IRF7907 ,30V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Lead Free SO-8 packageApplicationsV IR max Dual SO-8 MOSFET for POL DSS DS(on) DConverters in Notebook Computers, Server ..
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30V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Lead Free SO-8 package
TOR Rectifier
o Dual SO-8 MOSFET for POL
Converters in Notebook Computers, Servers,
Graphics Cards, Game Consoles
and Set-Top Box
q Very Low RDS(on) at 4.5V VGS
0 Low Gate Charge
Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage
and Current
VDss RDS(on) max ID
30V Q1 16.4mQ@VGS=10V 9.1A
Q2 11.8mQ@VGS=10V 11A
0 20V l/ss Max. Gate Rating
0 Improved Body Diode Reverse Recovery
. 100% Tested for He SO-8
o Lead-Free
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter 01 Max. I 02 Max. Units
l/rs Drain-to-Source Voltage 30 V
Vss Gate-to-Source Voltage i 20
ID @ TA = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Ves @ 10V 9.1 11
ID © TA = 70°C Continuous Drain Current, Vss © 10V 7.3 8.8 A
' Pulsed Drain Current OD 76 85
PD @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation 2.0 2.0 W
PD @TA = 70°C Power Dissipation 1.3 1.3
Linear Derating Factor 0.016 0.016 W/°C
TJ Operating Junction and -55 to + 150 "C
Tsm Storage Temperature Range
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Q1 Max. Q2 Max. Units
Fur, Junction-to-Drain Lead s 42 42 'C/W
RBJA Junction-to-Ambient 3DS 62.5 62.5
Static © To = 25°C (unless otherwise specified) TO.R Rectifier
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
BVDSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 018.02 30 - - V Vas = 0V, ID = 250pA
ABVDSS/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient Q1 - 0.024 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ID = 1mA
Q2 - 0.024 -
Q1 - 13.7 16.4 Vas =10V, ID = 9.1A ©
Roswn) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - 17.1 20.5 mg I/ss = 4.5V, b = 7.3A ©
Q2 - 9.8 11.8 Vas--10V,lo--11A0)
- 11.5 13.7 Vas = 4.5V, ID = 8.8A ©
Vssmm Gate Threshold Voltage Q1&Q2 1.35 1.8 2.35 v al: I/os = Ves. ID = 2511A
AVssm/ATu Gate Threshold Voltage Coefficient Q1 - -4.6 - mV/°C Q2: Vos = Vas, ID = 50PA
Q2 - -4.9 -
bss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current Q1802 - - 1.0 pA VDs = 24V, Vss = 0V
Q1&Q2 - - 150 VDs = 24V, Ves = OV, Tu = 125°C
lass Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage Q1802 - - 100 nA I/ss = 20V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage Q1&Q2 - - -100 Vas = -20V
gts Forward Transconductance Q1 19 - - S Vos = 15V, ID = 7.0A
Q2 24 - - I/cos =15V, ID = 8.8A
Qg Total Gate Charge Q1 - 6.7 10
Q2 - 14 21
Asl Pre-Vth Gate-to-Source Charge Q1 - 1.3 - Q1
Q2 - 3.0 - VDS = 15V
0952 Post-Vth Gate-to-Source Charge 01 - 0.7 - nC Vas = 4.5V, ID = 7.0A
Q2 - 1.3 -
di Gate-to-Drain Charge Q1 - 2.5 - Q2
Q2 - 4.9 - Vos = 15V
andr Gate Charge Overdrive Q1 - 2.2 - I/ss = 4.5V, ID = 8.8A
Q2 - 4.8 -
Qsw Switch Charge (0052 + qu) Q1 - 3.2 -
Q2 - 6.2 -
Qoss Output Charge Q1 - 4.5 - nC Vos = 16V, Vss = 0V
Q2 - 9.0 -
Rs Gate Resistance 01 - 2.6 4.7 Q
Q2 - 3.0 5.0
tdwn) Turn-On Delay Time Q1 - 6.0 - Q1
t, Rise Time Q1 - 9.3 - ID = 7.0A
Q2 - 14 - ns
tion Turn-Off Delay Time 01 - 8.0 - Q2
Q2 - 13 - VDD = 15V, Vas = 4.5V
t, Fall Time Q1 - 3.4 - ID = 8.8A
Q2 - 5.3 - Clamped Inductive Load
Ciss Input Capacitance Q1 - 850 -
Q2 - 1790 - Vas = 0V
Coss Output Capacitance Q1 - 190 - pF VDs = 15V
Q2 - 390 - f = 1.0MHz
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance Q1 - 88 -
Q2 - 190 -
Avalanche Characteristics
Parameter Typ. 01 Max. 02 Max. Units
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy © - 10 15 mJ
IAR Avalanche Current (D - 7.0 8.8 A
Diode Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ. Max. Units Conditions
ls Continuous Source Current 01 - - 2.8 A MOSFET symbol ,7. 'r"
(Body Diode) a2 - - 2.8 showing the j‘ i;
ISM Pulsed Source Current Q1 - - 76 A integral reverse “2 J4
(Body Diode) G) Q2 - - 85 p-n junction diode. __ l,
VSD Diode Forward Voltage Q1 - - 1.0 V Tu = 25''C, ls = 7.3A, Vas = 0V ©
Q2 - - 1.0 TJ = 25°C, Is = 8.8A, Vss = 0V ©
1,, Reverse Recovery Time Q1 - 12 18 ns al T, = 25''C, IF = 7.OA,
Q2 - 16 24 VDD = 15V, di/dt = 100A/ps ©
l Reverse Recovery Charge Q1 - 4.1 6.1 nC Q2 T: = 25°C, IF = 8.8A,
Q2 - 5.9 8.9 VDD = 15V, di/dt = 100A/ps ©