ISO35DW ,Isolated 3.3-V Full-Duplex RS-485 Transceivers 16-SOIC -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe ISO15 is an isolated half-duplex differential line1• Meets or Exceeds TIA ..
ISO721DR ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOIC -40 to 125features of the ISO721M device also provide forreduced-jitter operation.– Smart Distributed Systems ..
ISO721DRG4 ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Featuresμs, the input is assumed to be unpowered or not1• 100 and 150-Mbps Signaling Rate Optionsbe ..
ISO721DUB ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOP -40 to 125Features List From: 4000-V Isolation To: 4000-V Isolation, 560-V V .. 1(peak) (peak) peak IORMChang ..
ISO721DUBR ,2.5 kVrms, 100 Mbps, 1-Channel Digital Isolator 8-SOP -40 to 125 SLLS629L–JANUARY 2006–REVISED OCTOBER 2015• Changed VDE text From: "DIN EN 60747-5-5 (VDE 0884-5)" ..
K1350 , 5V Crystal Clock Oscillators
K1400E70 , silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch
K142 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsFeatures. Low ON-state resistance.. Very high-speed switching.. Converters.. Micaless package facil ..
K1500E70 , silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch
K1526AA , 5V 9x14mm Surface Mount Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
K1601 , 14 pin DIP, 5.0 Volt, Sinewave, TCXO
Isolated 3.3-V Half-Duplex RS-485 Transceivers
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Communityis an isolated differential Meetsor Exceeds while the ISO35is an isolated full-duplex• 1/8 Unit Load line driver and receiver for• Signaling The and ISO35M temperature ratingsof –55°C• Thermal the ISO15 and ISO35 are specified• Low Bus• 50 kV/μs are ideal for long transmission• Fail-safe ground loopis brokento allow• 3.3-V Inputs common-mode voltage range. barrierof theis testedto• Safety 4000 VPK per VDE and 2500 VRMS– 4000-VPK the bus-line transceiverV 0884-10EN I/O can be subjectedto electrical– 2500 from various These– 2500 can cause damage to the transceiverIEC and/or nearby sensitive circuitryif they are of
sufficient magnitude and duration. These isolated
2 Applications• Security• Chemical Factory• Motor and• HVAC and• Networked