IRF7603TRPBF ,30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 packageapplications where printed circuit board space is at a
premium. The low profile (<1 .1 mm) of the ..
IRF7604 ,-20V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 packageapplications where printed circuit board space is at apremium. The low profile (<1.1mm) of the Mic ..
IRF7604 ,-20V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 packageapplications where printed circuit board space is at apremium. The low profile (<1.1mm) of the Mic ..
IRF7604 ,-20V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 packageapplications.The new Micro8 package, with half the footprint area of theMicro8standard SO-8, provid ..
IRF7604 ,-20V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 packageapplications where printed circuit board space is at apremium. The low profile (<1.1mm) of the Mic ..
IRF7604TR ,-20V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 packagePD - 9.1263EIRF7604®HEXFET Power MOSFETl Generation V TechnologyA1 8l Ultra Low On-ResistanceDSl P- ..
ISL4221EIR ,QFN Packaged/ +/-15kV ESD Protected/ +2.7V to +5.5V/ 150Nanoamp/ 250kBps/ RS-232 Transmitters/ReceiversFeatures+2.7V to +5.5V, 150Nanoamp, 250kBps, • Available in Near Chip Scale QFN (5mmx5mm) Package R ..
ISL4221EIR ,QFN Packaged/ +/-15kV ESD Protected/ +2.7V to +5.5V/ 150Nanoamp/ 250kBps/ RS-232 Transmitters/ReceiversApplicationsThe ISL4221E is a 1 driver, 1 receiver device and the • Any Space Constrained System Re ..
ISL4223EIR ,QFN Packaged/ +/-15kV ESD Protected/ +2.7V to +5.5V/ 150Nanoamp/ 250kBps/ RS-232 Transmitters/Receiversfeatures an automatic powerdown function Related Literaturethat powers down the on-chip power-suppl ..
ISL4223EIR ,QFN Packaged/ +/-15kV ESD Protected/ +2.7V to +5.5V/ 150Nanoamp/ 250kBps/ RS-232 Transmitters/ReceiversFeaturesoperational, and even lower standby, power consumption is critical. Efficient on-chip charg ..
ISL4238EIRZ , QFN Packaged, ±15kV ESD Protected, 2.7V to 5.5V, 10Nanoamp, 250kbps/1Mbps, RS-232 Transceivers with Enhanced Automatic Power-down
ISL4241EIRZ-T , QFN Packaged, ±15kV ESD Protected, 2.7V to 5.5V, 10Nanoamp, 250kbps, 2.7V to 5.5V, 10Nanoamp, 250kbps,
30V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Micro 8 package
PD- 95347
TOR Rectifier IRF7603PbF
Generation V Technology
Ultra Low On-Resistance S Uri . a 1m
N-Channel MOSFET 2 7 Voss = 30V
Very Small SOIC Package 3 LIE m D
Low Profile (<1.1mm) s EH:3
Available in Tape 8 Reel G E4 313:: Roam) = 0.035n
Fast Switching
Lead-Free Top View
Fifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier
utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve
extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. This benefit,
combined with the fast switching speed and ruggedized
device design that HEXFET Power MOSFETs are well
known for, provides the designerwith an extremely efficient
and reliable device for use in a wide variety of applications.
The new Micro8 package, with halfthefootprintarea ofthe
standard SO-8, providesthe smallestfootprint available in
an SOIC outline. This makes the Micr08 an ideal device for
applications where printed circuit board space is at a
premium. The low profile (<1 .1 mm) of the Micro8 will allow
it to fit easily into extremely thin application environments
such as portable electronics and PCMCIA cards.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
b C) TA = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vos e 10V 5.6
b tk TA = 70''C Continuous Drain Current, l/ss tll 10V 4.5 A i
IDM Pulsed Drain Current G) 30
PD (PTA = 25°C Power Dissipation 1.8 W
Linear Derating Factor 14 mWp'C
Veg Gate-to-Source Voltage , 20 V
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt © 5.0 V/ns
TJ‘TSTG Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 to + 150 ''C
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Typ. Max. Units
Rem Maximum Junction-to-Ambient) - 70 "CAN
All Microe Data Sheets reflect improved Thermal Resistance, Power and Current -Handling Ratings- effective
only for product marked with Date Code 505 or later .
IRF7603PbF International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics fi) To = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BRDSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 30 - - V Veg = 0V, lo = 250pA
AV(BR)Dss/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coerldent - 0.029 - 1/f'C Reference to 25T, b = 1mA
. . . - - 0035 l/ss = lov, b = 3.7A 6)
RDS(0n) Static Drah-ttySagrce On-Resistance - - 0.060 n l/ss = 4.5V, b = 1.9 A co
Vegan) Gate Threshold Voltage 1.0 - - V Vos = Ws, b = 250PA
Pt Forward Transconductance 4.3 - - S Vos =10V, b =1.9A
loss Chain-to-Sam) Leakage Current - - 1.0 pA Vos = 24V, Vss = 0V
- - 25 Vos = 24V, Vss = OV, T: = 125°C
loss Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - -100 n A Vss = -20V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage - - 100 Vss = 20V
% Total Gate Charge - 18 27 b = 3.7A
As Gate-to-Source Charge - 2.4 3.6 nC l Vos = 24V
di Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - 5.6 8.4 Vss = lov, See Fig. 6 and 9 3)
td(on) Tum-On Delay Time - 5.7 - VDD = 15V
tr Rise Time - 28 - ns l ID = 3.7A
tdmm Tum-Off Delay Time - 18 - l Rs = 6.29
tf Fall Time - 12 - l RD = 4.09, See Fig. 10 (30
Cm Input Capacitance - 520 - 1 Veg = 0V
Coss Output Capacitance - 200 -r.-. pF l Vos = 25V
C55 Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 80 - l f =1.0MHz. See Fig. 5
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
Is Continuous Source Current - - 1 8 MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) . A showing the
15M Pulsed Source Current - - 30 Integral reverse 6
(Body Diode) (O p-n junction mode. s
Vso Diode Forward Voltage - - 1.2 V T: = 25''C, Is = 3.7A, Vos = 0V Q
tn Reverse Recovery Time - 53 80 ns T: = 25''C, IF = 3.7A
er Reverse RecoveryCharge - B7 130 nC di/dt = 100Alps (O
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by Q Pulse width f 300ps: duty cycle s: 2%.
max. junction temperature. ( See M. 11 )
C) 1303 3.7A, di/dt s130A/ps, Vos S VeRvss, C) Surface mounted on FR-4 board, ts 10sec.
Tus: 150''C