IRGPC30UD2 ,600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.TO -2 47ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emi ..
IRGPC40K ,600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications requiring short circuit withstand capability.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
IRGPC40KD2 ,600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications requiring short circuit withstand capability.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
IRGPC40U ,600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
IRGPC40UD2 ,600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.O-247ACTAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
IRGPC50F ,600V Discrete IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) packageapplications.TO-247ACAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. UnitsV Collector-to-Emitt ..
ISP1122NB ,Universal Serial Bus stand-alone hub
ISP1123BD ,Universal Serial Bus compound hub
ISP1123BD ,Universal Serial Bus compound hub
ISP1123D ,Universal Serial Bus compound hub
ISP1123D ,Universal Serial Bus compound hub
ISP1123D ,Universal Serial Bus compound hub
600V Copack IGBT in a TO-3P (TO-247AC) package
lhteripatipoal PD-9.1112
rem Rectifier IRGPC30U D2
Fe at u res C
. Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" losses VcEs=600V
. HEXFREDTM soft ultrafast diodes
. Optimized for high operating frequency (over 5kHz) V < 3 0V
See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curve G CE(sat) _ .
@VGE =15V, Ic = 12A
Co-packaged IGBTs are a natural extension of International Rectifler's well
known IGBT line. They provide the convenience of an IGBT and an ultrafast
recovery diode in one package, resulting in substantial benefits to a host of
high-voltage, high-current, motorcontrol, UPS and powersupply applications.
TO -2 4 7A C
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
I/ces Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 600 V
k: @ Tc = 25°C Continuous Collector Current 23
Ic @ Tc = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 12
ICM Pulsed Collector Current OD 92 A
ILM Clamped Inductive Load Current © 92
IF @ Tc = 100°C Diode Continuous Forward Current 12
IFM Diode Maximum Forward Current 92
VGE Gate-to-Emitter Voltage , 20 V
PD @ Tc = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 100 W
Po @ Tc = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 42
To Operating Junction and -55 to +150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range 'C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 sec. 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 Screw. IO Ibf-in (1.1 N-m)
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
ReJC Junction-to-Case - IGBT ------------ 1.2
ReJC Junction-to-Case - Diode ------------ 2.5 "CIW
Recs Case-to-Sink, flat, greased surface - 0.24 -
' Junction-to-Ambient, typical socket mount _-__--- 40
Wt Weight ------ 6 (0.21) - g (oz)
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)CES Collector-to-Emitter Breakdown Voltage@ 600 ---- ---- V VGE = 0V, lc = 250PA
AV(BR)CEs/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Breakdown Volta_ 0.63 - V/°C VGE = 0V, lc = 1.0mA
VCE(on) Collector-to-Emitter Saturation Voltage 2.2 3.0 Ic = 12A VGE = 15V
2.7 - V lc = 23A See Fig. 2, 5
2.4 - k: = 12A, Tu = 150°C
VGE(th) Gate Threshold Voltage - 5.5 VCE = VGE, Ic = 250PA
AVGE(m)/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Threshold Volta_ -11 ---- mV/°C VCE = VGE, k: = 250pA
gfe Forward Transconductance © 8.6 ---- S VCE = 100V, lc = 12A
Ices Zero Gate Voltage Collector Current - 250 pA VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V
- 2500 VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V, Tu = 150°C
VFM Diode Forward Voltage Drop 1.4 1.7 V Ic = 12A See Fig. 13
1.3 1.6 Ic=12A,Tu=1500C
legs Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current ---- A100 nA VGE = i20V
Switching Characteristics (ii) T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Typ. Max. Units Conditions
% Total Gate Charge (turn-on) 29 36 Ic = 12A
Qge Gate - Emitter Charge (turn-on) 4.8 6.8 nC Vcc = 400V
Qgc Gate - Collector Charge (turn-on) 12 17 See Fig. 8
tum) Turn-On Delay Time 67 - T: = 25°C
tr Rise Time 56 'rp-V ns IC = 12A, Vcc = 480V
td(off) Turn-Off Delay Time 170 250 VGE = 15V, RG = 239
tr FalITime 140 270 Energy losses include "tail" and
Ed, Turn-On Switching Loss 0.70 - diode reverse recovery.
Eott Turn-Off Switching Loss 0.80 ---- rnJ See Fig. 9, 10, 11, 18
Ets Total Switching Loss 1.5 2.5
lawn) Turn-On Delay Time 61 - TJ = 150°C, See Fig. 9, 10, 11, 18
t, Rise Time 51 ---- ns Ic = 12A, Vcc = 480V
truoto Turn-Off Delay Time 190 ---- VGE = 15V, RG = 239
h FalITime 190 - Energy losses include "tail" and
Ets Total Switching Loss 1.9 - mJ diode reverse recovery.
LE Internal Emitter Inductance 13 - nH Measured 5mm from package
Cies Input Capacitance 680 - VGE = 0V
Goes Output Capacitance 110 - pF Vcc = 30V See Fig. 7
Ores Reverse Transfer Capacitance 11 - f = 1.0MHz
trr Diode Reverse Recovery Time 42 60 ns To = 25°C See Fig.
80 120 To = 125°C 14 IF = 12A
lrr Diode Peak Reverse Recovery Current 3.5 6.0 A To = 25°C See Fig.
5.6 10 TJ =125°C 15 VR = 200V
Q,, Diode Reverse Recovery Charge 80 180 nC T J = 25°C See Fig.
220 600 TJ = 125°C 16 di/dt = 200A/
us d tDiode Pea Rate ( f Fall of Recovery - 180
- Alps To = 25 ee Fig. During tb ---- 120
Notes: T: = 125°C 17
(D Repetitive rating; VGE=20V, pulse width
limited by max. junction temperature.
( See Ftg. 20 )
© Vcc=80%(VcEs), VGE=20V, L=10pH,
Re: 239, (See Fig. 19)
© Pulse width 3 80ps; duty factor f 0.1%.
© Pulse width 5.0ps,
single shot.