IRKT56/12A ,THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR ADD-A-pakTM GEN V Power ModulesFeaturesBenefitsHigh Voltage Up to 1600V45 AIndustrial Standard PackageFull compatible TO-240AAThic ..
IRKT56/12AS90 ,THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTORapplications such as high voltage regulated powerwithout hard mold, eliminating in this way any pos ..
IRKT56/16 ,1600V 60A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a ADD-A-Pak packageapplications such as high voltage regulated powerwithout hard mold, eliminating in this way any pos ..
IRKT56/16 ,1600V 60A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a ADD-A-Pak packageFeaturesBenefitsHigh Voltage Up to 1600V45 AIndustrial Standard PackageFull compatible TO-240AAThic ..
IRKT56/16A ,THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/ THYRISTOR ADD-A-pakTM GEN V Power ModulesBulletin I27131 rev. G 10/02IRK.41, .56 SERIESTMTHYRISTOR/ DIODE and ADD-A-pak GEN V Power Mo ..
IRKT56-08 ,800V 60A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a ADD-A-Pak packageFeaturesBenefitsHigh Voltage Up to 1600V45 AIndustrial Standard PackageFull compatible TO-240AAThic ..
ISP1760ET ,Hi-Speed Universal Serial Bus host controller for embedded applications
ISP1760ET ,Hi-Speed Universal Serial Bus host controller for embedded applications
ISP1763AETTM ,Hi-Speed USB OTG controller for portable applicationsapplications Host supports data transfer at high-speed (480 Mbit/s), full-speed (12 Mbit/s), and l ..
ISP1763AHNUM ,Hi-Speed USB OTG controller for portable applicationsApplicationsThe ISP1763A can be used to implement a dual-role USB device in any application, USB ho ..
122R Rectifier
Bulletin |27131 rev.G 10/02
|RK.41, .56 SERIES
ll High Voltage
ll Industrial Standard Package
" Thick AI metal die and double stick bonding
ll Thick copper baseplate
ll UL E78996 approved
ll 3500VRMS isolating voltage
Mechanical Description
The Generation V of Add-A-pak module combine the
excellentthermal performance obtained by the usage of
Direct Bonded Copper substrate with superior
mechanical ruggedness, thanks to the insertion of a
solid Copper baseplate at the bottom side ofthe device.
The Cu baseplate allow an easier mounting on the
majority of heatsink with increased tolerance of surface
roughness and improve thermal spread.
The Generation V of AAP module is manufactured
without hard mold, eliminating in this way any possible
direct stress on the leads.
Major Ratings and Characteristics
ADD-A-pak" GEN V Power Modules
[I Upto1600V
I1 Fullcompatible TO-240AA 45 A
ll High Surge capability 60 A
D Easy Mounting on heatsink
I] Ala03 DBC insulator
[I Heatsink grounded
The electrical terminals are secured against axial pull-out:
they are fixed to the module housing via a click-stop
feature already tested and proved as reliable on other IR
Electrical Description
These modules are intended for general purpose high
voltage applications such as high voltage regulated power
supplies, lighting circuits, temperature and motor speed
control circuits, UPS and battery charger.
Parameters IRK.41 IRK.56 Units
|T(AV)or |F(AV) 45 60 A
lows) (*) 100 135
ITSM @50Hz 850 1310
IFSM @60Hz 890 1370 A
121 @50Hz 3.61 8.50 KA2s
@60Hz 3.30 7.82 KA2s
121/1 36.1 85.0 Kszs
VRRM range 400to 1600 V
TSTG -40to 125 00
T, -40to125 ac
(*) As AC switch.
IRK.41, .56 Series
Bulletin 127131 rev.G 10/02
IDR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
VRRIVI , maximum VRSM, max/Pum VDRM , max. repetitive IRRM
T b Voltage repetitive non-repetitive peak off-state voltage, IDRM
ype num er Code peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage gate open circuit 125°C
- V V V mA
04 400 500 400
06 600 700 600
08 800 900 800
IRK.41/ .56 10 1000 1100 1000 15
12 1200 1300 1200
14 1400 1500 1400
16 1600 1700 1600
On-state Conduction
Parameters IRK.41 IRK.56 Units Conditions
INN) Max. average on-state
current (Thyristors) 45 60 180° conduction, half sine wave,
IHAV) Maximum average 45 60 TC=85°C
forward current (Diodes)
I Max. continuous RMS
O(RMS) on-state current. 100 135 or %
As AC switch A I(RMS) I(RMS)
ITSM Max. peak, one cycle 850 1310 t=10ms No voltage
. Sinusoidal
or non-repetitive on-state 890 1370 t=8.3ms reapplied
0 half wave,
|FSM or forward current 715 1100 t Oms 00 AVRRM Initial T: --T, max.
750 1150 t=8.3ms reapplied
940 1450 t=10ms T o=25"C,
985 1520 t=8.3ms no voltage reapplied
Pt Max. Pttortusing 3.61 8.56 t=10ms No voltage
3.30 7.82 t=8.3ms reapplied InitialTJ=TJ max.
2.56 6.05 2 t=10ms 100%VRRM
2.33 5.53 t=8.3ms reapplied
4.42 10.05 t=10ms TJ=25°C,
4.03 9.60 t=8.3ms no voltage reapplied
l2\/t Max. 12(ttortusing (1) 36.1 85.6 KAles t=0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
Vmo) Max. value ofthreshold 0.88 0.85 V Low level (3) T, = T., max
voltage (2) 0.91 0.88 Highlevel (4)
r Max.value ofon-state 5.90 3.53 Lowlevel (3)
t . mn . T J = T J max
slope resistance (2) 5.74 3.41 High level (4)
V Max. peak on-state or I = nxl
TM TM T(AV) - a
V f d It 1.81 1.54 V I - I To=25''C
FM orwar vo age FM-nx F(AV)
di/dt Max. non-repetitive rate T J = 25°C. from 0.67 VDRM.
of rise of turned on 150 Alps |TM =1: x |T(AV)‘ I9 = 500mA,
current tr<0.5 ps,tp>6us
To=25''C,anode supply=6V,
I Max. holding current 200 . . . .
H mA resistive load, gate open circuit
IL Max. latching current 400 T J = 25°C, anode supply= 6V,resistive load
(1) Pt for time t, = |2\/t x Vi, (2) Average power = V100) x IWM + rtx (IT(RMS))2 (3) 16.7% x tt x IAV < I < It x I AV