IRFP253 ,N-Channel(Hexfet Transistors)applications such as switching I Dynamic dv/dt Rating
powersupplies, motorcontrols, inverters,chop ..
IRFP254 ,250V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packageapplications
where higher power levels preclude the use of TO-220 devices. The TO-247
is simiIarb ..
IRFP254A , $GYDQFHG 3RZHU 026)(7
IRFP254N ,250V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packageapplications wherehigher power levels preclude the use of TO-220 devices. The TO-247 is similarbut ..
IRFP254NPBF ,250V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC packagePD - 94213IRFP254N®HEXFET Power MOSFETl Advanced Process TechnologyDl Dynamic dv/dt Rating V = 250V ..
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EOR Rectifier
Dynamic dv/dt
Repetitive Ava
Fast Swi ..
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N-Channel(Hexfet Transistors)
IV D l] 0055052 0000750 i I]
Data Sheet No. PD-Q.44sB
s IRFP253
200 Volt, 0.085 Ohm HEXFET Product Summary
TO-247AC (T O-3P) Plastic Package
Part Number BVDSS RDS(on) ID
The HEXFEP technology is the key to International
Rethitier's advanced line of power MOSFET transistors. IRFP260 200V 0.0850 33A
The efficient geometry and unique processing of this latest
"State of the Art" design achieves: very low on-state IRFP251 150V 0.0850 33A
resistance combined with high transconductance; superior IRFP262 200V 0.120t1 27A
reverse energy and diode recovery dvldt capability.
IRFP253 150V 0.1209 27A
The HEXFET transistors also feature all of the well
established advantages of MOSFETs such as voltage Features:
control, very fast. switching, lay of paralleling and El Isolated Central Mounting Hole
temperature stability of the electrical parameters. El Repetitive Avalanche Ratings
They are wlell suited for appllcations such as switching III Dynamic dvldt Rating
power supp ies, motor controls, Inverters, choppers, audio . . .
amplifiers and high energy pulse circuits. D Simple Drive Requirements
El Ease of Parallellng
2rH"i'sl'l 0098)
15.90 (0.626) /i,
I MAX. l I
l 4 'ij,
03001 031)_
51510 015)
15_iliLil2 szaL>
J 55 lil I391 5 m m 215)
tsrl, {5010203)
55010211! I N 2030
I 50 (0.177)
"IV'' g-il-) 51.31
A_30_ 10110] (tt 5591
2 20 IO 057) a N (uTisp
2.4010 095)
MAX, 1.0010055) 54110215)
Irmiirm 010 1151
14.80 (0.583) 120:: -chz
m 2410 In
MAX. . 1:02-3:10!
Conforms to JEDEC Outline TO-247AC (1’03)
Dimensions In Millimeters and (Inches)
'This data sheet applies to product with batch codes that begln with a digit, to. EMS
IREP259, IBFP251, IRFP252, IRFP253 Devices
Absolute Maximum Ratings
11.5 0|] 0055052 0005751.
Parameter IRFP250. IRFP251 IRFP252, IRFP253 Units
ID @ To " 25°C Continuous Drain Current aa 27 A
In o To " 100°C Ounllnuous Drain Current 21 17 A
los, Pulsed Drain Current 0 130 110 A
PD © To " 25°C Max. Power Dissipation 180 W
Unaar Doraling Factor 1,4 Watts)
V93 Gala-(o-Source Voltage t20 V
EAS Slngle Pulse Avalanche Enargy® 810 md
(See Fig. 14)
'AR Avalanche Current 0 33 A
(Repamlva or Non-Repamlvs) (Sea EAR)
EAR Repeutlve Avalanche Energy co 18 N
(Sets IAR)
dv/dl Peak Dlode Recovery deldt co 5.0 Was
(See Fig. 17)
T,; Operating Juncllan -55 to 150 "
rsm Storage Tamperalute Range
Lead Temperature 300 (0.083 In. (1.6mm) lrom case for 103) "
Electrical Characteristics @ Tg =
25''C (Unless Otherwise Specified)
Paramalar Type Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
BVDSB DraWtthSourtyt Breakdown Voltage IRFPZSO
IHFP252 - - v v65 " CV, ID - 250PA
IFIFP251 150
RDSmn) Slalic DralMo-Source IRFP250 - 0 070 0 086
On-Stale Reslslance© IRFP25t n vas = lov, '0 " 17A
Inmsa - 0.M5 0.t2
ID on 0n-S1ate Drain Currant 0 IRFP250
( ) IRFP251 m - _ A VD3> 'D(on) x RDS(on) Max.
IRFP252 27 Vas = 10V
Vesuh) Gale Threshold Voltage ALL 2.0 - 4.0 V V03 - VGS, ID " 2500A
gts Forward Transeandur:ttuum© ALL 13 19 - 5(0) vps 'a sov, IDS " 17A
'055 Zero Gate Voltage Draln Current - - 250 Vos " Max, Rating, VGS = OV
ALL - - 1000 PA VDS " 0.8 x Max. Rating
VGS " 0V, Tg n 125°C
less GttttFity8ourctt Leakage Forward ALI. - _ 500 M vas " 20V
lass t3ai+ttFStturty, Leakage Reverse ALL - - -ti00 nA V63 " -20V
0g Total Gale Charge ALL - so 120 ntl V65 " 10V. ID " 30A
VDS " 0.8 tt Max. Rating
09, aigttFtthSourctt Charge ALL - 13 19 00 See Fig. 16
09d Gale-to-Drain (“Miller") Charge - 4a 64 " (Independent of operating tamparatursr)
tdpn) TumOn Delay Time ALL - 20 30 n5 V00 " 100v. ID " 30A, Ra = 6.20
l, Rise Time ALL - 120 180 ns RD " 3.30
kttott) Tumor! Delay Tlma ALL - 69 too us See Fig. 15
I, Full Time ALL - 50 120 " (Independent ot operating temperature)
LD Internal Drain Inductance ALL - 4.5 - nH Measured trom the drain Modified MOSFET symbol
lead. 8mm (0.25 In.) from showing lhe lnlemal
package to came! ot dla, Inductances.
Ls Internal Sounm Indudancs ALL - 7.5 - nH Measured tram the source
lead, 6mm (0.25 In.) from a
package to source
bonding pad.
cus Input Capacitance ALL - 2600 - pF vas = ov, V05 " 25V
Ass Output Capacilance ALL - 650 - pF t = 1.0 MHz
c,” Ravens Transfer Capacitance ALL - 150 - pF See Fig. 10