ISO721DRG4 ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Featuresμs, the input is assumed to be unpowered or not1• 100 and 150-Mbps Signaling Rate Optionsbe ..
ISO721DUB ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOP -40 to 125Features List From: 4000-V Isolation To: 4000-V Isolation, 560-V V .. 1(peak) (peak) peak IORMChang ..
ISO721DUBR ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOP -40 to 125 SLLS629L–JANUARY 2006–REVISED OCTOBER 2015• Changed VDE text From: "DIN EN 60747-5-5 (VDE 0884-5)" ..
ISO721MD ,Single 150Mbps Digital Isolator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Featuresμs, the input is assumed to be unpowered or not1• 100 and 150-Mbps Signaling Rate Optionsbe ..
ISO721MDR ,Single 150Mbps Digital Isolator 8-SOIC -40 to 125features of the ISO721M device also provide forreduced-jitter operation.– Smart Distributed Systems ..
ISO721MDRG4 ,Single 150Mbps Digital Isolator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics, 3.3 V .... 813.2 Related Links.. 267.9 Power Dissipation........ 813.3 ..
K1350 , 5V Crystal Clock Oscillators
K1400E70 , silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch
K142 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsFeatures. Low ON-state resistance.. Very high-speed switching.. Converters.. Micaless package facil ..
K1500E70 , silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch
K1526AA , 5V 9x14mm Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
K1601 , 14 pin DIP, 5.0 Volt, Sinewave, TCXO
Single 100Mbps Digital Isolator
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ISO72x Single Channel High-Speed Digital Isolators this dc-refresh pulseis not received
1 Featuresμs, the inputis assumedto be 100 and 150-Mbps Signaling Rate Options being actively driven, and the failsafe• Low Propagation Delay the outputtoa logic-high state. Low Pulse Skew The symmetryof the dielectric Low-Power Sleep Mode• High Electromagnetic Immunity• Low Input-Current Requirement• Failsafe Output• Drop-In Replacementfor Most Opto and MagneticIsolators• Operates from 3.3V and5V Supplies• -40°Cto 125°C Operating Temperature Range• 50 kV/µs Transient Immunity, Typical• Safety and Regulatory Approvals VDE Basic Insulation with 4000-VPK VIOTM, 560VPK VIORM 2500 VRMS Isolation per UL 1577– CSA Approvedfor Component Acceptance
Notice 5A and IEC 60950-1
2 Applications• Industrial Fieldbus– Modbus– Profibus DeviceNet™ Data Buses– Smart Distributed Systems (SDS™) Computer Peripheral Interface• Servo Control Interface• Data Acquisition
DescriptionThe ISO721, ISO721M, ISO722, and ISO722M aredigital isolators witha logic input and output buffer silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation galvanic isolationof up Used in conjunction with these devices prevent noise from
(1) Forall available packages, see the with or translatedtoa by the capacitive