IRF7416QTRPBF ,-30V P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a LeadFree SO-8 -packageElectrical Characteristics @ T = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)JParameter Min. Typ. Max. Units C ..
IRF7416TRPBF ,-30V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageElectrical Characteristics @ T = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)JParameter Min. Typ. Max. Units C ..
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IRF7420TRPBF ,-12V Single P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageapplications. With these improvements, multipledevices can be used in an application with dramatic ..
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-30V P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a LeadFree SO-8 -package
International PD-96124B
TOR Reciiiier IRF7416QPbF
. Advanced Process Technology
. Ultra Low On-Resistance s [rm-l 5 E D
. PChanneI MOSFET srrm-2 7 D VDSS = -30V
. Surface Mount i; It]
. Available in Tape & Reel s D313 ' In, D
. 150°C OperatingTemperature 4 5
. Lead-Free G E :33 D RDS(on) = 0029
Top View
These HEXFET® Power MOSFET'S in package utilize
the lastest processing techniques to achieve extremely
Iowon-resistance per silicon area.Additionalfeatures
of these HEXFET Power MOSFET'S are a 150°C
junction operating temperature, fast switching speed
and improved repetitive avalanche rating. These
benefits combine to make this design an extremely
efficientand reliable device for use in awide variety of
applications. SO-8
The efficient SO-8 package provides enhanced thermal
characteristics making it ideal in a variety of power
applications. This surface mount SO-8 can dramatically
rRedulce board space and is also available in Tape &
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
ID @ TA = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vss © -10V -10
ID © TA = 70°C Continuous Drain Current, Vss @ -10V -7.1 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current CD -45
Po @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation 2.5 W
Linear Derating Factor 0.02 W/°C
VGS Gate-to-Source Voltage t 20 V
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy© 370 mJ
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt G) -5.0 V/ns
TJ Operating Junction and -55 to + 150 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature Range
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Max. Units
RNA Junction-to-Ambient © 50 °C/W
06/29/1 1
IRF7416QPbF International
TOR Rectifier
Static Electrical Characteristics @ T, = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage -30 - - V I/ss = 0V, ID = -250pA
AV(BR,Dss/ATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient - -0.024 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ID = -1mA
RDS(On) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance _- _- 3.3:: Q V: -] Cf/C,'):::','):',')
VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage -1.0 - -2.04 V Vos = Vas, ID = -250pA
gfs Forward Transconductance 5.6 - - S Vos = -10V, ID = -2.8A
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - -1.0 VDs = -24V, Vss = 0V
- - -25 pA vDs = -24v, Vss = OV, T, = 125°C
lass Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - -100 Vas = -20V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage - - 100 nA VGS = 20V
Dynamic Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
Qg Total Gate Charge - 61 92 ID = -5.6A
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge - 8.0 12 nC Vos = -24V
di Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - 22 32 Ves = -10V, See Fig. 6 & 9 GD
1mm) Turn-On Delay Time - 18 - Va, = -15V
t, Rise Time - 49 - ID = -5.6A
1mm Turn-Off Delay Time - 59 - ns Re = 6.29
t, Fall Time - 60 - RD = 2.7O, See Fig. 10 GD
Ciss Input Capacitance - 1700 - Ves = 0V
Coss Output Capacitance - 890 - pF Vos = -25V
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 410 - f = 1.0MHz, See Fig. 5
Diode Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
Is Continuous Source Current 3 1 MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) - - - . A showing the
ISM Pulsed Source Current integral reverse 6
. - - -45 . . .
(Body Diode) (D p-n Junction diode. s
Va, Diode Forward Voltage - - -1.0 V TJ = 25°C, ls = -5.6A, Vss = 0V (3
t,, Reverse Recovery Time - 56 85 ns TJ = 25°C,|F = -5.6A
Q,, Reverse Recovery Charge - 99 150 nC di/dt = 100A/ps ©
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by © ISDS -5.6A, di/dt g 100A/ps, VDDS Veyvoss,
max. junction temperature. ( See fig. 11 ) Tus 150°C
© Starting T: = 25''C, L = 25mH 6) Pulse width S 300ps; duty cycle S 2%.
Rs = 25O, IAS = -5.6A. (See Figure 12) S Surface mounted on FR-4 board, t S 10sec.