IRFW520ATM ,100V N-Channel A-FETFEATURESBV = 100 VDSS Avalanche Rugged TechnologyΩR = 0.2DS(on) Rugged Gate Oxide Tec ..
IRFW520ATM ,100V N-Channel A-FETIRFW/I520AAdvanced Power MOSFET
IRFW530A ,N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETFEATURESBV = 100 VDSS Avalanche Rugged TechnologyΩR = 0.11DS(on) Rugged Gate Oxide Te ..
IRFW540A ,N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETFEATURESBV = 100 VDSSn Avalanche Rugged TechnologyR = 0.052 ΩDS(on) n Rugged Gate Oxide Tec ..
IRFW540ATM ,100V N-Channel A-FETFEATURESBV = 100 VDSSn Avalanche Rugged TechnologyR = 0.052 ΩDS(on) n Rugged Gate Oxide Tec ..
IRFW540ATM ,100V N-Channel A-FETIRFW/I540AAdvanced Power MOSFET
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ISL97653AIRZ-T , 5-Channel Integrated LCD Supply
ISL97656IRTZ , Integrated 4A Switch PWM Step-Up Regulator
ISL97656IRTZ-TK , Integrated 4A Switch PWM Step-Up Regulator
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100V N-Channel A-FET
Operating Temperature A (Max.) @ VDS = 100V (Typ.)
Advanced Power MOSFET
Thermal Resistance
FEATURES* When mounted on the minimum pad size recommended (PCB Mount).
Absolute Maximum RatingsC
Rev. B