IRF7901D1 ,30V FETKY
IRF7901D1 ,30V FETKY
IRF7901D1 ,30V FETKY
IRF7901D1 ,30V FETKY
ISL59112IEZ-T7 , 40MHz Rail-to-Rail Video Buffer
ISL5927IN ,Dual 14-bit, +3.3V, 260+MSPS, high speed D/A converter. Clock speed 260 MHz.FeaturesD/A Converter• Low Power . . . . . 233mW with 20mA Output at 130MSPSThe ISL5927 is a dual 1 ..
ISL59421IUZ , 865MHz Multiplexing Amplifier
ISL59424IRZ , 1GHz Triple Multiplexing Amplifiers
ISL59440IAZ , 400MHz Multiplexing Amplifier
ISL59441IA , 900MHz Multiplexing Amplifier
PD- 93844C
TOR Rectifier IRF7901D'l
'i't'"flrdl7gf2anm' thyer os Dual mm
. Ideal for Synchronous Buck 00% Co-Packaged Dual MOSFET Plus Schottky Diode
Converters Up to 5A Peak Output
. Low Conduction Losses Device Ratings (MaxNalues)
. Low Switching Losses
I Low Vi Schottky Rectifier 01 02
and Schottky
_ o H W:
Srxra gm Mn V 30V 30V
:3: I l!,') - 7 Ex: DS
P Roam 38 mn 32 mn
' _ w '
'CI I L191 b “W t2a 10.5 no 18.3 nC
me I - N -i.5] (i',', T 3.8 nC 9.0 nC
Icp Maw VSD 1.0V 0.52V
The FETKY‘" family of Co-Pack HEXFETKMOSFETS and Schottky diodes offers the designer an Innovative.
board space saving solution for switching regulator and power management applications. Advanced
HEXFET‘MOSFETS combined with low forward drop Schottky results in an extremely efficient device suitable
for a wide variety of portable electronics applications.
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized leadframe for enhanced thermal characteristics and multiple
dio capability making it ideal in a variety of power applications. With these Improvements, multiple devices can
be used in an application with dramatically reduced board space. Internal connections enable easier board
layout design with reduced stray inductance.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol IRF7901D1 Unlts
Drain-Source Voltage Vo, 30 V
Gato-Sourco Voltage Vas t20
Continuous Output T, = 100°C r, 6.2 A
Current (V65 A 4SV)©
Pulsed Drain Currnnt© IOM 24
Power Dissipation® l T, = 100°C Pr, 2.0 w
Junction & Storage Temperature Range TyTsm -55 to 150 'C
Pulsed Source Current (D Is,, 12 A
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Max. Units
Maximum JunctioniAmbient© Rm 62.5 "C/W
Maximum Junction.toleadS R,., 25 "CAN
IRF7901 D1 International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics Cl . Control FET G! . Synch FET
' Schottky
Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Drain-to-Source anss 30 - - 30 - - V Vas = OV, ID = 250pA
Breakdown Voltage'
Static Drain-Source Rm(on) - 28 38 - 23 32 rm VGs = 4SV, lo = 5AO)
on Resistanco"
GataThreshold Voltago' Vas(th) 1.0 - - 1.0 - - V Vos = Vas, ID = 250PA
Drain-Source Leakage loss - - 30 - - 30 pA Vma = 24V, Vas = 0
- - 0.15 - - 4.3 mA Vos=24V,Vos=0.TJ=125°C
Gate-Source Leakage lass - - 1100 - - 1100 nA Vas = 220V
Total Gate Charge" A, m - 7.6 10.5 - 15.5 21.0 Vas = w, VD.3 =16V.ID = 5A
oc. .m- - 6.7 9.0 - 13.5 18.3 V05: 5V, V05: 100mV, ID: 5A
Pre-Vlh Q., - 2.0 - - 5.5 - V = 16V. I = 5A
Gate-Source Charge 1.3. tm o
Posthth tu, - 0.5 - - 0.9 - nC
Gate-Sourco Charge
Gate to Drain Charge Au, - 1.9 - - 4.7 -
Switch Charge' ta,. - 2.4 3.8 - 5.6 9.0
(OW + tl.,)
Output Charge' th,, - 13.5 18.0 - 9.0 12.3 Vos = 16V, Vas = 0
Gate Resistanca R, - 3.4 - - 4.3 - n
Inpu1Capacitance C " - 780 - - 1810 -
Output Capacitance Co,, - 430 - - 310 - pF Vus = 16V. Vas = 0.1:1MH2
Transfer Capacitance Crs, - 30 - - 110 -
Tum-On Delay Time tJon) - 7.2 - - 10.4 - Va, = 16V. It2 = 5A, W., = 5V
Rise Time t, - 13.8 - - 16.4 - ns Clamped Inductive Wad
Tum-011 DelayTime 14011) - 14.7 - - 14.6 - See test diagram Fig 17.
FallTrno t, - 8 - - 5.2 -
Source-Draln Ratings and Characteristics
01 02 &
parallel Scholtky
Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Diode Forward l/a, - 0.7 1.0 - 0.48 0.52 V ls = IA, V55 = 0V
Reverse Recovery o,, - 62.3 - - 8.9 - nC db'dl: 700Nus
Charge Vos = 16V, Vas = 0V. l, = 5A
-. . ct, Cotrtmteo O1, 02 1m tt Pwr v,., puts, Calculated commuous
LV Repetllfye raung. 'use width lmnea by max.pnc1:on lemperature. current based on maximum allowame juncnon Iemperature,'
© Pulse math f 30° YS,' duty cycle f 2%. swuomng or other Iosses will decrease RMS current capability
© When mouniad M l inch square copper board, te 10 soc. ut When mounted on IRNBPSZ desrgn m. Measured as device T,
to Pm leads N,, a V,.,)
Dames are 100% tested to these parameters.