LM111J-8/883 ,Voltage ComparatorGeneral DescriptionThe LM111, is a voltage comparator that has input currents nearly a thousand tim ..
LM111J-8/883 ,Voltage Comparatorapplications are for H08 metal can package.Positive Peak Detector Zero Crossing Detector Driving MO ..
LM111J--8/883 ,Voltage Comparator
LM111JG ,Single, Strobed Differential Comparator with Open Collector and Emitter OutputsMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
LM111JGB ,Single, Strobed Differential Comparator with Open Collector and Emitter OutputsFeatures with Military Disclaimer........ 1• Added Applications, Device Information table, Pin Conf ..
LM111N ,Voltage comparator
LM385BD-1.2 ,1.2Features... 18.4 Device Functional Modes...... 72 Applications..... 19 Application and Implementati ..
LM385BD-1.2 ,MICROPOWER VOLTAGE REFERENCE DIODESMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C, unless otherwise noted)ARating Symbol Value UnitReverse Current I 30 mAR ..
LM385BD-1.2 ,1.2Block Diagram..... 7Information..... 125 Revision HistoryChanges from Revision I (December 2005) to ..
LM385BD-1.2R2G , Micropower Voltage Reference Diodes
LM385BD-12 ,1.2Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITI R ..
Voltage Comparator
Voltage Comparator
1.0 General DescriptionThe LM111, LM211 and LM311are voltage comparators that
have input currents nearlya thousand times lower than
devices likethe LM106or LM710. They are also designedto
operate overa wider rangeof supply voltages: from standard
±15Vop amp supplies downtothe single5V supply usedfor logic. Their outputis compatible with RTL, DTL and TTL wellas MOS circuits. Further, they can drive lampsor
relays, switching voltagesupto 50Vat currentsas highas mA.
Boththe inputs andthe outputsofthe LM111, LM211or the
LM311 canbe isolated from system ground, and the output
can drive loads referredto ground,the positive supplyorthe
negative supply. Offset balancing and strobe capability are
provided and outputs canbe wire OR’ed. Although slower
thanthe LM106 and LM710 (200ns response timevs40ns)
the devices are also much less proneto spurious oscilla-
tions. The LM111 has the same pin configurationas the
LM106 and LM710.
The LM211is identicalto the LM111, except thatits perfor-
manceis specified overa −25˚Cto +85˚C temperature range
insteadof −55˚Cto +125˚C. The LM311 hasa temperature
rangeof 0˚Cto +70˚C.
2.0 Features Operates from single5V supply Input current: 150nA max. over temperature Offset current:20nA max. over temperature Differential input voltage range: ±30V Power consumption: 135 mWat ±15V
3.0 Typical Applications (Note3)
Offset Balancing StrobingNote:DoNot Ground StrobePin. Outputis turnedoff when currentis
pulled from StrobePin.
Increasing Input Stage Current (Note1)
Detectorfor Magnetic TransducerNote1: Increases typical common mode slew from 7.0V/µsto 18V/µs.
January 2001