ISO7241ADWR ,Quad Channel, 3/1, 1Mbps, Digital Isolator 16-SOIC -40 to 125maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly and function ..
ISO7241ADWRG4 ,Quad Channel, 3/1, 1Mbps, Digital Isolator 16-SOIC -40 to 125These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
ISO7241AMDWREP ,Enhanced Product Quad Channel, 3/1, 1Mbps, Digital Isolator 16-SOIC -55 to 125FEATURES• 4000-V Isolation, 560-V V SUPPORTS DEFENSE, AEROSPACE,peak peak IORMAND MEDICAL APPLICATI ..
ISO7241CDW ,2.5 kVrms, 25 Mbps, 4-Channel 3/1 Digital Isolator 16-SOIC -40 to 125Maximum Ratings table . 9STG• Changed the Handling Rating table to the ESD Ratings table. ... 9• Ad ..
ISO7241CDWR ,2.5 kVrms, 25 Mbps, 4-Channel 3/1 Digital Isolator 16-SOIC -40 to 125 SLLS868T–SEPTEMBER 2007–REVISED APRIL 2017Simplified Schematic..... 1• Changed the CTI Test Condit ..
K1500E70 , silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch
K1526AA , 5V 9x14mm Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
K1601 , 14 pin DIP, 5.0 Volt, Sinewave, TCXO
K1S1616B1A-FI70 , 1Mx16 bit Uni-Transistor Random Access Memory
K1S32161CC-FI70 , 2Mx16 bit Page Mode Uni-Transistor Random Access Memory
K1S32161CC-FI70 , 2Mx16 bit Page Mode Uni-Transistor Random Access Memory
Quad Channel, 3/1, 1Mbps, Digital Isolator 16-SOIC -40 to 125
www.ti.com SLLS905E –MAY 2008–REVISED JANUARY 2010
1-Mbps QUAD DIGITAL ISOLATORS Data Acquisition• 4 kV ESD Protection Operate With 3.3-Vor 5-V Supplies Typical 25-Year Lifeat Rated Working Voltage
(See Application Note (SLLA197) and
Figure 10) High Electromagnetic Immunity
(See Application Report (SLLA181)) –40°Cto 125°C Operating Range
DESCRIPTIONSee the Product Notification section. The ISO7240A, ISO7241A and ISO7242A are quad-channel
with multiple channel configurations and output enable functions. These devices have
buffers separatedby TI’s silicon dioxide (SiO2)in conjunction with isolated
these devices block high voltage, isolate grounds, from entering
interfering withor damaging sensitive circuitry.
The ISO7240A hasall four channelsin the same ISO7241A has three
direction and one channelin opposition. The ISO7242A has two channelsin each direction.
The devices have TTL input thresholds anda noise-filterat the input that prevents transient pulses from being
passedto the outputof the device. periodic update pulseis sent across the barrierto ensure the proper dc levelof the output.
pulseis not received, the inputis assumedtobe unpoweredor not being actively driven, contactTI fora logic either sidein any 3.3-V
Not Recommended for New Designs