JM38510/33702BEA ,Dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer54F/74F139Dual1-of-4Decoder/DemultiplexerNovember199454F/74F139Dual1-of-4Decoder/DemultiplexerGener ..
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Dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer
November 1994
Dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer
General Description
The ’F139isa high-speed, dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplex-
er.The devicehastwo independentdecoders, each accept-
ingtwo inputs and providingfour mutually exclusive active
LOW outputs. Each decoderhasan active LOW Enablein-
put whichcanbe usedasa data inputfora 4-output demul-
tiplexer. Eachhalfofthe ’F139canbe usedasa function
generator providingall four mintermsoftwo variables.
Features Multifunction capability Two completely independent 1-of-4 decoders Active LOW mutually exclusive outputs Guaranteed 4000V minimum ESD protection
Commercial Military Package Package DescriptionNumber
74F139PC N16E 16-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Dual-In-Line
54F139DM (Note2) J16A 16-Lead CeramicDual-In-Line
74F139SC (Note1) M16A 16-Lead (0.150× Wide) Molded Small Outline, JEDEC
74F139SJ (Note1) M16D 16-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Small Outline, EIAJ
54F139FM(Note2) W16A 16-Lead Cerpack
54F139LM (Note2) E20A 20-Lead CeramicLeadless Chip Carrier,TypeC
Note 1:Devicesalso availablein13×reel. UsesuffixeSCXandSJX.
Note 2:Militarygrade devicewith environmentaland burn-in processing.Use suffixe DMQB, FMQBandLMQB.
Logic Symbols Connection Diagrams
Pin Assignment
DIP, SOICand Flatpak
Pin Assignment
for LCC
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.