IRF7807VD1PBF ,30V FETKYapplications.
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized
leadframe for enhanced th ..
IRF7807VD1PBF ,30V FETKYElectrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbo Min Typ Max Unit: Conditions
Drain-Source Breakdown ..
IRF7807VD1TR ,30V FETKYElectrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units ConditionsBVDrain-Source Breakdown Vol ..
IRF7807VD1TR ,30V FETKYapplications. HEXFET power MOSFETsDEVICE CHARACTERISTICSutilize advanced processing ..
IRF7807VD2 ,30V FETKYapplications. GQ 3.4nCswThe SO-8 has been modified through a customizedQ 12nCossleadframe for enh ..
ISL5120IB ,Low-Voltage/ Single Supply/ Dual SPST/ SPDT Analog SwitchesApplicationsTABLE 1.
ISL5120IH-T ,Low-Voltage/ Single Supply/ Dual SPST/ SPDT Analog SwitchesISL5120, ISL5121, ISL5122, ISL5123®Data Sheet February 2003 FN6022.5Low-Voltage, Single Supply, Dua ..
ISL5121IB ,Low-Voltage/ Single Supply/ Dual SPST/ SPDT Analog Switchesapplications include ON resistance (R ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Ωbatt ..
ISL5122IB ,Low-Voltage/ Single Supply/ Dual SPST/ SPDT Analog SwitchesFeaturesSPDT Analog Switches Improved (lower R , faster switching), pin compatible ONThe Intersil ..
ISL5123IH-T ,Low-Voltage/ Single Supply/ Dual SPST/ SPDT Analog Switchesapplications include ON resistance (R ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Ωbatt ..
ISL5216KI-1 ,Four-Channel Programmable Digital DownConverterApplications: W-CDMA and UMTS Digital Software Radio and Basestation ReceiversOrdering InformationP ..
PD - 95209
TOR. Rectifier IRF7807VLy1PbF
. Co-Pack N-channel HEXFETE Power MOSFET
and Schottky Diode -
. Ideal for Synchronous Rectifiers in DC-DC AS JUL ‘Cmm
Converters Up to 5A Output A‘s cry-" l ND
. Low Conduction Losses I
. Low Switching Losses A's [rub r7 6 no
. Low Vf Schottky Rectifier G CE. (f) gm] ND
. 100% R6 Tested - '
. Lead-Free .
Description SO-8 Top View
The FETKY"' family of Co-Pack HEXFET''MOsFETs and
Schottky diodes offers the designer an innovative, board
space saving solution for switching regulator and power
management applications. HEXFET power MOSFETs
utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS©
extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. Combining
this technology with International Rectifier's low forward IRF7807VD1
drop Schottky rectifiers results in an extremely efficient R 17mQ
device suitable for use in a wide variety of portable DSton)
electronics applications. 05 9.5nC
st 3.4nC
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized Q 12 C
leadframe forenhanced thermal characteristics. The so- oss n
8 package is designed for vapor phase, infrared or wave
soldering techniques.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Max Units
Drain-to-Source Voltage Vos 30 V
Gate-to-Source Voltage Vos :20
Continuous Output Current 25°C I 8.3 A
(sz 2 4.5V) 70°C D 6.6
Pulsed Drain Current C) G, 66
25°C 2.5
P Di . ti G) P W
ower ISSIpa Ion 70°C D 1.6
Schottky and Body Diode 25°C I (AV) 3.5
Average Forward Current © 70°C F 2.2
Junction & Storage Temperature Range T., ' TSTS -55 to 150 "C
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Symbol Typ Max Units
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient © © Rm - 50 J
. . C/IN
Maximum Junction-to-Lead © Ru - 20
www.irf.b6m 1
IRF7807VrylPbF International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVDSS 30 - - V l/ss = 0V, ID = 250pA
Static Drain-Source On-Resistance Row", - 17 25 m9 Vss = 4.5V, ID = 7.0A C2)
Gate Threshold Voltage 1/t:zuth) 1.0 - 3.0 V Vos = l/ss, ID = 250pA
- - 100 PA Vos = 30V, Vss = 0V
Drain-Source Leakage Current loss - - 20 PA Vos = 24V, Vos = 0V
- - 2.0 mA Vos = 24V, Vss = 0V, Ts =100°C
Gate-Source Leakage Current lass - - i100 nA Vos = 2 20V
Total Gate Charge' Qs - 9.5 14
Pre-Vth Gate-Source Charge QGS1 - 2.3 - Vos = 4.5V
Post-l/th Gate-Source Charge 0ng -._r- 1.0 - nC ID = 7.0A
Gate-to-Drain Charge Qa, - 2.4 - Vos = 16V
Switch Charge (0952 + di) st - 3.4 5.2
Output Charge" Qoss - 12 16.8 Vos = 16V, l/tss = 0
Gate Resistance Re 0.9 - 2.8 Q
Turn-On Delay Time two", - 6.3 - VDD = 16V, lo = 7.0V
Rise Time t, - 1.2 - Vos = 5v, R6 = 29
Turn-Off Delay Time tam", -__ 11 - ns Resistive Load
Fall Time t, - 2.2 -
Diode Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Diode Forward Voltage V50 - - 0.5 V Ts = 25''C, ls = 1.0A Nss = 0V©
- - 0.39 T = 12530. IS = 1.0A, l/cs = OV©
Reverse Recovery Time © t,, - 51 - ns di/dt = 700/Ups
Vor, =16V,VGS = 0V, ID = 15A
T, = 25°C, ls = 7.0A Nos = 16V
Reverse Recovery Charge © Q,, -- 51 - nC di/dt = 100A/ps
Notes: Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by max. junction temperature.
Pulse width s 400 us; duty cycle s 2%.
When mounted on 1 inch square copper board
50% Duty Cycle, Rectangular
Typical values of Ros(on) measured at Vos = 4.5V, 06. OS,” and Qoss measured at 1% = 5.0V, l, = 7.0A.
R" is measured at TJ approximately 90''C
Device are 100% tested to these parameters.