IRG4PH50K ,1200V UltraFast 4-20 kHz Discrete IGBT in a TO-247AC packageFeatures● High short circuit rating optimized for motor control,V = 1200VCESt =10μs, V = 720V, T = ..
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IRG4PH50UD ,1200V UltraFast 5-40 kHz Copack IGBT in a TO-247AC packageFeatures• UltraFast: Optimized for high operatingV = 1200VCES frequencies up to 40 kHz in hard s ..
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1200V UltraFast 4-20 kHz Discrete IGBT in a TO-247AC package
International PD-9.1576
B2R Rectifier IRG4PH50K
Short Circuit Rated
Features C
0 High short circuit rating optimized for motor control, V =
tsc =10ps, Vcc = 720V, T J = 125°C, VGE = 15V I‘d CES 1200V
0 Combines low conduction losses with high K V - 2 77V
switching speed G CE(on) typ. - .
0 Latest generation design provides tighter - -
parameter distribution and higher efficiency than E @VGE - 15V, lc - 24A
previous generations n .c h a n n el
0 As a Freewheeling Diode we recommend our HEXFREDTM
ultrafast, ultrasoft recovery diodes for minimum EMI/Noise
and switching losses in the Diode and IGBT
0 Latest generation 4 IGBTs offer highest power density
motor controls possible -
o This part replaces the IRGPH50K and IRGPH50M devices P.
TO-247 AB
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
VCES Collector-to-Emir Voltage 1200 V
lc @ Tc = 25°C Continuous Collector Current 45
lc @ Tc = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 24 A
ICM Pulsed Collector Current (D 90
ILM Clamped Inductive Load Current © 90
tsc Short Circuit VWthstand Time 10 us
VGE Gate-to-Emitter Voltage :20 V
EARV Reverse Voltage Avalanche Energy © 190 m]
PD @ To = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 200 W
PD @ Tc = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 78
Tu Operating Junction and -55 to +150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range ''C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 sec. 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting torque, 6-32 or M3 screw. 10 lbf-in (1.1N-m)
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
Rac Junction-to-Case - 0.64
Recs Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface 0.24 - TIN
RQJA Junction-to-Ambient, typical socket mount - 40
Wt Weight 6 (0.21) - g (oz)
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max Units Conditions
V(BR)CES Collector-to-Emi) Breakdown Voltage 1200 - - V VGE = 0V, lc = 250uA
V(BR)ECS Emitter-to-Collector Breakdown Voltage 18 - - V VGE = 0V, Ic = 1.0A
- 2.77 3.5 lc = 24A VGE = 15V
VCE(ON) Collector-to-emitter Saturation Voltage - 3.28 - V lc = 45A see figures 2, 5
- 2.54 - Ic = 24A , TJ = 150°C
Vegan Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 - 6.0 VCE = VGE, IC = 250uA
AVGE(th)/ATJ Temperature Coeff. of Threshold Voltage - -10 - mV/°C VCE = VGE, Ic = 2.0mA
gfe Forward Transconductance 13 19 - S VCE = 100 V, lc = 24A
ICES Zero Gate Voltage Collector Current - - 250 pA VGE = OV, VCE = 1200V
- - 2.0 VGE = ov, VCE = 10V, TJ = 25°C
- - 5000 Vas = 0V, VCE = 1200V, Tu = 150°C
IGES Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current - - i100 nA VGE = iZOV
Switching Characteristics @ T., = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
09 Total Gate Charge (turn-on) - 180 270 lc = 24A
Qge Gate - Emitter Charge (turn-on) - 25 38 nC Vcc = 400V see hgure 8
Qgc Gate - Collector Charge (turn-on) - 70 110 VGE = 15V
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time - 36 -
tr Rise Time - 27 - ns Tu = 25°C
tum) Turn-Off Delay Time - 200 300 Ic = 24A, Vcc = 960V
tf Fall Time - 130 190 VGE = 15V, Rs = 5.09
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss - 1.21 - Energy losses include "tail"
Eoff Turn-Off Switching Loss - 2.25 - mJ see figures 9,10,14
Ets Total Switching Loss - 3.46 4.1
tsc Short Circuit Withstand Time 10 - - us Vcc = 720V, Tu = 125°C
VGE = 15V, Rs = 5.09
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time - 35 - TJ = 150°C,
tr Rise Time - 29 - lc = 24A, Vcc = 960V
tum Turn-Off Delay Time - 380 - ns VGE = 15V, Rs = 5.09
" Fall Time - 280 - Energy losses include "tail"
Ets Total Switching Loss - 7.80 - mJ see figures 10,11,14
LE Internal Emitter Inductance - 13 - nH Measured 5mm from package
Cies Input Capacitance - 2800 - VGE = 0V
Coes Output Capacitance - 140 - pF Vcc = 30V see figure 7
Cres Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 53 - f = 1.0MHz
Ci) Repetitive rating; VGE = 20V, pulse width limited bymax.
junction temperature. (see figure 13b)
© Vcc = 80% NCES), VGE = 20V, L = 10pH, Rs = 5.09,
(see figure 13a)
© Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by maximum
junction temperature.
co Pulse width f 80ps; duty factor s: 0.1%.
© Pulse width 5.0ps, single shot.