IRKT142/12 ,THYRISTOR/DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTORApplicationsDC Motor Control and DrivesBattery ChargesWeldersPower ConvertersLighting ControlHeat a ..
IRKT142-12 ,1200V 140A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a INT-A-Pak packageFeaturesHigh Voltage135 AElectrically Isolated by DBC Ceramic ( Al O )2 33500 V Isolating VoltageRM ..
IRKT162/08 ,THYRISTOR/DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTORFeaturesHigh Voltage135 AElectrically Isolated by DBC Ceramic ( Al O )2 33500 V Isolating VoltageRM ..
IRKT162/16 ,THYRISTOR/DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTORApplicationsDC Motor Control and DrivesBattery ChargesWeldersPower ConvertersLighting ControlHeat a ..
IRKT162-14 ,1400V 160A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a INT-A-Pak packageFeaturesHigh Voltage135 AElectrically Isolated by DBC Ceramic ( Al O )2 33500 V Isolating VoltageRM ..
IRKT162-16 ,1600V 160A Doubler Circuit Positive Phase Control Thyristor/Thyristor in a INT-A-Pak packageApplicationsDC Motor Control and DrivesBattery ChargesWeldersPower ConvertersLighting ControlHeat a ..
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TOR Rectifier
Bulletin I27117 rev.C 03/02
IRKA36, .142, .162
ll High Voltage
" Electrically Isolated by DBC Ceramic ( N203)
ll 3500 VRMS Isolating Voltage
ll Industrial Standard Package
II High Surge Capability
ll Glass Passivated Chips
II Modules uses High Voltage Power thyristor/diodes
in three Basic Configurations
ll Simple Mounting
ll UL E78996 approved“)
ll DC Motor Control and Drives
" Battery Charges
ll Welders
ll Power Converters
ll Lighting Control
ll Heat and Temperature Control
Major Ratings and Characteristics
NEW INT-A-pak Power Modules
Parameters |RK.136.. |RK.142.. |RK.162.. Units
ITW, 135 140 160 A
@TC 85 85 85 ''C
Imam, 300 310 355 A
ITSM @ 50Hz 3200 4500 4870 A
@60Hz 3360 4712 5100 A
121 @50Hz 51.5 102 119 KA2s
@60Hz 47 92.5 108 KA2s
121/1 515.5 1013 1190 KAZVS
vRRM 400 to 1600 v
T, range -40to125 ''C
|RK.136, .142, A62 Series lnterryotipal
Bulletin I27117 rev.C 03/02 :roRkectifier
Electrical Specifications
Voltage Ratings
Type number Voltage VRRMNDRM , Maximum repetitive VRSMNDSM. Maximum non-repetitive |RRM I |DRM
Code peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage @ 125°C
V V m A
|RK.136 04 400 500 50
|RK.142 08 800 900
|RK.162 12 1200 1300
14 1400 1 500
16 1600 1700
Forward Conduction
Parameter |RK.136 IRK.142 |RK.162 Units Conditions
INAV) Max. average on-state current 135 140 160 A 180° conduction, half sine wave
@ Case temperature 85 85 85 "C
|T(RMS) Max. RMS on-state current 300 310 355 A as AC switch
G, Maximum peak, onewyde 3200 4500 4870 A t= 10ms No voltage
on-state, non-repetitive 3360 4712 5100 t= 8.3ms reapplied
surge current 2700 3785 4100 t = 10ms 100% VRRM
2800 3963 4300 t= 8.3ms reapplied Sine halfwave,
Pt Maximum Pt for fusing 51.5 102 119 KA2s t= 10ms No voltage InitiaITJ= TJ max.
47 92.5 108 t = 8.3ms reapplied
36.5 71.6 84 t= 10ms 100% VRRM
33.3 65.4 76.7 t = 8.3ms reapplied
Wt Maximum Wt for fusing 515.5 1013 1190 KANs t= 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
VT(TO)1 Low level value of threshold 0.86 0.83 0.8 V (16.7% x tt x ITW) < I < It x 1vs), @ T, max.
Vrrrop, High level value of threshold 1.05 1 0.98 (I > n x IWW)), @ T J max.
r" Low level value on-state 2.02 1.78 1.67 mn (16.7% x It x 'T(AV) < I < TT x l,iAu)), @ T J max.
slope resistance
rm High level value on-state 1.65 1.43 1.38 (I > 1: x l,iAv)), @ T, max.
slope resistance
G, Maximum forward voltage drop 1.57 1.55 1.54 V ITS, = IT x |T(AV)' T J = 25°C, 180''coMuction
IH Maximum holding current 200 mA Anode supply = 6V initial IT= 30A, T J = 25°C
|L Maximum latching current 400 mA Anode supply = 6V resistive load = 1n
Gate pulse: 10V. loops, T J = 25°C
tgd Typical delay time 1 T J = 25°C Gate Current=1A dlg/dt=1A/ps
tgr Typical rise time 2 us T J = 25°C Vd=0,67% VDRM
tq Typical turn-off time 50 - 200 |TM = 300 A; -dl/dt = 15 Alps; T J = T J max
Vr= 50 V; dV/dt = 20 V/ps; Gate 0 V, 1000