IRF9540 ,19A, 100V, 0.200 Ohm, P-Channel Power MOSFETsInternational
PD-9.421 C
Dynamic dv/d ..
IRF9540N ,-100V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packagePD - 91437BIRF9540N®HEXFET Power MOSFETl Advanced Process TechnologyDl Dynamic dv/dt RatingV = -100 ..
IRF9540N. ,-100V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications at power dissipationlevels to approximately 50 watts. The low thermalresistance and l ..
IRF9540NPBF ,-100V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications.The TO-220 package is universally preferred for allcommercial-industrial
IRF9540NSPBF , HEXFET POWER MOSFET (VDSS = -100V , RDS(on) = 117mΩ , ID = -23A )
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IIE o [I l1555553 0005555 ll [I
Data Sheet No. PD-9.320F
ll IFIF953‘1
G P-channel llAlFSMStBti2
-100 Volt, 0.3 Ohm HEXFET Features:
TO-220AB Plastic Package
The HEXFET° technology Is the key ta International Rectilier's
advanced line of power MOSFET transistors. The etflclant geometry
and unique processing of the HEXFET design achieve very low on-
state resistance combined with high transconductance and extreme
device ruggedness.
The P-Channel HEXFETs are designed for applications which requlre
the convenience of reverse polarity operation. They retain all of the
features of the more common N-Channel HEXFETs such as voltage
control, very fast switching, ease of paralleling, and excellent
temperature stability. The P-Channel IRF9530 device is an approximate
electrical complement to the N-Channel IBF520 HEXFET.
P-Channel HEXFETs are intended for use in power stages where
complementary symmetry with N-Channel devices otters circuit
simplifleatlom They are also very useful in drive stages because of
the clrcult varsatllity offered by the reverse polarity connection.
Applications include motor control, audio amplifiers, switched mode
15.09 (0.594)
13.97 LT,,
II P-Channel Versatility
II Compact Plastic Package
n Fast Switching
II Low Drive Current
I Ease of Paralleling
II Excellent Temperature Stability
Product Summary
Part Number V05 R03(on) lo
IRF9630 -1oov 0.30ft M2A
IRF9531 -eov 0.30:2 -12A
IRF9532 -1oov 0.40n -10A
IRF9533 -60V 0.40n -10A
tosuons) TEEN-
uumm ms rar, . ”RAIN
tiit ra, 31310145) out
k, mums)
TERM! -gitAlt
5 33 IO 2M
0_5Litl, 4 a: to :90)
lil 510)
093910 0311
1590“"! 068810021]
1 " iT la!)
Case Style T0-220AB
Dimensions in Millimeter: and (inches)
0 5t io 010)
tut til DIS)
1.1.5 D [l 0055052 0005500 0 -
IRF9539, I5F9531, IRF9532, IRF9533 Devices T-39-21
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter IRFSSSO IRF9531 IRF9532 IRF9533 Unhs
vDs Drain - Source Voltage (D 400 -so -100 -60 v
VDGR Drain - Gate Voltage (H65 = 20 km (i) 400 -60 -100 -60 1
ID @ Tc = 25"c Conunuaus Drain Current 42 42 -1o -10 A -
ID o Tc = 100°C Continuous Drain Current -7.5 -7.5 -6.5 -6.5 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current o -48 -48 -40 "ttl A
VGS Gate - Soulce Voltaga l 20 V
PD tt Tc = 25°C Max. Power Dissipathn " (See Fig. 14) W
Linear Derating Factor 0.6 (See Fig. 14) WIK©
ILM Inductive Current, Clampad (See Fig. 15 and 16) L = 100;:H A
-48 I Mt I -40 I -40
'is, 'i'st''gttl,',1iTe,1grth",/1,"1ng,, . -65 to l 50 ''C
Lead Temperature 300 (0.0631'n. (1.6mm) from case for 10s) "
Electrical Characteristics @Tc = 25°C (Unless Otherwise Specified)
Parameter Type Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
BVDSS Drain _ Source Breakdown Voltages |RF9530 - _ - -
IRF9532 100 V VGS - 0V
IRF9531 -
IRF9533 ~60 - - V In - -250uA
Vtssitht Gate Threshold Voltage ALL -2.0 - -4.0 V VDS = VGS, ID = ~2500A
IGSS Gata-Sourca Leakage Forward ALL - _ moo nA VGS = -20V
IGSS Gate-Sourca Leakage Reverse ALL _ _ 600 nA VGS = 20V
IDSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current AU. - - -250 pA vos = Max. Rating, V63 = 0V
- - 4000 PA V05 = Max. Rating x0.8. V55 = 0V. Tc = 125°C
itotom On-Stme Drain Current (2) IRF9530 42 - - A
IRF9531 v )1 xR v a -10V
DS 0(anl DSton) mam' GS
IRF9532 40 - _ A
RDS1on) Statin Drain-Sourca On-State IRFSSSO _
Resistance © IRF9531 O.25 0.30 0 v - 10V I - 6 5A
IRF9532 - 0.30 0.40 n Gs" .'D="3. .
IRF9533 . . ,
Ws Forward Transctmductant:e © ALL 2.0 3.8 - S10) VDS yitotorty X Roston) max,' 'D = -6.5A
Ciss Input Capaclt0nce ALL - 500 700 pF VGS = 0V, VDS = -25V,1 = 1.0 MHz
coss Output Capacitance ALL - 300 450 pF See Fig. 10 _
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance ALL - 100 200 pF l
tdion) TurrvOn Delay Time ALL - 30 60 ns VOD :- 0.5 BVDSS' 'D " -6.6A, it,, " 500
tr Rise Time ALL - 70 140 us See Fig. 17
tdiofft Tum-Off Delay Time ALL - 70 140 ns (MOSFET switching times are essentially
t, Fell Time ALL - 70 140 ns Independent of operating temperature.)
0 Total Gate Charge V = -15V,l = -15A.V s 0.8 Max. Rating.
g - GS D DS
(Gate-Source Plus Gate-Draln) ALL 26 45 " See Fig. 18 for test circuit. (Gate charge is essentially
Ogs Gate-Sourca Charge ALL - 13 - nC independent of operating temperature.)
Ogd Gate-Drain ("Millet") Charge AU. - 12 - nC
LD Internal Drain Inducxance - 3.5 - nH Measured from the Modified MOSFET
contact screw on tab symbol showing the
to center of die. Internal device
ALL inductances.
- 4.5 - nH Measured from the
drain lead, 6mm (0.25
In.) from package to
center of die.
Ls Internal Source 1nductartce AU. - 7.5 - nH Measured from the
source lead, 6mm
(0.25 in.) from '
package to source "
bonding pad. - _
Thermal Resistance _
Rch Junction-to-Case ALL - - 1.67 Klw© .
RthCS Case-to-Sink ALL - 1.0 - Klw© Mounting surface flat. smooth, and greased.
R(hJA Junction-to-Arnbient ALL - - 80 KIW© Typical socket mount /