IRSF3031L ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel Low Side Driver in a SOT-223 PackageBlock DiagramDrainDRAINBias & RefInput +INPUT3.5V-+S Q1V-R Q+-Vref-+ TjGroundIsolationSourceSOURCE ..
IRSF3031LTR ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel Low Side Driver in a SOT-223 PackageApplicationsMOSFET with built-in short circuit, over-temperature, ESD and• Solenoid Driverover-volt ..
IRSF3031LTR ,Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel Low Side Driver in a SOT-223 PackageData Sheet No. PD 60069-HIRSF3031 (NOTE: For new designs, werecommend IR’s new products IPS021 and ..
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IT501 ,Monolithic dual cascoded N-channel JFET general purpose amplifier.FEATURES
A low noise, low leakage FET that employs a cascode q CMRR>120dB
structure to accompli ..
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Intelligent Power Switch 1 Channel Low Side Driver in a TO-220AB Package
Data Sheet No. PD 60069-H
International IRSF3031
. . (NOTE:Frn wd igns,w
TOR, RGCTI h er recommend IR's new products IPOSO; anzsingsz1L:
Features Product Summary
. Controlled slew rate reduces EMI
. Over temperature p.r.otection Vds(clamp) 50 V
q Over current protection
. Active drain-to-source clamp
. ESD protection Rds(on) 200 m9
. Lead compatible with standard Power MOSFET
. Low operating input current lds(sd) 4 A
o Monolithic construction . o
. Dual set/reset threshold input Tj(sd) 165 C
. . EAS 200 mJ
The IRSF3031 is a three-terminal monolithic Smart Power Applications
MOSFET with built-in short circuit, over-temperature, ESD and . Solenoid Driver
over-voltage protections and dual set/reset input threshold . . DC Motor Driver
The on-chip protection circuit latches off the Power MOSFET . Programmable Logic Controller
in case the drain current exceeds 4A (typical) or the junction
temperature exceeds 165°C (typical) and keeps it off until the Packages
input is driven below the Reset Threshold voltage.
The drain to source voltage is actively clamped at 55V prior to att,,,,:
the avalanche of the Power MOSFET, thus improving its perfor- 6f,tt'rr . [(7777th
mance during turn-off with inductive loads. \, Fre rj''
The input requirements are very low (100pA typical) which 3 Lead 4i,iitr
makes the IRSF3031 compatible with most existing designs SOT-223
based on standard power MOSFETs. 3 Lea d
. T0220AB
Block Diagram
' -------------------- n -,
,' Bias & Ref Et I i,' :
INPUTc. m HI E :
: IV -C:Cl IE '- . :
: - }Vrel t '
I Isolation '
I .................... Ct - '
IRSF3031 International
TOR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. (Tc =
25°C unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units Test Conditions
Vds, max Continuous drain to source voltage - 50 V
Vin, max Continuous input voltage -0.3 10
Ids Continuous drain current - selflimited A
Pd Powerdissipation - 30 W Tc f 25°C, T0220
- 3.0 w Tc s 25°C, SOT223
EAS Unclamped single pulse inductive energy© - 200 m]
Vesd1 Electrostatic discharge voltage (Human Body Model) - 4000 V 100pF. 1.5kQ
Vesd2 Electrostatic discharge voltage (Machine Model) - 1000 200pF, on
T Jop Operating junction temperature range -55 150
TSig Storage temperature range -55 150 oc
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Static Electrical Characteristics
(Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Vds,clamp Drain to source clamp voltage 50 56 65 V Ids = 2A
Rds(on) Drain to source on resistance - 155 200 mn Vin = 5V, Ids = 2A
ldss Drain to source leakage current - - 250 HA Vds = 40V, Vin = 0V
Vset Input threshold voltage 2.5 3.2 4.0 V Vds = 5V, Ids > 10mA
Vreset Input protection reset threshold voltage 0.5 1.0 1.5 V Vds = 5V, Ids < IOWA
li,on Input supply current (normal operation) - 100 300 HA Vin = 5V
li,ott Input supply current (protection mode) - 120 400 HA Vin = 5V
Vin, clamp Input clamp voltage 9 1O - V lin = 1mA
Vsd Body-drain diode forward drop© - 1.5 - V Ids = -2A, Rin = 1kf2
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Rthjc Thermal resistance, junction-to-case - - 4 °C/W TO-220AB
Rthja Thermal resistance, junction-to-ambient - - 60
Rthic Thermal resistance, junction-to-case - - 40 °CNV SOT-223
Rthja Thermal resistance, junction-to-PCB co - - 60
CO When mounted on a I" square PCB (FR-4 or G10 material). For recommended footprint and soldering techniques, refer
to International Rectifier Application Note AN-994.
© EAS is tested with a constant current source of 6A applied for 700pS with Vin = 0V and starting T, = 25°C.
© Input current must be limited to less than 5mA with a 1kg resistor in series with the input when the Body-Drain Diode is
forward biased.