ISO1050DUBR ,Isolated 5 V CAN Transceiver 8-SOP -55 to 105features cross-wire, overvoltage and loss of groundprotection from –27 V to 40 V and overtemperatur ..
ISO1050DUBR ,Isolated 5 V CAN Transceiver 8-SOP -55 to 105Features list to (ISO1050DUB and ISO1050LDW)....... 1• Deleted IEC 60950-1 from the CSA Approvals F ..
ISO1176DW ,2.5 kVrms Isolated RS-485 Profibus Transceiver 16-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics: Receiver ........ 813.3 Trademarks..... 307.9 Power Dissipation Charact ..
ISO1176DWR ,2.5 kVrms Isolated RS-485 Profibus Transceiver 16-SOIC -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe ISO1176 device is an isolated differential line1• Meets or Exceeds the Re ..
ISO1176TDW ,Isolated ProfiBus Transceiver with integrated transformer driver 16-SOIC -40 to 85Featuresan integrated circuit designed for bi-directional data1• Meets or Exceeds the Requirements ..
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K142 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsFeatures. Low ON-state resistance.. Very high-speed switching.. Converters.. Micaless package facil ..
Isolated 5-V CAN Transceivers
Tools &
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ISO1050 Isolated CAN Transceiver Features Meets the Requirementsof ISO11898-2 5000-VRMS Isolation (ISO1050DW) 2500-VRMS Isolation (ISO1050DUB) Fail-Safe Outputs Low Loop Delay: 150ns (Typical), 210ns
(Maximum) 50-kV/μs Typical Transient Immunity Bus-Fault Protectionof –27Vto40V Driver (TXD) Dominant Time-out Function I/O Voltage Range Supports 3.3-V and 5-V
Microprocessors VDE Approval per DINV VDEV 0884-10 (VDEV
0884-10):2006-12 and DIN EN 61010-1 UL 1577 Approved CSA Approvedfor IEC 60950-1, IEC 61010-1,
IEC 60601-1 3rd Ed (Medical) and Component
Acceptance Notice 5A TUV 5-KVRMS Reinforced Insulation Approvalfor
EN/UL/CSA 60950-1 (ISO1050DW-Only)
DescriptionThe ISO1050 is a galvanically isolated CAN
transceiver that meets the specifications of the
ISO11898-2 standard. The device has the logic input
and output buffers separatedbya silicon oxide (SiO2)
insulation barrier that provides galvanic isolationofup 5000 VRMS for ISO1050DW and 2500 VRMS for
ISO1050DUB. Used in conjunction with isolated
power supplies, the device prevents noise currentson data busor other circuits from entering the local
ground and interfering with or damaging sensitive
circuitry.a CAN transceiver, the device provides differential
transmit capabilityto the bus and differential receive
capabilitytoa CAN controllerat signaling rates upto megabit per second (Mbps). The deviceis designed
for operationin especially harsh environments, andit
features cross-wire, overvoltage and lossof ground
protection from –27Vto 40V and overtemperature
shutdown, as well as –12-Vto 12-V common-mode
The ISO1050is characterized for operation over the
ambient temperature rangeof –55°Cto 105°C.