IRG6S320UPBF ,330V Plasma Display Panel Trench IGBT in a D2-Pak packageapplicationsI max @ T = 25°C 160 ARP CTM Low V and Energy per Pulse (E )CE(on) PULSET max150 °CJfo ..
IRG6S330U ,330V Plasma Display Panel Trench IGBT in a D2-Pak packageapplications.Absolute Maximum RatingsMax.Parameter UnitsV ±30Gate-to-Emitter Voltage VGEI @ T = 25° ..
IRG6S330UPBF ,330V Plasma Display Panel Trench IGBT in a D2-Pak packageapplicationsI max @ T = 25°C250 ARP CTM Low V and Energy per Pulse (E )CE(on) PULSET max150 °CJfor ..
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IRG7R313U ,330V PDP Trench IGBT in a D-Pak packageapplications.Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Max. UnitsV ±30Gate-to-Emitter Voltage VGEI @ T = 25 ..
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330V Plasma Display Panel Trench IGBT in a D2-Pak package
PD -96218A
International L'0iirRENilt2LCr
TOR Rectifier IRG6S320UPbF
Features Key Parameters
. Advanced Trench IGBT Technology VCE min 330 v
q Optimized for Sustain and Energy Recovery VCE(ON) typ. @ IC = 24A 1.45 V
circuits In PDP applications IRP max @ Tc-- 25°C 160 A
. Low VCEM) and Energy per Pulse (EPULSETM) T o
for improved panel efficiency J max 150 C
. High repetitive peak current capability
. Lead Free package
E D2Pak
n-channel IRG6S320UPbF
Gate Collector Emitter
This IGBT is specifically designed for applications in Plasma Display Panels. This device utilizes advanced
trench IGBTtechnologyto achieve low VCEW) and low EpULSETM rating per silicon area which improve panel
efficiency. Additional features are 150°C operating junction temperature and high repetitive peak current
capability. These features combine to make this IGBT a highly efficient, robust and reliable device for PDP
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
VGE Gate-to-Emitter Voltage :30 V
k; @ To = 25°C Continuous Collector Current, Vss @ 15V 50 Ci)
lc @ TC = 100°C Continuous Collector, VGE @ 15V 25 A
Irv, © To = 25°C Repetitive Peak Current (D 160
PD @Tc = 25°C Power Dissipation 114 w
PD @Tc = 100°C Power Dissipation 45
Linear Derating Factor 0.91 W/°C
TJ Operating Junction and -40 to + 150
Tsms Storage Temperature Range "C
Soldering Temperature for 10 seconds 300
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
'uc Junction-to-Case © - 1.1 °C/W
TO.R Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics © T, = 25''C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
BVCEs Collector-to-Emir Breakdown Voltage 330 - - V VGE = 0V, ICE = 500UA
V(BR)ECS Emitter-to-Collector Breakdown Voltages 3O - - V VGE = OV, Ice = 1 A
ABVCEs/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient - 0.30 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ICE = 1mA
- 1.20 - VGE =15V, ICE = 12A ©
- 1.45 1.65 I/ss = 15V, ICE = 24A (3
Vcaon) Static Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 1.95 - V VGE = 15V, ICE = 48A ©
- 2.20 - VGE = 15V, ICE = 60A (3
- 2.26 - VGE = 15V, ICE = 48A, To = 150°C Ch)
vGEOh) Gate Threshold Voltage 2.6 - 5.0 v Vce = Var, Ice = 250PA
AVGE(th)/ATJ Gate Threshold Voltage Coefficient - -10 - mV/°C
ICES Collector-to-Emitter Leakage Current - 1.0 10 VCE = 330V, VGE = 0V
- 5.0 - l/cs = 330V, l/ae = 0V, TJ = 100°C
20 100 PA I/cs = 330v, Vee = OV, TJ = 125°C
- 75 - vCE = 330v, Vas = OV, T, = 150°C
lees Gate-to-Emitter Forward Leakage - - 100 nA VGE = 30V
Gate-to-Emitter Reverse Leakage - - -1OO VGE = -301/
gfe Forward Transconductance - 28 - S I/cs = 25V, ICE = 12A
q, Total Gate Charge - 46 - nC VCE = 200V, lc = 12A, VGE = 15V©
Qgc Gate-to-Collector Charge - 7.7 -
tam) Turn-On delay time - 24 - k; = 12A, Vcc = 196V
t, Rise time - 2O - ns Re = 109, L=210pH, LS: 150nH
tam) Turn-Off delay time - 89 - T J = 25°C
t, Fall time - 70 -
tion) Turn-On delay time - 23 - k, = 12A, Vcc = 196V
t, Rise time - 52 - ns Rs = loo, L=200pH, Ls-- 150nH
tom Turn-Off delay time - 130 - T, = 150°C
t, Fall time - 140 -
ts, Shoot Through Blocking Time 100 - - ns Vcc = 240V, VGE = 15V, Re: 5.19
L = 220nH, C= 0.10pF, Vas =15V
EpuLSE Energy per Pulse - 240 - pJ Vcc = 240V, Rs-- 5.19, Tu = 25°C
L = 220nH, C= 0.10pF, Vas =15V
- 280 - Vcc = 240v, Rs-- 5.19, Tu = 100°C
Class 2
ESD Human Body Model (Per JEDEC standard JESD22-A114)
Machine Model Class B
(Per EIA/JEDEC standard EIA/JESD22-A115)
Cies Input Capacitance - 1160 - VGE = 0V
Coes Output Capacitance - 61 - pF Vce = 30V
Cres Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 38 - f = 1.0MHz, See Fig.13
LC Internal Collector Inductance - 5.0 - Between lead,
nH 6mm (0.25in.)
LE Internal Emitter Inductance - 13 - from package
and center of die contact
© Packaging limitation for this device is 42A.
C) Half sine wave with duty cycle <= 0.05, ton=2psec.
© R9 is measured at Tu of approximately 90°C.
© Pulse width S 400ps; duty cycle S 2%.