IRMCK341 ,A high performance OTP based motion control IC designed primarily for appliance applications.Features Product Summary TM MCE (Motion Control Engine) - Hardware based Maximum crystal frequency ..
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A high performance OTP based motion control IC designed primarily for appliance applications.
Data Sheet No. PD60339
TOR Rectifier
Sensorless Motor Control IC for Appliances
Features Product Summary
D MCETM (Motion Control Engine) - Hardware based Maximum crystal frequency 60 MHz
computation engine for high efficiency sinusoidal Maximum internal clock (SYSCLK) frequency 128 MHz
sensorless control of permanent magnet AC motor M . 8051 I k f 33 MH
U Supports both interior and surface permanent aXImum C 0C requency z
magnet motors Sensorless control computation time 11 psec typ
D Built-in hardware peripheral for single shunt MCETM computation data range 16 bit signed
current feedback reconstruction 8051 OTP Program memory 56K bytes
D No t'.tt.ernal cu.rre.nt or voltage sensing operational MCE program and Data RAM 8K bytes
amplifier required . . .
n Threeltwo-phase space Vector PWM GateKlll latency (digital filtered) 2 usec
D Three-channel analog output (PWM) PWM carrier frequency counter 16 bits/ SYSCLK
U Embedded 8-bit high speed microcontroller (8051) AID input channels 8
for flexible IIO ahd man-machine central A/D converter resolution 12 bits
U JTAG programming port for emulationldebugger .
U Serial communication interface (UART) AID converter conversion speed 2 psec
El |2c/spl serial interface 8051 instruction execution speed 2 SYSCLK
U Watchdog timer with independent analog clock Analog output (PWM) resolution 8 bits
D Three general purpose timerslcounters U ART baud rate (typ) 57.6K bps
D T . I . : . . . .
wo specia tiniers periodic timer, capture timer Number of HO (max) 24
D Internal 'One-Time Programmable' (OTP) memory
and internal RAM for final production usage Package (lead-free) QFP64
n Pin compatible with IRMCF341, RAM version Operating temperature -40°C _ 85°C
D 1.8Vl3.3V CMOS
IRMCK341 is a high performance OTP based motion control IC designed primarily for appliance applications. IRMCK341 is
designed to achieve low cost and high performance control solutions for advanced inverterized appliance motor control.
IRMCK341 contains two computation engines. One is Motion Control Engine (MCETM) for sensorless control of permanent
magnet motors; the other is an 8-bit high-speed microcontroller (8051). Both computation engines are integrated into one
monolithic chip. The MCETM contains a collection of control elements such as Proportional plus Integral, Vector rotator, Angle
estimator, Multiply/Divide, Low loss SVPWM, Single Shunt IFB. The user can program a motion control algorithm by
connecting these control elements using a graphic compiler. Key components of the sensorless control algorithms, such as the
Angle Estimator, are provided as complete pre-dehned control blocks implemented in hardware. A unique analog/digital circuit
and algorithm to fully support single shunt current reconstruction is also provided. The 8051 microcontroller performs 2-cycle
instruction execution (16MIPS at 33MHz). The MCE and 8051 microcontroller are connected via dual port RAM to process
signal monitoring and command input. An advanced graphic compiler for the MCETM is seamlessly integrated into the
MATLAB/Simulink environment, while third party JTAG based emulator tools are supported for 8051 developments.
IRMCK341 comes with a small QFP64 pin lead-free package.
Rev 1.0
International IRMCK341
TOR Rectifier
1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 5
2 IRMCK341 Block Diagram and Main Functions B........................................................................ 6
3 Pinout ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Input/Output of IRMCK341 _........................................................................................................ 9
4.1 8051 Peripheral Interface Group _...................................................................................... 10
4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface Group B................................................................................... 11
4.3 Analog Interface Group _.................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Power Interface Group M..................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Test Interface Group B........................................................................................................ 12
5 Application Connections B......................................................................................................... 13
6 DC Characteristics _.................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings _.............................................................................................. 14
6.2 System Clock Frequency and Power Consumption .......................................................... 14
6.3 Digital l/O DC Characteristics ............................................................................................ 15
6.4 PLL and Oscillator DC characteristics M.............................................................................. 16
6.5 Analog l/O DC Characteristics _......................................................................................... 16
6.6 Under Voltage Lockout DC characteristics M....................................................................... 17
6.7 AREF Characteristics B....................................................................................................... 17
7 AC Characteristics _.................................................................................................................. 18
7.1 PLL AC Characteristics _.................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Analog to Digital Converter AC Characteristics _................................................................ 19
7.3 Op amp AC Characteristics B.............................................................................................. 19
7.4 SYNC to SVPWM and AID Conversion AC Timing B.......................................................... 20
7.5 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing M.................................................................................... 21
7.6 Interrupt AC Timing ........................................................................................................... 21
7.7 ft AC Timing B................................................................................................................... 22
7.8 SPI AC Timing m.................................................................................................................. 23
7.8.1 SPI Write AC timing _................................................................................................... 23
7.8.2 SPI Read AC Timing _.................................................................................................. 24
7.9 UART AC Timing ............................................................................................................... 25
7.10 CAPTURE Input AC Timing _.......................................................................................... 26
7.11 JTAG AC Timing _........................................................................................................... 27
7.12 OTP Programming Timing M............................................................................................ 28
8 HO Structure ............................................................................................................................. 29
9 Pin List ..................................................................................................................................... 32
10 Package Dimensions M........................................................................................................... 35
11 Part Marking Information _..................................................................................................... 36
12 Order Information ................................................................................................................. 36
© 2007 International Rectifier