IRFB16N50K ,500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageApplications Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) HEXFET Power MOSFET Uninterruptible Power Supply ..
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500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package
0 Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
PD - 95855
o Uninterruptible Power Supply V R t I
q High Speed Power Switching DSS DS yp
. . on . D
. Hard Switched and High Frequency ( )
Circuits 500V 285mO 17A
a Low Gate Charge Qg results in Simple Drive
. Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamicdv/dt
Ruggedness ., '
. Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avalanche 'o
Voltage and Current "G
. Low Rosmn)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
ID © Tc = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 17
ID © To = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 11 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current (D 68
Pro @Tc = 25°C Power Dissipation 280 W
Linear Derating Factor 2.3 Wl°C
VGS Gate-to-Source Voltage * 30 V
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt © 8.0 V/ns
TJ Operating Junction and -55 to + 150
TSTG Storage Temperature Range ''C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 seconds 300 (1.6mm from case)
Mounting torqe, 6-32 or M3 screw 10 Ibf-in (1.1N-m)
Avalanche Characteristics
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy© - 310 mJ
'AR Avalanche Current CD - 17 A
E AR Repetitive Avalanche Energy C) _ 28 mJ
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
ROJC Junction-to-Case - 0.44 ''C/W
Recs Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface 0.50 -
ROJA Junction-to-Ambient - 62
03/1 1/04
IRFliy16N50K International
TOR Rectifier
Static @ T = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 500 - - V I/ss = 0V, ID = 250pA
AV(BR)DSS/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient - 0.58 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ID = 1mA
RDS(on) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - 285 350 mn VGs = 10V, ID = 10A ©
VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 3.0 - 5.0 V Ws = Vss, b = 250pA
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - 50 pA Ws = 500V, Vss = 0V
_ - 250 Mos = 400V, Ves = 0V, TJ = 125°C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - 100 nA VGs = 30V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage -- - -100 VGS = -30V
Dynamic T., = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
gfs Forward Transconductance 5.7 - - S Vos = 50V, ID = 10A
q, Total Gate Charge - 60 89 ID = 17A
095 Gate-to-Source Charge - 18 27 nC Vros = 400V
an Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - 28 43 V65 = 10V ©
td(on) Turn-On Delay Time - 20 - VDD = 250V
tr Rise Time - 77 - ns lo = 17A
tum“) Turn-Off Delay Time - 38 - RG = 8.89
h Fall Time - 30 - I/ss = 10V ©
Ciss Input Capacitance - 2210 - I/ss = 0V
Coss Output Capacitance - 240 - Ws = 25V
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 26 - pF f = 1.0MHz
Coss Output Capacitance - 2620 - VGs = 0V, VDs = 1.0V, f = 1.0MHz
Coss Output Capacitance - 63 - VGS = ov, Vos = 400V, f = 1.0MHz
Coss eff. Effective Output Capacitance - 120 - I/ss = 0V, Vos = 0V to 400V ©
Diode Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
ls Continuous Source Current - - 17 A MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) showing the
ISM Pulsed Source Current - - 68 A integral reverse G
(Body Diode) C)(6) p-n junction diode. S
VSD Diode Fon/vard Voltage - - 1.5 V TJ = 25°C, IS = 17A, VGs = 0V ©
trr Reverse Recovery Time - 490 730 ns T J = 25°C, IF = 17A
er Reverse Recovery Charge - 5710 8560 nC di/dt = 100A/ps ©
ton Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD)
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by © ISDS 17A, di/dt S 340/Ups, VDDSV(BR)DSS, Trs 150°C.
max. junction temperature. co Pulse width 3 300psi duty cycle I 2%.
© Starting To = 25°C, L = 2.2mH, Rs = 259,
IAS = 17A.