IRGPC40K ,600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications requiring short circuit withstand capability.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
IRGPC40KD2 ,600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications requiring short circuit withstand capability.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
IRGPC40U ,600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
IRGPC40UD2 ,600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.O-247ACTAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
IRGPC50F ,600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
IRGPC50FD2 ,600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
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600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) package
PD - 9.1077
Featu res
. Short circuit rate
. Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" losses
. Optimized for high operating frequency (over
See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) from International Rectifier
have higher usable current densities than comparable bipolar transistors,
Short Circuit Rated
UltraFast IGBT
d -10ps @125°C,VGE=15V
VCES = 600V
VCE(sat) f 3.2V
@VGE = 15V, lc = 25A
while at the same time having simpler gate-drive requirements of the m
familiar power MOSFET. They provide substantial benehts to a host of
high-voltage, high-current applications. P
These new short circuit rated devices are especially suited for motor ////
control and other applications requiring short circuit withstand capability.
TO -2 4 7 A C
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
VCES Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 600 V
Ic @ Tc = 25''C Continuous Collector Current 42
lc @ Tc = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 25 A
ICM Pulsed Collector Current OD 84
ILM Clamped Inductive Load Current © 84
tsc Short Circuit VWthstand Time 10 us
VGE Gate-to-Emitter Voltage A20 V
EARV Reverse Voltage Avalanche Energy © 15 W
PD @ TC = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 160 W
Pro @ Tc = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 65
T: Operating Junction and -55 to +150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range 'C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 sec. 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting torque, 6-32 or M3 screw. 10 Ibf-in (1.1N-m)
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
RGJC Junction-to-Case ------------ 0.77
Recs Case-to-Sink, flat, greased surface - 0.24 - "CM/
RQJA Junction-to-Ambient, typical socket mount ———————————— 40
Wt Weight - 6 (0.21) - 9 (oz)
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)CE5 Collector-to-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 600 - - V VGE = 0V, Ic = 250pA
V(BR)ECS Emitter-to-Collector Breakdown Voltage D 20 - - V VGE = 0V, k: = 1.0A
AWBmCEs/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Breakdown Volta e---- 0.46 - V/°C VGE = 0V, Ic = 1.0mA
Veaon) Collector-to-Emitter Saturation Voltage ---- 2.1 3.2 k: = 25A VGE = 15V
.--- 2.8 - V k: = 42A See Fig. 2, 5
- 2.5 - Ic = 25A, TJ = 150°C
VGE(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 - 5.5 VCE = VGE, Ic = 250PA
AVGE(th)/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Threshold Voltage ---- -13 - mV/°C VCE = VGE, Ic = 250pA
gfe Forward Transconductance s 7.0 14 ---- S VCE = 100V, Ic = 25A
ICES Zero Gate Voltage Collector Current - - 250 HA VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V
- - 1000 V95 = 0V, VCE = 600V, TJ = 150°C
lees Gate-to-Emi) Leakage Current - - i100 nA VGE = 120V
Switching Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
% Total Gate Charge (turn-on) - 61 92 Ic = 25A
' Gate - Emitter Charge (turn-on) ---- 13 19 nC Vcc = 400V See Fig. 8
Qoc Gate - Collector Charge (turn-on) ---- 22 33 VGE = 15V
tum) Turn-On Delay Time ---- 35 - To = 25''C
tr Rise Time ---- 27 ---- ns lc = 25A, Vcc = 480V
td(off) Turn-Off Delay Time ---- 160 240 VGE = 15V, RG = lon
tf FalITime - 130 200 Energy losses include "tail"
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss ---- 0.52 ----
Eoff Turn-Off Switching Loss ---- 1.2 ---- tttl See Fig. 9, 10, 11, 14
Ets Total Switching Loss - 1.7 2.6
tsc Short Circuit VWthstand Time 10 - -- us Vcc = 360V, To = 125°C
VGE = 15V, Rs = Ion, VCPK < 500V
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time ---- 34 ---- To = 150°C,
tr Rise Time ---- 28 ---- ns k: = 25A, Vcc = 480V
tdwm Turn-Off Delay Time ---- 300 - VGE = 15V, Rs = lon
tr FaIITime - 310 - Energy losses include "tail"
Ets Total Switching Loss - 3.6 - mJ See Fig. IO, 14
LE Internal Emitter Inductance ---- 7.5 ---- nH Measured 5mm from package
Cies Input Capacitance - 1500 - VGE = 0V
Coes Output Capacitance ---- 190 ---- pF Vcc = 30V See Fig. 7
Ores Reverse Transfer Capacitance ---- 17 - f = 1.0MHz
oo Repetitive rating; VGE=20V, pulse width
limited by max. junction temperature.
(See ftg. 13b)
C) Vcc=80%(VcEs), VGE=20V, L=10pH,
RG=1OQ, (See fig. 13a)
© Repetitive rating; pulse width limited
by maximum junction temperature.
(9 Pulse width 5.0ps,
single shot.
co Pulse width S 80ps; duty factor f 0.1%.