IRLR8503TRR ,30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak packageapplications 100% R TestedGDescriptionGThis new device employs advanced HEXFET PowerMOSFET technol ..
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30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D-Pak package
N-Channel Application-Specific MOSFET
Ideal for CPU Core DC-DC Converters
Low Conduction Losses
Minimizes Parallel MOSFETs for high current
. 100% RG Tested
This new device employs advanced HEXFET Power
MOSFET technology to achieve very low on-resistance.
The reduced conduction losses makes it ideal for high
efficiency DC-DC converters that power the latest
generation of microprocessors.
The IRLR8503 has been optimized and is 100% tested for
HEXFET6 MOSFET for DC-DC Converters
all parameters that are critical in synchronous buck
converters including Roman), gate charge and Cdv/dt- IRLR8503
induced turn-on immunity. The IRLR8503 offers an V 30V
extremely low combination of 0st & RDSM for reduced DS
losses in control FET applications. RDs(on) 18 m9
. . . Ge 20 nC
The package IS designed for vapor phase, intra-red, Q 8 C
convection, or wave soldering techniques. Power SW n
dissipation of greater than 2W is possible in a typical PCB 0055 29.5 nC
mount application.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol IRLR8503 Units
Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V
Gate-Source Voltage l/ss t20
. . To = 25°C 44
Continuous Drain or Source Current ID
To = 90°C 32 A
Pulsed Drain Current C) IBM 196
T =25°C
Power Dissipation G) C PD 62 W
To = 90°C 30
Junction & Storage Temperature Range To , TSTG -55 to 150 =
Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) Is 15 A
Pulsed Source Current C) ISM 196
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Symbol Typ Max Units
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient © © ROJA - 50 °C/W
Maximum Junction-to-Lead © R0ur, - 2.0
Downloaded from: http://www.datasheetcata|o_q.com/
|RLR8503 International
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Drain-to-Source Breadown Voltage* V(BR)DSS 30 - - V Vss = 0V, ID = 250pA
Static Drain-Source On-Resistance* Rosm) _- 1; 1: m9 1:: : 1('1==1i1c'
Gate Threshold Voltage' VGS(th) 1.0 - 3.0 V Vos = Vss, ID = 250pA
. - - 1.0 VDS = 30V, VGS = 0
Drain-Source Leakage Current IDSS pA
- - 150 Vos = 24V, VGS = 0, TJ = 100°C
Gate-Source Leakage Current' less - - t100 nA Vss = 1 20V
Total Gate Charge, Control FET* a, - 15 20 Vss = 5V, ID = 15A, VDS = 16V
Total Gate Charge, Synch FET" Q, - 13 17 VGS = 5V, VDS < 100mV
Pre-Vth Gate-to-Source Charge 0951 - 3.7 - nC
Post-Vth Gate-to-Source Charge Q982 - 1.3 - Vos = 16V, '0 = 15A
Gate-to-Drain Charge di - 4.1 -
Switch Charge* (0952 + di) st - 5.4 8
Output Charge* Qoss - 23 29.5 Vos = 16V, VGS = 0
Gate Resistance Rs 0.4 - 1.1 Q
Turn-On Delay Time tum) - 1O - VDD = 16V, ID = 15A
Drain Voltage Rise Time tru - 18 - ns Vss = 5.0V
Turn-Off Delay Time tdmm - 11 - Clamped Inductive Load
Drain Voltage Fall Time tfv - 3 - See Test Diagram Fig. 14
Input Capacitance Ciss - 1650 - Vos = 25V
Output Capacitance Coss - 650 - pF Vss = 0
Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crss - 58 -
Source-Drain Rating & Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Diode Forward Voltage" VSD - - 1.0 V ls = 15AOD, VGS = 0V
Reverse Recovery Charge GD Qrr - 76 - di/dt = 700A/ps
VDD =16V,VGs = 0V, ls =15A
nC di/dt = 700A/ps
Re_verse Recovery Charge er(s) - 67 - (with 10BQ040)
(with Parallel Schottsky) co
VDD =16V,Vss = 0V, ls =15A
© Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by max. junction temperature. © Calculated continuous current based on maximum allowable
© Pulse width S 300 ps.s;.du.ty cycle S 2%. Junction temperature; switching and other losses will
© When mounted on 1 inch square copper board, t < 10 sec. decrease RMS current capability; package limitation
© Typ = measured - QUSS current = 20A.
© Re is measured at To approximately at 90°C
'Devices are 100% tested to these parameters.
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