 Rev 2 1/12
L2720WLow drop dual power operational amplifiers
Features Output current up to 1 A Operates at low voltages Single or split supply Large common-mode and differential-mode
range Low input-offset voltage Ground compatible inputs Low saturation voltage Thermal shutdown Clamp diode
DescriptionThe L2720W is a monolithic integrated circuit in
SO16 (Wide) package, intended for use as a
power operational amplifier in a wide range of
applications including servo amplifiers and power
It is particularly suitable for driving coils, inductive
loads and for use in motors.
The high gain and high output power capability
provide superior performance whenever an
operational amplifier/power booster combination
is required.
Table 1. Device summary
Connection diagrams L2720W2/12 Doc ID 13407 Rev 2
1 Connection diagrams
Figure 1. Block diagram
Figure 2. Schematic diagram (one amplifier)
L2720W Pin outDoc ID 13407 Rev 2 3/12
2 Pin out
Figure 3. Pin connection (top view) Table 2. Pin description
Electrical specifications L2720W
4/12 Doc ID 13407 Rev 2
3 Electrical specifications
3.1 Absolute maximum ratings
3.2 Thermal data
3.3 Recommended operating conditions
Table 3. Absolute maximum ratings
Table 4. Thermal data On double layer PCB with 4 cm2 copper dissipating area Referred to pins 4, 5, 12 and 13.
Table 5. Recommended operating conditions
L2720W Electrical specifications
Doc ID 13407 Rev 2 5/12
3.4 Electrical characteristics
The electrical specifications in Table 6 below are given for operation under the conditions =24V, Tamb = -40 °C to 125 °C and RI connected to GND, unless otherwise specified
Table 6. Electrical characteristics
Electrical specifications L2720W
6/12 Doc ID 13407 Rev 2
3.5 Characterization curves
Figure 4. Quiescent current vs supply current
Figure 5. Open loop gain vs frequency
Table 6. Electrical characteristics (continued)