IRF7807D1TRPBF ,30V FETKYapplications. Q 18.4nCossThe SO-8 has been modified through a customizedleadframe for enhanced th ..
IRF7807D2 ,30V FETKYPD- 93762IRF7807D2FETKY™ MOSFET / SCHOTTKY DIODE• Co-Pack N-channel HEXFET Power MOSFET1 8A/S K/ ..
IRF7807D2 ,30V FETKYFeatures (Max Values)MOSFETs utilize advanced processing techniques toIRF7807D2achieve extremely lo ..
IRF7807D2TR ,30V FETKYapplications. HEXFET powerDevice
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International PD- 95208
TOR Rectifier llRF7807D1 PbF
. Co-Pack N-channel HEXFET© Power MOSFET
and Schottky Diode
. Ideal for Synchronous Rectifiers in DC-DC
Converters Up to 5A Output
Low Conduction Losses
Low Switching Losses
Low Vf Schottk Rectifier
Lead-Free y SO-8
Top View
The FETKW" family of Co-Pack HEXFET®MOSFETS and
Schottky diodes offers the designer an innovative, board
space saving solution for switching regulator and power
. . Device Features (Max Values)
management applications. HEXFET power MOSFETs
utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve IRF7807D1
extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. Combining VDS 30V
this technology with International Rectitier's low forward Rosmm 25mQ
drop Schottky rectifiers results in an extremely efficient Qu 14nC
device suitable for use in a wide variety of portable QSW 5.2nC
electronics applications. Cl,,, 18.4nC
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized
leadframe for enhanced thermal characteristics. The SO-
8 package is designed for vapor phase, infrared or wave
soldering techniques.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Max. Units
Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V
Gate-Source Voltage VGs t12
Continuous Drain or Source 25°C Ir, 8.3
Current (VGs 2 4.5V) 70°C 6.6 A
Pulsed Drain Current© I,,,, 66
Power Dissipation 25°C PD 2.5 W
70°C 1.6
Schottky and Body Diode 25''C IF (AV) 3.5 A
Average ForwardCurrent© 70°C 2.2
Junction & Storage Temperature Range TyTsm -55 to 150 °C
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Max. Units
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient© RHJA 50 "C/IN
IRF7807ly1PbF International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Drain-to-Source V,BWDSS 30 V l/ss = 0V, ID = 250pA
Breakdown Voltage'
Static Drain-Source FU(on) 17 25 m9 Vss = 4.5V, ID = 7A©
on Resistance'
Gate Threshold Voltage' VGS(th) 1.0 V Vos = VGSJD = 250pA
Drain-Source Leakage loss 90 11A Vos = 24V, Vas = 0V
Current" 7.2 mA Vos = 24V, l/ss = 0V,
T, = 125°C
Gate-Source Leakage lsss +/- 100 nA Vss = +/-12V
Total Gate Charge Qgsy,1c 10.5 14 VDS<100mV,
Synch FET* Vss = 5V, ID = 7A
Total Gate Charge Qgcom 12 17 Vos-- 16V,
Control FET* Vas = 5V, ID = 7A
Pre-Vth Qgsl 2.1 Vos = 16V, ID = 7A
Gate-Source Charge
Post-Vth 0952 0.76 nC
Gate-Source Charge
Gate to Drain Charge 09,, 2.9
Switch Charge' st 3.66 5.2
(0952 + di)
Output Charge* Qoss 15.3 18.4 Vos = 16V, Vas = 0
Gate Resistance R, 1.2 Q
Schottky Diode & Body Diode Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Diode Forward Voltage Vs, 0.5 V Ti: 25°C, L =IA,Vas--0Va)
0.39 I = 125°C, Is =1A,VGS =OV©
Reverse Recovery Time trr 51 ns Ti: 25°C, IS = 7.0A, VDS = 16V
Reverse Recovery Charge On 48 nC di/dt = 100A/ps
Forward Turn-On Time ton Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD)
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by max. junction temperature.
© Pulse width s 300 ps; duty cycle s 2%.
© When mounted on 1 inch square copper board, t < 10 sec.
© 50% Duty Cycle, Rectangular
* Devices are 100% tested to these parameters.