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100V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a PQFN package
PD - 97359
TOR Rectifier IRFH5053PbF
Applications HEXFET© Power MOSFET
o 3 Phase Boost Con erter Applications
V I I Voss RDS(on) max 09
q Secondary Side Synchronous Rectification
q Very low RDS(ON) at 10V VGS
. Low Gate Charge D 5 .
q Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and D 6
100% Tested for RG D [E
Lead-Free (Qualified up to 260°C Reflow) D 8
RoHS compliant (Halogen Free)
Low Thermal Resistance PQFN
Large Source Lead for more reliable Soldering
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
Vos Drain-to-Source Voltage 100 V
VGS Gate-to-Source Voltage t 20
ID © T, = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vas @ 10V 9.3
ID © TA = 70°C Continuous Drain Current, Vss © 10V 7.4
ID @ To = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vss © 10V 46 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current © 75
PD @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation CO 3.1
PD @TA = 70°C Power Dissipation s 2.0 W
Linear Derating Factor CO 0.025 W/°C
TJ Operating Junction and -55 to + 150 o
TSTG Storage Temperature Range C
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
ReJC Junction-to-Case © _ 1.6
Fu, Junction-to-Ambient s - 40 DCIW
Notes co through co are on page 9
IRFH5053PbF International
TOR Rectifier
Static @ To = 25''C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
BVoss Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 100 - - V Vas = 0V, ID = 250pA
ABVDSS/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient - 0.11 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ID = 1mA
RDS(on) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - 14.4 18 mg Vss = 10V, ID = 9.3A ©
Vesah) Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 3.7 4.9 V
Avesun) Gate Threshold Voltage Coefficient -- -11 -- mV/°C I/rss = Vss, ID = 100PA
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current --.- - 20 Vos = 80V, Vas = 0V
- - 250 pA Vos = 80V, l/ss = OV, TJ = 125°C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - 100 Vss = 20V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage - - -100 nA Vss = -20V
gfs Forward Transconductance 19 - - S Vos = 50V, ID = 7.4A
q, Total Gate Charge - 24 36
0951 Pre-Vth Gate-to-Source Charge - 5.2 - Vos = 50V
0952 Post-Vth Gate-to-Source Charge - 1.5 - Vas = 10V
di Gate-to-Drain Charge - 8.6 - nC ID = 7.4A
ngdr Gate Charge Overdrive - 8.7 - See Fig.17 & 18
st Switch Charge (0952 + di) - 10.1 -
Qoss Output Charge __- 12 .-__ nC Vos = 16V, Vas = OV
Re Gate Resistance - 0.8 - Q
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time --- 12 --.- Vor, = 50V, Vss = 10V
t, Rise Time - 7.5 - lo = 7.4A
tam Turn-Off Delay Time - 18 - ns Rs=1 .89
t, Fall Time - 4.1 - See Fig.15
Ciss Input Capacitance - 1510 - Vas = 0V
Cass Output Capacitance - 230 - pF Vos = 50V
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 59 - f = 1.0MHz
Avalanche Characteristics
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
EAs Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (2) - 21 mJ
|AR Avalanche Current 0) - 7.4 A
Diode Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
ls Continuous Source Current 2 8 MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) . A showing the
ISM Pulsed Source Current - - 75 integral reverse G
(Body Diode) CD p-n junction diode. S
Vso Diode Forward Voltage - - 1.3 V Tu = 25°C, ls = 7.4A, VGS = 0V ©
in Reverse Recovery Time - 31 47 ns Tu = 25°C, IF = 7.4A, Vor, = 50V
Q,, Reverse Recovery Charge - 210 320 nC di/dt = 800A/ps © See Fig.16
ton Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD)