IRS20955SPBF ,Protected Digital Audio Driver with Floating PWM input in a 16-Lead SOIC Narrow PackageFeatures Product Summary • Floating PWM input enables easy half-bridge implementation V (max) ± 10 ..
IRS20957SPBF ,Protected Digital Audio Driver with Floating PWM input in a 16-Lead SOIC Narrow PackageFeatures Product Summary • Floating PWM input enables easy half bridge Topology Half-Bridge impleme ..
IRS20957STRPBF ,Protected Digital Audio Driver with Floating PWM input in a 16-Lead SOIC Narrow PackageBlock Diagram 9 Input/Output Pin Equivalent Circuit Diagram 10 Lead Definitions 11 Lead Assignments ..
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Protected Digital Audio Driver with Floating PWM input in a 16-Lead SOIC Narrow Package
TOR Rectifier
Not recommended for new design
Please refer to IRS20957
Data Sheet No. PD60303
. Floating PWM input enables easy half-bridge
. Programmable bidirectional over-current protection
with self-reset function
. Programmable preset deadtime for improved THD
High noise immunity
i100 V ratings deliver up to 500 W in output power
3.3 V/5 V logic compatible input
Operates up to 800 kHz
RoHS compliant
The IRS20955 is a high voltage, high speed MOSFET driver
with a floating PWM input designed for Class D audio
amplifier applications.
Bi-directional current sensing detects over-current
conditions during positive and negative load currents without
any external shunt resistors. A built-in protection control
block provides a secure protection sequence against over-
current conditions and a programmable reset timer.
The internal deadtime generation block enables accurate
gate switching and optimum deadtime setting for better
audio performance, such as lower THD and lower audio
noise floor.
Product Summary
VOFFSET (max) i 100 V
' 1.0 A
Gate driver
Io. 1.2 A
. 15 ns, 25 ns,
Selectable deadtime 35 ns, 45ns
Propagation delay 90 ns
oc protection delay 500 ns (max)
Shutdown propagation
delay 250 ns (max)
16-Lead SOIC
Typical Connection
IRS20955 (S)
vss VS
(Please refer to Lead
Assignments for correct
pin con%uration. This
diagram shows
electrical connections
TOR Rectifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters
are absolute voltages referenced to COM; all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal resistance and
power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VB High-side floating supply voltage -0.3 220
Vs High-side floating supply voltage (Note1) VB-20 1/B+0.3
VH0 High-side floating output voltage Vs-0.3 VB+O.3
VCSH CSH pin input voltage Vs-0.3 VB+O.3
Vcc Low-side fixed supply voltage (Note1) -0.3 20
VLO Low-side output voltage -O.3 Vcc +0.3
VDD Floating input supply voltage -0.3 210 V
I/ss Floating input supply voltage (Note1) (See '002) VDD+0-3
vIN PWM input voltage l/ss -0.3 Voo+0.3
VCSD CSD pin input voltage I/ss -0.3 Voo+0-3
VDT DT pin input voltage -0.3 Vcc +0.3
VOCSET OCSET pin input voltage -0.3 Vcc +0.3
VREF VREF pin voltage -0.3 Vcc +0.3
'002 Floating input supply Zener clamp current (Note1) - 10
Iccz Low side supply Zener clamp current (Note1) - 10 mA
lasz Floating supply Zener clamp current (Note1) - 10
IOREF Reference output current - 5
d Vs /dt Allowable Vs voltage slew rate - 50 V/ns
d Vss /dt Allowable Vss voltage slew rate (Note2) - 50
d Vss /dt Allowable I/ss voltage slew rate upon power-up (Note3) - 50 V/ms
Pro Maximum power dissipation - 1.0 W
RNA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient - 115 °CNV
Tu Junction temperature - 150
Ts Storage temperature -55 150 °C
TI Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - 300
Note1: Von - Vss, Vcc -COM and VB - Vs contain internal shunt Zener diodes. Please note that the voltage ratings of these
can be limited by the clamping current.
Note2: For the rising and falling edges of step signal of 10 V. Vss=15 V to 200 V.
Note3: Vss ramps up from 0 V to 200 V.