IRGP50B60PDPBF ,600V Warp2 150kHz Copack IGBT in a TO-247AC packageApplicationsTO-247AC• Lower Conduction Losses and Switching Losses• Higher Switching Frequency up t ..
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600V Warp2 150kHz Copack IGBT in a TO-247AC package
PD - 95968
International IRGP50B60PDPbF
C VCES = 600V
Applications VCE(on) typ. = 2.00V
. Telecom and Server SMPS ' @ VGE = 15V lc = 33A
. PFC and ZVS SMPS Circuits
. Uninterruptable PowerSupplies Equivalent MOSFET
. Consumer Electronics Power Supplies G " Parametersc)
. Lead- Free
E RCE(on) typ. = 61mQ
Features n-cha nnel ID (FET equivalent) - 50A
. NPT Technology, Positive Temperature Coefficient
. Lower VCE(SAT)
. Lower Parasitic Capacitances
. Minimal Tail Current 1
. HEXFRED Ultra Fast Soft-Recovery Co-Pack Diode _ , 4-. ),ii,'jrlt,
o Tighter Distribution of Parameters 7' _ Cro'"
. Higher Reliability 0’5
. Parallel Operation for Higher Current Applications TO-247AC
. Lower Conduction Losses and Switching Losses
. Higher Switching Frequency up to 150kHz
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
VCES Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 600 V
IC @ Tc = 25''C Continuous Collector Current 75
Ic @ Tc = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 42
Ic,, Pulse Collector Current (Ref. Fig. C.T.4) 150
Irs, Clamped Inductive Load Current © 150 A
V © Tc = 25°C Diode Continous Forward Current 50
IF @ TC = 100°C Diode Continous Forward Current 25
IFRM Maximum Repetitive Forward Current © 100
VGE Gate-to-Emitter Voltage Elo V
PD @ Tc = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 370 W
Po @ Tc = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 150
T., Operating Junction and -55 to +150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range °C
Soldering Temperature for 10 sec. 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 Screw 10 Ibf-in (1.1 N-m)
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
Rooc (IGBT) Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case-each IGBT) - - 0.34 "C/W
ROJC (Diode) Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case-(each Diode) - - 0.64
Rocs Thermal Resistance, Case-to-Sink (tlat, greased surface) - 0.50 -
ROJA Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (typical socket mount) - - 40
Weight - 6.0 (0.21) - g (oz)
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TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics ti) T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Ref.Fig
V(BR)CES Collector-to-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 600 - - V I/ss = 0V, l: = 500pA
AV(BR)CEs/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Breakdown Voltage - 0.61 - V/“C VGE = 0V, IC = 1mA (25°C-125°C)
Rs Internal Gate Resistance - 1.2 - Q 1MHz, Open Collector
- 2.0 2.2 Ic = 33A, VGE = 15V 4, 5,6,8,9
Vegan) Collector-to-Emi) Saturation Voltage - 2.4 2.6 V Ic = 50A, VGE = 15V
- 2.6 2.9 k: = 33A, VGE = 15V, T, = 125°C
- 3.2 3.6 k: = 50A, VGE =15V,TJ =125°C
VGE(m) Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 4.0 5.0 V Ic = 250PA 7,8,9
AVGEMIATJ Threshold Voltage temp. coefficient - -7.07 - mV/°C VCE = VGE, lc = 1.0mA
gfe Forward Transconductance - 42 - S VCE = 50V, Ic = 33A, PW = 80ps
logs Collector-to-Emi) Leakage Current - 5.0 500 pA VGE = 0V, Veg = 600V
- 1.0 - mA VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V, TJ = 125°C
- 1.3 1.7 IF = 25A, I/ss = 0V
VFM Diode Forward Voltage Drop - 1.5 2.0 V IF = 50A, VGE = 0V IO
- 1.3 1.7 IF = 25A, VGE = 0V, T: =125°C
IGEs Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current - - i100 nA VGE = i20V, VCE = 0V
Switching Characteristics © T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Ret.Fig
09 Total Gate Charge (turn-on) - 240 360 IC = 33A 17
Qgo Gate-to-Collector Charge (turn-on) - 41 82 nC Vcc = 400V CT1
Qge Gate-to-Emitter Charge (turn-on) - 84 130 VGE = 15V
Eo,, Turn-On Switching Loss - 360 590 lc = 33A, Vcc = 390V CT3
Eoff Turn-Off Switching Loss - 380 420 pJ VGE = +15V, Rs = 3.39, L = 210pH
Em. Total Switching Loss - 740 960 TJ = 25°C ©
tum.) Turn-On delay time - 34 44 IC = 33A, Vcc = 390V CT3
t, Rise time - 26 36 ns I/ss = +15V, Rs = 3.39, L = 210pH
tum) Turn-Off delay time - 130 140 T: = 25°C ©
t, Fall time - 43 56
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss - 610 880 lc = 33A, Vcc = 390V CT3
Eoff Turn-Off Switching Loss - 460 530 pJ VGE = +15V, Rs = 3.39, L = 210pH 11,13
E10131 Total Switching Loss - 1070 1410 TJ = 125°C © WF1,WF2
tam") Turn-On delay time - 33 43 Ic = 33A, Vcc = 390V CT3
t, Rise time - 26 36 ns VGE = +15V, Rs = 3.39, L = 200pH 12,14
tdmff) Turn-Off delay time - 140 160 T J = 125°C © WF1,WF2
t, Fall time - 50 65
Cies Input Capacitance - 4750 - VGE = ov 16
CDes Output Capacitance - 390 - Vcc = 30V
Cres Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 58 - pF f= 1Mhz
Coes eff. Effective Output Capacitance (Time Related) S - 280 - VGE = 0V, Vas = 0V to 480V 15
coes eff. (ER) Effective Output Capacitance (Energy Related) CO - 190 -
TJ = 150°C, lc = 150A 3
RBSOA Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area F ULL SQUARE Vcc = 480V, Vp =600V CT2
Rg = 229, VGE = +15V to 0V
trr Diode Reverse Recovery Time - 50 75 ns T, = 25°C IF = 25A, VR = 200V, 19
- 105 160 T: = 125°C di/dt = 200A/ps
Qrr Diode Reverse Recovery Charge - 112 375 nC T J = 25°C IF = 25A, VR = 200V, 21
- 420 4200 T J = 125°C di/dt = 200/Ups
l,, Peak Reverse Recovery Current - 4.5 10 A TJ = 25°C IF = 25A, VR = 200V, 1920,21,22
l l - 8.0 15 TJ = 125°C di/dt = 200A/us CT5
CD RCE(on) typ. = equivalent on-resistance = VCE(on) typ./ Ic, where VcE(on) typ.= 2.00V and k: =33A. ID (FET Equivalent) is the equivalent MOSFET ID
rating @ 25°C for applications up to 150kHz. These are provided for comparison purposes (only) with equivalent MOSFET solutions.
© Vcc = 80% (VCEs), VGE = 20V, L = 28 pH, Rs = 22 Q.
© Pulse width limited by max. junction temperature.
G) Energy losses include "tail" and diode reverse recovery, Data generated with use of Diode 30ETH06.
© Coes eff. is a fDted capacitance that gives the same charging time as Coes while VCE is rising from 0 to 80% Vcss.
Goes eff.(ER) is a fixed capacitance that stores the same energy as CDes while VCE is rising from O to 80% VCES-
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