IRFB9N60APBF ,600V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packagePD - 91811IRFB9N60A®HEXFET Power MOSFETl Dynamic dv/dt RatingDl Repetitive Avalanche RatedV = 600VD ..
IRFB9N60APBF ,600V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packagePD - 91811IRFB9N60A®HEXFET Power MOSFETl Dynamic dv/dt RatingDl Repetitive Avalanche RatedV = 600VD ..
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600V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package
TOR Rectifier IRzl39N60A
0 Dynamic dv/dt Rating D
o Repetitive Avalanche Rated VDSS = 600V
0 Fast Switching
0 Ease of Paraleling ' -
0 Simple Drive Requirements G RDS(on) - 0.75n
I = 9.2A
Third Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier provide the designer
with the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-
resistance and cost-effectiveness.
The TO-220 package is universally preferred for all commerciaI-industrial
applications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 watts. The low
thermal resistance and low package cost of the TO-220 contribute to its wide
acceptance throughout the industry.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
ID @ Tc = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vss @ 10V 9.2
ID @ Tc = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, l/ss @ 10V 5.8 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current C) 37
Po @Tc = 25°C Power Dissipation 170 W
Linear Derating Factor 1.3 W/“C
VGS Gate-to-Source Voltage * 30 V
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy© 290 mJ
IAR Avalanche Current© 9.2 A
EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energyc0 17 mJ
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt © 5.0 V/ns
Tu Operating Junction and -55 to + 150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range "C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 seconds 300 (1.6mm from case )
Mounting torque, 6-32 or M3 srew IO lbf-in (1.1N-m)
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
ReJC Junction-to-Case - 0.75
Recs Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface 0.50 - "CIW
ReJA Junction-to-Ambient - 62
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics © T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 600 - - V VGs = 0V, lo = 250PA
AV(BR)DSS/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coemcient - 0.66 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ID = 1mA
Roam") Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - - 0.75 n VGS = 10V, ID = 5.5A ©
Ves(m) Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 - 4.0 V I/rss = Was, ID = 250pA
9ts Forward Transconductance 5.5 - - S l/DS = 25V, ID = 5.5A
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - 25 pA VDS = 600V, VGS = 0V
- - 250 VDs = 480V, VGs = 0V, TJ = 150°C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - 100 n A VGs = 30V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage - - -100 VGs = -30V
Qg Total Gate Charge - - 49 ID = 9.2A
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge - - 13 nC VDs = 400V
di Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - - 20 Vcs = 10V, See Fig. 6 and 13 ©
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time - 13 - VDD = 300V
t, Rise Time - 25 - ns ID = 9.2A
td(off) Turn-Off Delay Time - 30 - Rs = 9.152
" Fall Time - 22 - R9 = 35.5Q,See Fig. 10 ©
Lo Internal Drain Inductance - 4.5 - Between tal D
nH 6mm (0.25m) Q )
Ls Internal Source Inductance - 7.5 - from package . G
and center of die contact s
Ciss Input Capacitance - 1400 - VGs = 0V
Coss Output Capacitance - 180 - Vros = 25V
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 7.1 - pF f = 1.0MHz, See Fig. 5
Coss Output Capacitance - 1957 - VGS = 0V, I/os = 1.0V, f = 1.0MHz
Coss Output Capacitance - 49 - VGs = 0V, Vos = 480V, f = 1.0MHz
Coss eff. Effective Output Capacitance (9 - 96 - VGs = 0V, Vos = 0V to 480V
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
ls Continuous Source Current - - 9 2 MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) . A showing the
ISM Pulsed Source Current integral reverse G
(Body Diode) OD - - 37 p-n junction diode. s
Vso Diode Forward Voltage - - 1.5 V To = 25°C, ls = 9.2A, VGS = 0V ©
tn Reverse Recovery Time - 530 800 ns To = 25°C, IF = 9.2A
Qrr Reverse RecoveryCharge - 3.0 4.4 pC di/dt = 100A/ps 6)
ton Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic tum-on time is negligible (tum-on is dominated by LS+LD)
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
© Pulse width 3 300ps; duty cycle s: 2%.
max. junction temperature. ( See Rr 11 )
© Starting To = 25°C, L = 6.8mH
Rs = 259, us-- 9.2A. (See Figure 12)
© Isro S 9.2A, di/dt S 50A/ps, VDD f V(BR)ross,
TJ S 150°C
s cus eff. is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging time
as Coss while VDs is rising from 0 to 80% VDss