IRL2203NSTRL ,30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak packageapplications.Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Parameter Max Units
30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-262 package
PD - 94394A
TOR Rectifier
0 Advanced Process Technology HEXFET© Power MOSFET
q Ultra Low On-Resistance D
. Dynamic dv/dt Rating VDSS = 30V
q 175°C Operating Temperature
0 Fast Switching . . Rros(on) = 7.0mQ
o FullyAvaIanche Rated G
o 100% RsTested S ID =116A©
Advanced HEXFET6 Power MOSFETs from International Rectifier
utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve extremely low on-
resistance per silicon area. This benefit, combined with the fast
switching speed and ruggedized device design that HEXFET power
MOSFETs are well known for, provides the designer with an extremely , _
efficient and reliable device for use in a wide variety of applications. 5, v C 7pt' y
The D2Pak is a surface mount power package capable of accommodating
die sizes up to HEX-4. It provides the highest power capability and the lowest
possible on-resistance in any existing surface mount package. The D2Pak 2
is suitable for high current applications because ofits low internal connection D Pak TO-262
resistanceand candissipate upt02.0Winatypicalsurface mountappiication. IRL2203NS |RL2203NL
Thethrough-hole version (|RL2203NL) is available forlow-proNe applications.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Parameter Max Units
ID @ Tc = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 116 ©
ID @ To = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 82 A
In, Pulsed Drain Current 0) 400
PD @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation 3.8 W
PD @Tc = 25°C Power Dissipation 180 W
Linear Derating Factor 1.2 W/°C
VGS Gate-to-Source Voltage i 16 V
IAR Avalanche Current (D 60 A
EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energy OJ 18 m J
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt © 5.0 V/ns
TJ Operating Junction and -55 to + 175 CY
Storage Temperature Range C
TSTG Soldering Temperature, for 10 seconds 300 (1 .6mm from case)
Thermal Resistance
Symbol Parameter Typ Max Units
ROJC Junction-to-Case © _ 0.85
ROJA Junction-to-Amblent (PCB mount, steady state) ©© _ 40 C/W
Electrical Characteristics © T J = 25''C (unless otherwise specified) TOR Rectifier
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 30 - - V VGS = 0V, ID = 250pA
AV(BR)DSS/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. CoefMient - 0.029 - Vl°C Reference to 25°C, ID = 1mA
Roam) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - - 7.0 VGS = 10V, ID = 60A (9
- - 10 VGS = 4.5V, ID = 48A (9
Vesan) Gate Threshold Voltage 1.0 - 3.0 V Vos = I/ss, ID = 250uA
ge Forward Transconductance 73 - - S VDS = 25V, ID = 60A co
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - 25 Vos = 30V, I/ss = 0V
- - 250 pA Vos = 24V, I/ss = 0V, T: = 125''C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - 100 I/cs = 16V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage - - -100 nA I/cs = -161/
Qg Total Gate Charge - - 60 b = 60A
Q95 Gate-to-Source Charge - - 14 nC Vos = 24V
qu Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - - 33 VGS = 4.5V, See Fig. 6 and 13
Rs Gate Resistance 0.2 - 3.0 Q
tum.) Turn-On Delay Time - 11 - Vor, = 15V
t, Rise Time - 160 - ID = 60A
tum) Turn-Off Delay Time - 23 - Rs = 1.89
ti Fall Time - 66 - VGS = 4.5V, See Fig. 10 G)
LD Internal Drain Inductance - 4.5 - Between lead,
Nh 6mm (0.25in.)
Ls Internal Source Inductance - 7.5 - from package
and center of die contact
Ciss Input Capacitance - 3290 - VGS = 0V
Cass Output Capacitance - 1270 - pF Vos = 25V
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 170 - f = 1.0MHz, See Fig. 5
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy C) - 1320 © 290 © mJ IAS = 60A, L = 0.16mH
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
ls Continuous Source Current - _ 116 © MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) A showing the
ISM Pulsed Source Current integral reverse e
(Body Diode) co 400 p-n junction diode. a
VSD Diode Forward Voltage - - 1.2 V To = 25°C, IS = 60A, VGS = 0V (9
trr Reverse Recovery Time - 56 84 ns T J = 25°C, IF = 60A
A, Reverse Recovery Charge - 110 170 nC di/dt = 100A/ys ©
ton Forward Tum-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD)
s This is a typical value at device destruction and represents
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
max. junction temperature. ( See fig. 11 )
© Starting To =
25''C, L = 0.16mH Re: 259,
IAS = 60A, Vss=10V (See Figure 12)
© ISD S 60A, di/dt S 110A/ps, VDD S V(BR)DSS,
Tu LC 175°C
© Pulse width f 400ps; duty cycle 5 2%.
operation outside rated limits.
© This is a calculated value limited to To = 175°C .
C) Calculated continuous current based on maximum allowable
junction temperature. Package limitation current is 75A.
When mounted on 1" square PCB (FR-4 or G-IO Material). For
recommended footprint and soldering techniques refer to
application note #AN-994.
© Re is measured at To approximately 90°C