IRF9610 ,-200V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 watts. The low
thermal resistance and ..
IRF9610 ,-200V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packagelntemational
0 Dynamic dv/dt Rating
q P-Channel
q Fast ..
IRF9610 ,-200V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 watts. The low
thermal resistance and ..
IRF9610. ,-200V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 watts. The low
thermal resistance and ..
IRF9610PBF , HEXFET POWER MOSFET ( VDSS=-200V , RDS(on)=3.0Ω , ID=-1.8A )
IRF9610S ,-200V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak package_ International
1912 Rectifier T IRF9610S
q Surface Mount
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ISL6251AHAZ , Low Cost Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger Controller
ISL6251AHRZ , Low Cost Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger Controller
ISL6251AHRZ , Low Cost Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger Controller
ISL6251HAZ , Low Cost Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger Controller
ISL6251HAZ-T , Low Cost Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger Controller
-200V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package
TOR Rectifier
o Dynamic dv/dt Rating
o P-Channel
o Fast Switching
0 Ease of Paralleling
0 Simple Drive Requirements
The HEXFET technology is the key to International Rectifier's advanced line
of power MOSFET transistors. The efficient geometry and unique processing
of the HEXFET design achieve very low on-state resistance combined with
D l/rss = ..2001/
RDS(on) ITd 3.09
S _ ID = -1.8A
high transconductance and extreme device ruggedness.
The TO-220 package is universally preferred for all commercial-industrial
applications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 watts. The low
thermal resistance and low package cost of the TO-220 contribute to its wide
acceptance throughout the industry.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
lo © Tc = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vas @ -10 V -1.8
In © To = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, Vas © -10 V -1.0 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current C) _ -7.0
Po @ To = 25°C Power Dissipation 20 W
Linear Derating Factor 0.16 WPC
Ves Gate-to-Source Voltage fc20 V
[LM inductive Current, Clamp -7.0 A
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt G) -5.0 V/ns
Tu Operating Junction and -55 to +150
Tsre Storage Temperature Range °C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 seconds 300 (1.6mm from case)
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 screw 10 lbf.in (1.1 Nom)
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
ch Junction-to-Case - - 6.4
Racs Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface - . 0.50 - ot2/W
Ram Junction-to-Ambient - - 62
Electrical Characteristics tii) Tg 'IL" 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
V(BH)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage -200 - - V Vss=0V, lo=-250uA
AVisrnosshhTo Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient - -0.23 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, lo=-1mA
Roswn) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - - 3.0 n VGs=-1OV, Jo=-0.90A ©
Vesuh) Gate Threshold Voltage 20 - M.0 V Vos=VGs, Irr---250psA _
gts Forward Transconductance 0.90 - - S Vos=-50V, lb=-0.90A ©
' - - -100 Vns=-200V, Vos=0V
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - -500 WA Vos=-160V, VGs=OV, T,r=1250C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage -- - -100 n A Vss=-20V
Gate-io-Source Reverse Leakage - - 100 Ver--20V
th Total Gate Charge - - 11 |D=-3.5A
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge - - 7.0 nC Vos=-160V
the Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - - 4.0 VGs=-10V See Fig. 11 & 18 ©
tam) Turn-On Delay Time - 8.0 - Voo=-1OOV
tr Rise Time - 15 - n S ID=-0.90A
tum) Turn-Off Delay Time - 10 - Rtr--50n
tr Fall Time - 8.0 - Ro=1109 See Figure 17 ©
Lo Internal Drain Inductance - 4.5 -.- 2 eggs 2185: ') ci',
nH 7 from package cg}
Ls Internal Source Inductance - 7.5 - Ind center 6f ,
die contact 5
Ciss Input Capacita nce - 170 - Ves=0V
Coss Output Capacitance - 50 - PF VDs=-25V
Crss Reverse TransferCapacitance - 15 - f=1.0MHz See Figure 10
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Cdnditions
Is Continuous Source Current - - _1 8 MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) . A showing the L-,,)
ISM Pulsed Source Current - - -7.0 inte.gral reverse iiri-:
(Body Diode) C) p-n junction diode. s
Vso Diode Forward Voltage - - -5.8 V TJ=25°C, ls=-1.8A, VGs=0V (E)
trr Reverse Recovery Time - 240 360 ns TJ=25°C, IF=-1.8A
er Reverse Recovery Charge - 1.7 2.6 pC di/dt=100A/us (C4)
ton I Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is neglegibie (turn-on is dominated by Ls+Lo)
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
max. junction temperature (See Figure 5)
© Not Applicable
Q) isos-1 .BA, di/dts70A/ps, VDDSV(BR)Dss,
© Pulse width Lt 300 usiduty cycle s2°/o.