IRS21834STRPBF ,Half Bridge DriverElectrical CharacteristicsV (V , V ) = 15 V, V = COM, C = 1000 pF, T = 25 °C, DT = V unless otherw ..
IRS2183STRPBF ,Half Bridge Driver, SoftTurn-On, Low Side Inverting Input, Separate High and Low Side Input, 400ns Deadtime in a 8-Lead packageData Sheet No. PD60265IRS2183/IRS21834(S)PbFHALF-BRIDGE DRIVER
IRS2184 ,Half Bridge Driver, SoftTurn-On, Single Input Plus Inverting Shut-Down, 400ns Deadtime in a 8-pin DIP packageData Sheet No. PD60252 revA/IRS2184 IRS21844(S)PbFHALF-BRIDGE DRIVER
IRS21844 ,Half Bridge DriverFeaturesPackages· Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation8-Lead PDIPFully operational to ..
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Half Bridge Driver, SoftTurn-On, Low Side Inverting Input, Separate High and Low Side Input, 400ns Deadtime in a 8-Lead package
IeaR Rectifier
Featu res
o Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation
q Fully operational to +600 V
Data Sheet No. PD60265
o Tolerant to negative transient voltage, dV/dt
q Gate drive supply range from 10 V to 20 V
o Undervoltage lockout for both channels 8-Lead PDIP
o 3.3 V and 5 V input logic compatible IRS2183
o Matched propagation delay for both channels
q Logic and power ground +/- 5 V offset 14-Lead PDIP
q Lower di/dt gate driver for better noise immunity fttts . IRS21834
q Output source/sink current capability 1.4 A/1.8 A Ji/ii J\ '
o RoHS compliant _bso'ii''''' '2iiiif'iJit
Description 8-Lead SOIC _ " 14-Lead SOIC
The lRS2183/IRS21834 are high voltage, IRS2183S IRS21834S
high speed power MOSFET and IGBT
drivers with dependent high-side and Feature Comparison
low-sie. referenced output channels. In ut J,2gi,,, Deadtime t n tt
'Cr/leg HIVI_C and [|3a|tCh Imngiinz Part logic prelvehtion (ns) Ground Pins Tlf)'
ec no ogies ena e rugge ize oglc
monolithic construction. The logic input 221188114 HIN/LIN no none vetl,s, 180/220
is compatible with standard CMOS or 2183 WWW es Internal400 COM 180/220
LSTTL output, down to 3.3 V logic. The 21834 - y Program 400-5000 VSSICOM
output drivers feature a high pulse cur- 2211544 IN/SD yes Pdgn,f2fi'di,a, VsiggM 680/270
rent buffer stage designed for minimum
driver cross-conduction. The floating channel can be used to drive an N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT
in the high-side configuration which operates up to 600 V.
Typical Connection
(2 Vi -
- Va: VB -
LIN m VS L520
7 uplgEOO V
IRS2183 H IRS21834 H
o :11 m
Vcc L Vac Vs -er-
(Refer to Lead Assignment for correct pin V f Vs, COM 1: Ci,
configuration) These diagrams show electrical Rm LO {IL
connections only. Please refer to our Application
Notes and DesignTips for proper circuit board layout. -
International IRS2183/lRS21834(S)PbF
TDR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. The thermal resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured
under board mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High-side floating absolute voltage -0.3 620 (Note 1)
VS High-side floating supply offset voltage VB - 20 VB + 0.3
VH0 High-side floating output voltage Vs - 0.3 " + 0.3
Voc tow-side and logic fixed supply voltage -0.3 20 (Note 1) V
VLo Low-side output voltage -0.3 VCC + 0.3
DT Programmable deadtime pin voltage (IR21834 only) Vss - 0.3 Vcc +0.3
VIN Logic input voltage (HIN & W) Vss - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3
Vss Logic ground (IR21834 only) V00 -20 Vcc+0.3
st/dt Allowable offset supply voltage transient - 50 V/ns
(8-Iead PDIP) - 1.0
PD Package power dissipation © TA I +25 °C (8-Iead SOIC) - 0.625 W
(14-lead PDIP) - 1.6
(14-lead SOIC) - 1.0
(8-Iead PDIP) - 125
. . . . (8-lead SOIC) - 200
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient °C/W
(14-Iead PDIP) - 75
(14-Iead SOIC) - 120
Tu Junction temperature - 150
Ts Storage temperature -50 150 I
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Note 1: All supplies are fully tested at 25 V and an internal 20 V clamp exists for each supply.
Recommended Operating Conditions
The input/output logic timing diagram is shown in Fig. 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the
recommended conditions. The vs and Vss offset rating are tested with all supplies biased at 15 V differential.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High-side floating supply absolute voltage Vs + 10 Vs + 20
Vs High-side floating supply offset voltage Note 2 600
VH0 High-side floating output voltage Vs VB
va, [aw-side and logic fixed supply voltage 10 20
VLo CDW-side output voltage 0 Voc V
VIN Logic input voltage (HIN & W) Vss Va;
DT Programmable deadtime pin voltage (IR21834 only) vss V00
Vss Logic ground (IR21834 only) -5 5
TA Ambient temperature -40 125 'C
Note 2: Logic operational for vs of -5 V to +600 V. Logic state held for Vs of -5 V to -VBs. (Please refer to the Design Tip
DT97-3 for more details).