IRS21094STRPBF ,Half Bridge Driver, Soft Turn-On, Single Input Plus Shut-Down, All high Voltage Pins on One Side, Programmable 540-5000ns DeadtimeFeatures• Floating channel designed for bootstrap operationProduct SummaryFully operational to +600 ..
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Half Bridge Driver, Soft Turn-On, Single Input Plus Shut-Down, Fixed 540ns Deadtime in a 8-Lead package
International Data Sheet No. PD60261
IS Rectifier IRS2109/lRS21094(S)PbF
o Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation
0 Fully operational to +600 V Product Summary
0 Tolerant to negative transient voltage, dV/dt
immune VOFFSET 600 V max.
0 Gate drive supply range from 10 V to 20 V
o Undervoltage lockout for both channels Io+/- 120 mA / 250 mA
0 3.3 V, 5 V, and 15 V input logic compatible
0 Cross-conduction prevention logic VOUT 10 V - 20 V
o Matched propagation delay for both channels
0 High-side output in phase with IN input ton/off (typ.) 750 ns & 200 ns
0 Logic and power ground +/- 5 V offset. Deadtime 540 ns
9 Internal 540 ns deadtime, and programmable
up to 5 us with one external RDT resistor (IRS21094) (programmable up to 5 “S for IRS21094)
0 Lower di/dt gate driver for better noise immunity
0 Shutdown input turns off both channels. Packages
0 RoHS compliant
Description ofs,tiiti,is xii,iiii,tit,,ss,,,,,,
The lRS2109/lRS21094 are high voltage, high ' Jit
speed power MOSFET and IGBT drivers with de- 'tiii''''' "fi'jiiliiiisk
pendent high- and Iow-side referenced output ta
channels. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune
CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic
construction. The logic input is compatible with stan-
dard CMOS or LSTTL output, down to 3.3 V logic.
The output drivers feature a high pulse current
buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-con-
duction. The floating channel can be used to drive 8 Lead PDIP
an N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT in the high-
side configuration which operates up to 600 V.
8 Lead SOIC 14 Lead SOIC
Typical Connection upto600V
up to 600 V
(Refer to Lead Assignments for correct
configuration). These diagrams show electrical
connections only. Please refer to our
Application Notes and DesignTips for proper
circuit board layout.
International IRS2109/lRS21094(S)PbF
TOR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-
eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. The thermal resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured
under board mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High-side floating absolute voltage -O.3 625
Vs High-side floating supply offset voltage VB - 25 VB + 0.3
VH0 High-side floating output voltage Vs - 0.3 VB + 0.3
Vcc Low-side and logic fixed supply voltage -0.3 25 V
VLO Low-side output voltage -O.3 Vcc + 0.3
DT Programmable deadtime pin voltage (IRS21094 only) Vss - 0.3 Vcc + 0.3
VIN Logic input voltage (IN &E) VSS - 0.3 VCC + 0.3
Vss Logic ground (IRS21094/IR821894 only) Vcc -25 Vcc +0.3
dVS/dt Allowable offset supply voltage transient - 50 V/ns
(8 Lead PDIP) - 1.0
PD Package power dissipation @ TA f +25 °C (8 Lead SOIC) - 0.625 W
(14 lead PDIP) - 1.6
(14 lead SOIC) - 1.0
(8 Lead PDIP) - 125
. . . . (8 Lead SOIC) - 200
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient °C/W
(14 lead PDIP) - 75
(14 lead SOIC) - 120
TJ Junction temperature - 150
Ts Storage temperature -50 150 ''C
TL Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300