IRF840LCPBF ,500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
_ Parameter _ Mex. Units
b © Tc = 25'C Continuous Drain ..
IRF840LCSTRL ,500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak packageapplications.Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Max. UnitsI @ T = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, V @ ..
IRF840PBF ,500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageInternational
1:212 Rectifier
q Dynamic dv/dt ..
IRF840S ,500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak packageapplications because of its low internal connection
resistance and can dissipate up to 2.0W in a t ..
IRF840STRR ,500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak package: International
TOR Rectifier llRF840S
. Surface Mount
ISL6207CB-T ,High Voltage Synchronous Rectified Buck MOSFET Driverfeatures. See JATech Brief TB379.4. For θ , the “case temp” location is the center of the exposed m ..
ISL6207CBZ ,High Voltage Synchronous Rectified Buck MOSFET Driverfeatures 4A typical sink current for the lower gate driver. The 4A typical sink current is capable ..
ISL6207CR ,High Voltage Synchronous Rectified Buck MOSFET Driverfeatures a three-state PWM input that, PCB efficiency and has a thinner profileworking together wit ..
ISL6207CR-T ,High Voltage Synchronous Rectified Buck MOSFET Driverapplications. This driver, combined with an Intersil •0.4Ω On-Resistance and 4A Sink Current Capabi ..
ISL6207CRZ-T ,High Voltage Synchronous Rectified Buck MOSFET DriverFeaturesMOSFET Driver• Drives Two N-Channel MOSFETsThe ISL6207 is a high frequency, dual MOSFET dri ..
500V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package
dt Ultra Low Gate Charge
tt Reduced Gate Drive Requirement
0 Enhanced 30V VGs Rating
tt Reduced Ciss,
0 Extremely Hig
0 Repetitive Avalanche Rated
This new series of Low Charge HEXFETS achieve significantly lower gate
charge over conventional MOSFETs. Utilizing the new LCDMOS technology,
the device improvements are achreved without added product coal, allowing
for reduced gate drive requirements am 1otat system savings. In addition.
reduced switching losses and improved efficiency are achievable In a variety
of high lrequency applications. Frequencies of a few MHz at high current are
possible using the
These device improvements combined with the proven ruggedness and
lreliability that are tyharacteristc of HEXFETS offanha designera new standard
Cosa, Crss
h Frequency Operahon
Voss = 500V
'0 = 8.0A
Roson) = 0.859
new Low Charge MOSFETs
in power transistors for switching applications.
Absoiute Maximum Ratings
F Paramewr _ _ Max. Units I
la a Tc = 2tPC Continuous Drain Cunant. l/ss tt 10 V 8.0 '
h @ Tc = 100°C Continuous Drain Current. hss tt to V 5.1 A
lam Pulsed Dram Current C) 28
Po 0 Tc ; 25"0 Power Dissipation 125 W
Linear Darating Fade! 1.0 WPO
. gag CigAe=tnaiLutLqg. Voltage ago v 1
! EAS , ' Single Pulse Avatancha Energy Q) 510 md !
r AR 'Ayalanghe Cunent C; _ 8.0 A
' EAR Repetrtwe Avalanche Energy L')_ 13 ml
dvldt Peak Dione Recovery dv/dt © 3.5 Vins
To Operating Junction and -55 to +150 t
TSTG Storage Temperature Range 1 "C F
. Soldering Temperature. tor." 0 seconds 300 (1.t8pr1trrpntas_trL, i, _ - __“_
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 screw 101bf-ln (1.1 tGm) l
Thermal Resistance
_‘.._.__. . Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
Hen: . Junction-to-Case - - 1.0 .
Recs l Case-to-tMk, Flat, Greased Surface - 0.50 - °C/W
a Ram Junchon-to-Ambéent - - 62
Electrical Characteristics tit Tga-
"T (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Iyp. Max, Uni1s Test Qonclillons 7
mm Drain-toSource BreakdoINn Voltage . 300 - - , - v Vos--0V, lg: 250PA
'2iiivvossar, Breakdown Vcltage Tmtcotrttt!ent - 0.63 - I/PC. Reference to 95°C. In: lrnA
Raw, Static Drain-Io-Source On-Hesistge T r - ' - 0.35 a vaszmv. 19-4345 ©
Vasm Gate Threshoid Voltage 2.0 - 4.0 V Vos=Ves. lo: 250PA
th forward Transconduclancei 4.0 - - S Vos=50V Ia=4 BAIL .'2N
lass Drain-tn-Source Leakage Current "fr- I'- ser-'' J,t,si:i-iii';-ij',l' _(.:j,s:ij)-i,i.r-s,-i-i,t-),
_. 5 Gate-to-Suurce Forward Leakage - - 100 'ri/r-so i
I tse Gate-to-St- Reverse Leakage Lrl. - ~1OO nA Vars 20V T "
_ O; - Total Gate Chang I' - - 39 JDHB-DA
gm GaIe-lo-Scurce Cl'ame - c- 10 nC Vos--400V
l 04d lGale-lo-Dranw '"hhllerulhame - - 19 l Vss--10V See =ig. ii) and 13 Cs,
"utri) l Turn-On Delay TIrne - 12 - I Von=250V
:'' t, - Rise Time - 25 - ns , kr--B.0A
1 ttttgt) 'Tum-OII Delay Time - 27 - i Ra=9. 19
19 l Fali Tune - 19 --- Ro-SCQ See Figure 10 g)
Ln Internal Drain Induciance _ 3 4.5 - 53mg) /j
7 - - - , I OH imm package J "
Ls , Internal Source Inductance - l 7.5 I - and center 6t 'hee.
- ' _ _.'-, die contact a
PC.“ Ii MMan-dmance - i 1100 l - Ver--0V
Cass __dautpuuiapgrutantvt _ . 17D - 5“ , 'hrqr: 25V
G, l fleyerse Transter capacitance - 18 - I'--1.0.‘/1Hz See Home 5
Sourca-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
. - 9ammeier Min. Typ. Max. Units I Test Conditions 5
. ls I Continuous Source Current - - a 0 Moisrer symool ' D
. (Body Diode) . shmving the PE,1
_, Isu Pulsed Source Current _ - 23 integral reverse “Jig
(Body Diode] Q, : p-n iunetian diode. s
Ito Diode Forward Voltage _ -- - 2.0 v T..=25°C, ls=t1.0A, Ves-OV (9
j, Reverse Recovety Time - - 490 740 , ns 17 =25°c Ins DA
{Orr Reverse Recovery Charge l - 3, 0 4. 5 116 :di/dMOOA/ns G)
5 Ion Fomam Tum-Cln Time InIn'nsIc :um-on ttut ls mglegaale (Ium-on Is tkymittatttd by Ls+Lnl
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
max, icnetioo temperature (See Figure 11)
© Voo=bOV, starting Tr--25t, L=14mH
Ra--25t2, IAs=8.0A (See Figure 12)
© tms8.t1A, 61/6151 GONJJS, Vrxr-Misnisss,
qy Pulse width s 300 us; duty cycle s2%,