IRS2168DSTRPBF ,Advanced PFC and Ballast Control IC in a 16-Lead SOIC PackageFeatures Description One-chip ballast control solution The IRS2168D is a fully integrated, fully ..
IRS2168DSTRPBF ,Advanced PFC and Ballast Control IC in a 16-Lead SOIC Packagefeatures such as protection from failure of a lamp to strike, filament failures, end-of-life protec ..
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Advanced PFC and Ballast Control IC in a 16-Lead PDIP Package
TOR Rectifier
Data Sheet No. PD60310
PFC, ballast control and 600 V half-bridge driver in one IC
CriticaI-conduction mode boost-type PFC
Programmable PFC over-current protection
Programmable half-bridge over-current protection
Programmable preheat frequency
Programmable preheat time
Programmable ignition ramp
Programmable run frequency
Closed-loop ignition current regulation
RoHs compliant
The IRS2168D is a fully integrated, fully protected 600 V
ballast control IC designed to drive all types of fluorescent
lamps. The IRS2168D is based on the popular IR2166
control IC with additional improvements to increase ballast
performance. The PFC circuitry operates in critical
conduction mode and provides high PF, low THD and DC
bus regulation. The IRS2168D features include
programmable preheat and run frequencies, programmable
preheat time, programmable PFC over-current protection,
closed-loop half-bridge ignition current regulation, and
programmable end-ot-lite protection. Comprehensive
protection features such as protection from failure of a lamp
to strike, Filament failures, end-of-lite protection, DC bus
undervoltage reset as well as an automatic restart function,
have been included in the design.
Application Diagram (Typical Only)
Fixed internal 1.6 us HO and LO deadtime
Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
End-of-life window comparator pin
Internal 65-event current sense up/down fault counter
DC bus undervoltage reset
Lamp removal/auto-restart shutdown pin
Internal bootstrap MOSFET
Internal 15.6 V Zener clamp diode on Vcc
Micropower startup (250 PA)
Latch immunity and ESD protection
System Features
I One-chip ballast control solution
I Wide range PFC for universal input and multi-lamp ballasts
I Ultra low THD
I Closed-loop ignition regulation for reliable lamp ignition
I End-of-Life window comparator with internal OTA
I Lamp removal/auto-restart function
I Fault counter for robust noise immunity
I Brown-out protection and reset
I Internal bootstrap MOSFET
16-Lead SOIC
16-Lead PDIP
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* Please note that this datasheet contains advanced information that could change before the product is released to production.
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International IRS2168D(S)PbF
ISER liuctifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage
parameters are absolute voltages referenced to COM, all currents are defned positive into any lead. The thermal
resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB Vs pin high-side floating supply voltage -0.3 625
I/s VS pin high-side floating supply offset voltage Vs - 25 VB + 0.3
VH0 HO pin high-side floating output voltage Vs - 0.3 Vs, + 0.3 V
V LO in low-side out ut volta e
LO p . p g -o.3 Vcc + 0.3
VPFC PFC gate driver output voltage
IO-MAX Maximum atlowable output current (HO, LO, PFC) due to external -500 500
power transistor miller effect mA
Ice Vcc current (see Note 1) -25 25
Vaus VBUS pin voltage
VCPH CPH pin voltage
Vcown: COMP pin voltage
sz ZX pin voltage -0.3 Vcc + 0.3 V
Voc OC pin voltage
VSD/EOL SD/EOL pin voltage
Vcs CS pin voltage
cho VCO pin voltage -O.3 6 V
ICPH CPH pin current
Iva, VCO pin current
|FMIN FMIN pin current
ICOMP COMP pin current -5 5 mA
IZX ZX pin current
loc OC pin current
IsonsoL SD/EOL pin current
Ics CS pin current
dV/dt Allowable Vs pin offset voltage slew rate -50 50 V/ns
Pr, Package power dissipation @ TA 3 +25 "C (16-Pin DIP) - 1.8 W
PD = (TJIV.Ax.TA)/R(,JA (16-Pin SOIC) - 1.4
. . . . (16-Pin DIP) - 70
R0JA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient °CNV
(16-Pin SOIC) - 86
T J Junction temperature -55 150
Ts Storage temperature -55 150 00
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Note 1: This IC contains a Zener clamp structure between the chip Vcc and COM which has a nominal breakdown
voltage of 15.6 V. This supply pin should not be driven by a DC, low impedance power source greater than the VCLAMP
specified in the Electrical Characteristics section.
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