IRKT250-12 ,1200V 250A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a MAGN-A-Pak packageFeaturesHigh voltageElectrically isolated base plate170A3000 V isolating voltage RMSIndustrial stan ..
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IRKT26-12 ,1200V 27A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a ADD-A-Pak packageBulletin I27130 rev. G 10/02IRK.26 SERIESTMTHYRISTOR/ DIODE andADD-A-pak GEN V Power ModulesT ..
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IRKT41/10 ,1000V 45A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a ADD-A-Pak packageapplications such as high voltage regulated powerwithout hard mold, eliminating in this way any pos ..
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400V 170A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Diode in a MAGN-A-Pak package
IeaR Rectifier
127102 rev.C 05/02
High voltage
Electrically isolated base plate
3000 VRMS isolating voltage
Industrial standard package
Simplified mechanical designs, rapid assembly
High surge capability
Large creepage distances
UL E78996 approved lhl
This new IRK serie of MAGN-A-paks modules uses high
voltage power thyristor/thyristor and thyristor/diode in
seven basic configurations. The semiconductors are
electrically isolated from the metal base, allowing com-
mon heatsinks and compact assemblies to be built. They
can be interconnected to form single phase or three
phase bridges or as AC-switches when modules are
connected in anti-parallel mode.
These modules are intended for general purpose appli-
cations such as battery chargers, welders and plating
equipment and where high voltage and high current are
required (motor drives, U.P.S., etc.).
Major Ratings and Characteristics
MAGN-A-pakTM Power Modules
Parameters IRK.170.. IRK.230.. IRK.250.. Units
ITW) @ 85°C 170 230 250 A
INRMS) 377 510 555 A
ITSM © 50Hz 5100 7500 8500 A
@ 60Hz 5350 7850 8900 A
fl @ 50Hz 131 280 361 KA2s
@ 60Hz 119 256 330 KA2s
12111 1310 2800 3610 KAZVS
vDRM IVRRM Up to1600 Up to 2000 Up to1600 v
T J range -40 to 130 °C
www.irf.Com 1
IRK.170, .230, .250 Series
Bulletin I27102 rev. c 05/02 IOR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Type number Voltage VRRMVDRM , maximum VRSM , maximum non-repetitive IRRM IDRM max
Code repetitive peak reverse and peak reverse voltage @ 130°C
off-state blocking voltage
V V m A
04 400 500 50
IRK.170- 08 800 900
IRK.250- 12 1200 1300
14 1400 1500
16 1600 1700
IRK.230- 08 800 900 50
12 1200 1300
16 1600 1700
18 1800 1900
20 2000 2100
On-state Conduction
Parameters IRK.170 IRK.230 IRK.250 Units Conditions
IT(AV) Maximum average on-state current 170 230 250 A 180° conduction, half sine wave
@ Casetemperature 85 85 85 °C
IT(RMS) Maximum RMS on -state current 377 510 555 A asAC switch
ITSM Maximum peak, one-cycle on-state, 5100 7500 8500 A t=10ms No voltage
non-repetitive surge current 5350 7850 8900 t= 8.3ms reapplied
4300 6300 7150 t=10ms 100% VRRM
4500 6600 7500 t= 8.3ms reapplied Sinusoidal haltwave,
Pt Maximumlztforfusing 131 280 361 KAzs t=10ms No voltage initialTo=T.,max
119 256 330 t= 8.3ms reapplied
92.5 198 255 t=10ms 100% VRRM
84.4 181 233 t= 8.3ms reapplied
Wt Maximum P4ttortusing 1310 2800 3610 KAzVs t= 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
Vmo)1Lowlevelvalue ofthreshold voltage 0.89 1.03 0.97 V (16‘7%xnx|T(AV)
VmonHigh level value ofthreshold voltage 1.12 1.07 1.00 (I > 1:xIT(A\,)),TJ = T, max.
rt1 Lowlevelon-state sloperesistance 1.34 0.77 0.60 mn (16.7o/oxrtxlr,Av)rt2 High level on-state slope resistance 0.96 0.73 0.57 (I > RX ITVM), T J = T J max.
G, Maximum on-state voltage drop 1.60 1.59 1.44 V lTM='txlriAvvT,l=Tomaxo180oconduction
Av. power=VT(To)x IT(A\,)+r,x(IT(m/IS))2
Ir, Maximum holding current 500 500 500 mA Anode supply=12V, initial IT=30A, T J=25°C
IL Maximum latching current 1000 1000 1000 Anode supply=12V, resistive load=1Q
gatepulse:10v,100ws,T, = 25''C
Parameters IRK.170 IRK.230 IRK.250 Units Conditions
td Typical delay time 1.0 us T, = 25°C. Gate Current=1A dlgldt=1Alps
tr Typical rise time 2.0 Vd = 0,67% VDRM
lm= 300 A ; -dlldt--15 Alps; T.,-- T, max;
tq Typical turn-off time 50 - 150 us
Vr = 50 V; dV/dt = 20 V/ps ; Gate 0 V, 100 ohm