IRGPH50KD2 ,1200V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications requiring short circuit withstand capability.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
IRGPH50M ,1200V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications requiring short circuit withstand capability.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
IRGPS40B120U ,1200V UltraFast 8-25 kHz Single IGBT in a TO-274AA package
IRGPS40B120UD ,1200V UltraFast 5-40 kHz Copack IGBT in a TO-274AA package
IRGPS40B120UDP ,1200V UltraFast 5-40 kHz Copack IGBT in a TO-274AA package
ISP1161 ,Full-speed Universal Serial Bus single-chip host and device controller
ISP1161a ,Full-speed Universal Serial Bus single-chip host and device controller
ISP1161A1BM ,ISP1161A1; Universal Serial Bus single-chip host and device controller
ISP1181BBS ,ISP1181B; Full-speed Universal Serial Bus peripheral controller
ISP1181BDGG ,ISP1181B; Full-speed Universal Serial Bus peripheral controller
ISP1183BS ,Low-power Universal Serial Bus interface device with DMA
1200V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) package
PD - 9.1121A
Short Circuit Rated
UltraFast CoPack IGBT
. Short circuit rated "10ps @ 125°C, VGE = 10V Td VCES = 1200V
(tips et Veg = 15V)
. Switching-lgss rating includfes all "tail" losses VCE(sat) s: 3.5V
. HEXFRED soft ultrafast diodes G
. Optimized for high operating frequency (over 5kHz) "
See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curve E @VGE = IW, '0 = 20A
Co-packaged lGBTs are a natural extension of International Rectifier's well
known IGBT line. They provide the convenience of an IGBT and an ultrafast d "a
recovery diode in one package, resulting in substantial benefits to a host of aiti-
high-voltage, high-current, applications.
These new short circuit rated devices are especially suited for motor control
and other applications requiring short circuit withstand capability.
TO -2 47 AC
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units]
I/ces Collector-to-Emmer Voltage 1200 V i
lo tt To = 25°C Continuous Collector Current 36
lo tt To = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 20
ICM Pulsed Collector Current C) 72 A 1
1m Clamped Inductive Load Current (D 72
IF © To = 100°C Diode Continuous Foward Current 16
Irs, Diode Maximum Forward Current 72
tsc Short Circuit Withstand Time 10 ps
Vss Gate-m-Emitter Voltage l 20 V
Po tt Tc = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 200 W
Pro @ To = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 78
To Operating Junction and -55 to +150 ,
Tsra Storage Temperature Range "C tttii,
Soldering Temperature, for 10 sec, 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 Screw. 1O Ibrin (IA N-m) 5
Thermal Resistance
, Parameter Min. Typ. 1 Max. und/
Rasc Junction-to-Case - IGBT - - 0.64
RM; Junction-to-Case - Diode - - 0.83 ''C/W
Recs Case-to-Sink, flat, greased surface - 0.24 -
RNA Junction-to-Ambient, typical socket mount - - 40
Wt Wttight - 6 (0.21) - g (oz)]
Revision 3
C-1 029
Electrical Characteristics (it To = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
mecgs Collector-to-Emitter Breakdown VoltageG) 1200 - - V Vas = 0V, lc = 250pA
AV(BR)CEs/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Breakdown Voltage - 1.8 - V/°C Vias = 0V, IC = 1.0mA
Vcaon) Collector-to-Emir Saturation Voltage - 2.7 3.5 IC = 20A VGE = 15V
- 3.4 - V k: = 36A See Fig. 2, 5
- 2.6 - IC = 20A, To = 150°C
VGE(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 - 6.0 VCE = Vas, Ic = 250pA
AVGE(m)/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Threshold Voltage - -1 5 - mV/°C Vce = Veg, Ic = 250pA
gm Forward Transconductance © 4.2 12 - S VCE = 100V, lc = 20A
Ices Zero Gate Voltage Collector Current - - 250 pA Veg = 0V, Veg = 1200V
- - 6500 T VGE = 0V, VCE = 1200V, To = 150°C
VFM Diode Forward Voltage Drop - 2.5 3.0 V lt = 16A See Fig. 13
- 2.1 2.5 Ic =16A,To = 150°C
lees Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current - - 1100 nA Veg = t20V 4
Switching Characteristics @ To tr.' 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
A Total Gate Charge (turn-on) - 94 140 lc = 20A
thr, Gate - Emitter Charge (turn-on) - 23 35 nC Vcc = 400V
Qgc Gate - Collector Charge (turn-on) - 24 36 See Fig. 8
tum) Turn-On Delay Time - 70 - T: = 25°C
tr Rise Time - 68 - ns ic = 20A, Vcc = 800V
tam) Turn-Off Delay Time - 200 470 VGE = 15V, FIG = 5.on
ti Fall Time - 190 320 Energy losses include ''tail" and
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss - 2.5 - diode reverse recovery.
Eoff Tum-Ott Switching Loss - 2.4 - mJ See Fig. 9, 10, 11, 18
G Total Switching Loss - 4.9 8.7
tsc Short Circuit Withstand Time 10 - - ps VGE = 10V Vcc =720V, To = 125°C
5.0 - - VGE = 15V Ra = 5.00, VCPK < 1000V
Won) Turn-On Delay Time - 68 - To = 150°C, See Fig. 9, 10, 11, 18
t, Rise Time - 63 - ns 10 = 20A, Vcc = 800V
tam) Turn-Off Delay Time - 320 - VGE = 15V, Re = 5.on
tt Fall Time - 310 - Energy losses include "tail'' and
G Total Switching Loss - 7.5 - mJ diode reverse recovery.
Ls Internal Emitter Inductance - 13 - nH Measured 5mm from package
Cies Input Capacitance - 2600 - Vos = 0V
Coes Output Capacitance - 140 - pF Vcc = 30V See Fig. 7
Cres Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 26 - f = 1.0MHz
trr Diode Reverse Recovery Time - 90 135 ns To = 25''C See Fig.
- 164 245 TJ = 125°C 14 IF = 16A
lrr Diode Peak Reverse Recovery Current - 5.8 10 A To = 25°C See Fig.
4 - 8.3 15 To = 125°C 15 l/n = 200V
G, _ Diode Reverse Recovery Charge - 260 675 nC To = 25°C See Fig.
- 680 1838 TJ = 125°C 16 d/dt=200A/ps
di(,ec)M/dt Diode Peak Rate of Fall of Recovery - 120 - Alps TJ = 25°C See Fig.
During tb - 76 - T: = 125°C 17
Notes: © Vcc=80%(VCES), VGE=2ov, L=10pH, © Pulse width 5.0ps,
G) Repetitive rating; VGE=20V, pulse width limited Rs: Son, ( See fig. 19) single shot.
by max. junction temperature. ( See fig. 20 )
G) Pulse width f. 80ps; duty factor s: 0.1%.