IRF7807TRPBF ,30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageFeaturesConverters that power the latest generation of mobileIRF7807 IRF7807Amicroprocessors.Vds ..
IRF7807V ,30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packagePD-94018AIRF7807V• N Channel Application Specific MOSFETHEXFET Power MOSFET• Ideal for Mobile DC- ..
IRF7807VD1 ,30V FETKYPD-94078AIRF7807VD1FETKY MOSFET / SCHOTTKY DIODE• Co-Pack N-channel HEXFET Power MOSFETand Schott ..
IRF7807VD1PBF ,30V FETKYapplications.
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized
leadframe for enhanced th ..
IRF7807VD1PBF ,30V FETKYElectrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbo Min Typ Max Unit: Conditions
Drain-Source Breakdown ..
IRF7807VD1TR ,30V FETKYElectrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units ConditionsBVDrain-Source Breakdown Vol ..
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ISL5120IH-T ,Low-Voltage/ Single Supply/ Dual SPST/ SPDT Analog SwitchesISL5120, ISL5121, ISL5122, ISL5123®Data Sheet February 2003 FN6022.5Low-Voltage, Single Supply, Dua ..
30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package
TOR Rectifier
PD - 95290
HEXFET6 Chip-Set for DC-DC Converters
. N Channel Application Specific MOSFETs
. Ideal for Mobile DC-DC Converters S DI a :13: D
. Low Conduction Losses 7
. Low Switching Losses ss . ", S DI _ 333 D
Lead-Free "iiiiif ' S DI td s E D
Description G CE 5:5 D
These new devices employ advanced HEXFET
Power MOSFET technology to achieve an SO-8 Top View
unprecedented balance of on-resistance and gate
charge. The reduced conduction and switching losses
make them ideal for high efficiency DC-DC Device Features
f,2r,12',rrt2le1,tdo.ower the latest generation of mobile IRF7807 IRF7807 A
p . Vds 30V 30V
A pair of IRF7807 devices provides the best cost/ Rds(on) 25mQ 25mg
. Qg 17nC 17nC
performance solution for system voltages, such as 3.3V st 5 ch
and 5V. Qoss 16.8nC 16.8nC
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol IRF7807 l IRF7807A Units
Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V
Gate-Source Voltage VGS t12
Continuous Drain or Source 25°C r, 8.3 8.3 A
Current (VGS 2 4.5V) 70°C 6.6 6.6
Pulsed Drain Current0D L, 66 66
Power Dissipation 25°C PD 2.5 W
70°C 1.6
Junction & Storage Temperature Range T J' TSTG -55 to 150 ''C
Continuous Source Current (Body Diode)C) ls 2.5 2.5 A
Pulsed source Current Iss, 66 66
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Max. Units
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient) ReJA 50 °CNV
IRF7807/APbF International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics IRF7807 IRF7807A
Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Drain-to-Source V(stss 30 - - 30 - - V VGS = 0V, ID = 250pA
Breakdown Voltage"
Static Drain-Source RDS(on) 17 25 17 25 mo VGS = 4.5V, ID = 7AOD
on Resistance'
Gate Threshold Voltage' VGS(th) 1.0 1.0 V VDS = VGS, r, = 250PA
Drain-Source Leakage |DSS 30 30 pA VDS = 24V, Va, = 0
Current 150 150 Vos = 24V, N/ss = 0,
T] = 100°C
Gate-Source Leakage |GSS i100 t100 nA VGS = i12V
Total Gate Charge* Q, 12 17 12 17 VGS = 5V, ID = 7A
Pre-Vth Q951 2.1 2.1 Vos = 16V, ID = 7A
Gate-Source Charge
Post-l/th Q952 0.76 0.76 nC
Gate-Source Charge
Gate to Drain Charge A, 2.9 2.9
Switch Charge* Qsw 3.66 5.2 3.66
(0952 + di)
Output Charge' Qass 14 16.8 14 16.8 Vos = 16V, I/ss = 0
Gate Resistance R, 1.2 1.2 Q
Turn-on DelayTime t jon) 12 12 VDD = 16V
Rise Time t, 17 17 ns ID = 7A
Turn-off Delay Time t d (off) 25 25 R, = 29
Fall Time t, 6 6 VGS = 4.5V
Resistive Load
Source-Drain Rating & Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Diode Forward Va, 1.2 1.2 V IS = 7AO, VGS = 0V
Reverse Recovery Qrr 80 80 nC di/dt = 700A/ps
Charge© VDs = 16V, VGS = 0V, Is = 7A
Reverse Recovery Om) 50 50 di/dt = 700/Vps
Charge (with Parallel (with 1OBQ040)
Schotkky)© VDS = 16V, Vas = 0V, IS = 7A
co Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by max. junction temperature.
© Pulse width S 300 us; duty cycle s: 2%.
(3) When mounted on 1 inch square copper board, t < 10 sec.
© Typ = measured - Qus
Devices are 100% tessted to these parameters.