IRFBG30PBF ,600V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
_ _ l Parynerer w l _ yax. / "unit's _
h: ..
IRFD014 ,60V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a HEXDIP packaget,Pg,tlge,! PD-9.700A
I9 RRectifier IRFD014
0 Dynamic dv/dt Rating
. F ..
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ISL6401CBZ-T , Synchronizing Current Mode PWM for Subscriber Line Interface Circuits (SLICs)
600V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package
0 Ultra Low Gate Charge
0 Reduced Gate Drive Reqwrement
q Enhanced 30V VGS Rating
. Reduced Cas, Cosa, Crss
. Extremely High Frequency Operation
q Repetitive Avalanche Rated
This new series of Low Charge HEXFETs achieve sigmfieantly lower gate
charge over conventional MOSFETs. Utilizing the new LCDMOS technology.
tne device improvements are achieved without added product cost. allowing J. ' ''"."
far reduced gate drive requirements and total system savings. h addition,
reduced switching losses and imoroved 'afficency are achievable in a vanety
ot high frequency applications. Frequencies ot a few MHz at high current are
Voss = 600V
RDSton) = 1.2S2
ID = 6.2A
possible us ng the new Low Charge MOSFETs.
These aevtce improvements combined with the uroven ruggedness and
reliability that are charactensttc of HEXFETs offer the designer a new standard
. . q . . . TO-220AB
In power transitttors for switching applications.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
.9 l 'iarameter I Max. f G% j
In © Tc = 25°C Continuous Drain Current: V55 © 10 V 6.2
lo © Tc = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, Vas lt 10 V 3.9 A
g las, , Pulsed Drain Current (ir 25 l
Po tt To = 25°C Power Dissipation i _ 125 _ W
Linear Deratlng Factor .. f 1.0 WFC
VGs Gate-to-Source Voltage V 130 I V
EAs Single Pulse Avaanche Energy_® 530 7 . mJ
Im i Avalanche Current co V --. 6.2 _ 7 A a
!_EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energy Ci) , _ 13 . _ ' m d
dvldt Peak Diode Becoveldv/d ~23; . u 3.0 _ - ' V/ns I
To Operating Junction and -55 to -150
. Tsm -ie,o,,r,er,.e, Temperature Range _4 'G l
. Mépldering Temperature, tor 10 seconds 300 (1 imr lrom case) _
- Mounting Torque, 6-32 cpu_s screw i 10 ltMn (1.1 tom) "_-_--- _ l ,
Thermal Resistance
- ‘a Parameter I Min. 3p. Max., Unit
Rate 1 Juncotto-Case _ - -- 1_.0
Recs "3asie-ttS.ink, Flat. Greased Surface - - 0.50 C" "C/W I
Ran - - 62
l wurutonAorAmtriimi
Electrical Characteristics @ TJ:35°CV(LII1IBSS otherwise specified)
l I _ Parameter Vin. ' Typ. Max. Unité t Test CorJdlli-ons
I V(aapss I Dran-to-Souayg Breyrdav.trtfol!ase 600 - - V Vas=ov, lo: 25mm.
Ameuss/ATJ' Breakdown Voltage Temp. ccefficqn: - 0.70 - VPC Reference to 25°C. I3: IrnA
Rush") ' Static Dram-to-Source orrResrs1ance _ _ - - . 1.2 n Vass1OV, Io-3.7A (4)
q Vesm) Gate Th'eshold Vo :age _ 2.0 - 4.0 , v_ vDs=vos, b: 250PA
9., FoEwarci Trartsco.ryfuctam" 3.7 - - _s-"vvss=1oov,"s---a.7A(s"
. - - 100 Vos=600V. VGs=0V
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - 500 uA vi,s,,-4sov,-iri2Tirv,-T,c'i2s-sc'
Hlsss Tfits-to-Ear/Oman: LeaKaga - - top, n A Ves=20V
. 'Gate-to-Soupe Reverse Leanagg - - -_10t2, _ . Vss=-20V
= Total Gate Charge - : - 39 ' lv=6.2A
Asm Gate m Sou "ce Charce - - 'P-, " Vas=360V
109: /iatitroranr'r3i:tsr'l'vai - - "9 IV35=10V See Fig. 6 and13 g, .
' tam _ - iur7dn Delay Time - 12 - 1 VDD=SOCV
t, - fRise Time . - 20 . - ns lo=6 2A
tam) Tum.0ti Delay Time I - 27 _. - _ 1 RG=9.1Q
t1 i, Fall Time . - 1 i - 1 RD=4752 See Fsgure 10 (13
' I E; iii tt
Lo Internal Drain inductance - 4.5 - _' 6 $396125) (iii)
nH 1 tram pacxage 53L .
Ls Internal Source mductance - 7.5 - l and center 6f J
_ 1 die contact u
.219 'Innut CaDawtanee -.. 1100 ' - iVos=0V
'sa, Oytout Caoacnance - 140 - 2.F I Vos= 25V
Cm Reverse erans‘er Caoacatance - 15 - , 5:1 DMHZ See F-gures -
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. ' Max. l Unitsl TestConaitions
Is 1 Continuous Scurce Current - - 6 2 E Tef symbol D
1 (Body Diode) _ A shawing the
ISM l Pulsed Source Current - - 25 I imagraI ravage G
(Body Diode) CO - p-n junction diode. s
Vso IDiode Forward Voltage - - 1.5 V TJ=25°C. ls-6.2A. Vas--dht G) .
tr. l Reverse Recovery Time - 440 660 ns Trx250C, IFF
G, _ - j Reverse Recovery Charge - i 2.1 3.2 l wc di/dt=1OOA/p.s G)
ts, I Forwarq Turn-On Time I ntrinaic turn-on time is n . Io (tum-on is dominatad trl't.sio)'
S Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
max. junction termerature (See Figure 11)
C2) VDD=50V. starting T,=25’C, L=25mH
Rs=25f2, lAs=6.2A (See Finge 12)
(it Isuss.2A. dthsBOA/us, Voosviamoss.
Tssl 50°C
C) Pulse width I 300 us: duty cycze s2%