IRF740LC ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package,
EE Rectifier
. Ultra Low Ga ..
IRF740LC ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications. Frequencies Ma few MHz at high current are
possible using the new Low Charge MOSFETs ..
IRF740PBF ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageInternational
EOR Rectifier
q Dynamic dv/dt Rating
. Repetitive Aval ..
IRF740S ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak packageapplications because of its low internal connection
resistance and can dissipate up to 2.0W in a t ..
IRF740STRL ,400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a D2-Pak packageinternational
TOR Rectifier 1RF740S
q Surface Mount
q A ..
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ISL22424UFR16Z , Dual Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™)
ISL23711UIU10Z , Terminal Voltage - 3V or - 5V, 128 Taps IC Serial Interface
ISL24003IRZ , Multi-Channel Buffers Plus VCOM Driver
ISL24006IRZ-T7 , 14-Channel Programmable Switchable I2C TFT-LCD Reference Voltage Generator with Integrated 4-Channel Static Gamma Drivers
400V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB package
C:iEiil Rectifier
. Ultra Low Gate Charge
0 Reduced Gate Drive Reqwrernen:
q Enhanced 30V VGs Rating
q Reduced Ciss. Coss, Crss
. Extremely High Frequency Operation
q Repetitive Avalanche Rated
This new sedes of Low Charge HEXFETS achieve signifitsantty towel gate
'charge over conventiona! MOSFETs. Ltiiizmg the new LCDMOS technology.
the device improvements are achieved withoux added product cost, allowing
ttar reduced gate drive requirements and total system savings, In addition,
reduced switching losses and imptoved efficiency are achievable in a variety
of high frequency applications. Frequencies 01 a few MHz at high current are
possible using the new Low Charge MOSFETs.
These device improvements combined with the proven ruggedness and
reliability that are cnaratgteristic of HEXFETs oMrthe designera new standard
-.n power transistors Ior switching applitsatsms.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
!D Voss = 400V
s ID = 10A
, Parameter Max. I Lnits -
o © Tc = 25''C ]Conunuous Drain Current, Vos o 10 V 10 J
, lo a To = 100°C 'Continuous Drain Current, Vss ' 10 v c- 5.3 ' A
Itou I Pulsed Drain Current ff 32
Pa 0 Tc = 25°C Power Dissipation 125 _ W
'Linear Deratintathor _ 1.0 _ - WPC
IVGs C3ate-to-St)u_rpe Voltage A t30 - - V 1
Eas __.Slng|e Pulse Avalanche EneLgy <2; .. - - 520 - T _ rm .
l_|AR - Avalanche Cumin! G) _ - 1O - - . A_
. Em - Reoetmve Alvabnche Energy iii: 13 - I md
/tpf-lr - A_Peak Diode Renoyery dvldl Le. _ 4,0 i Vtns
Tu lOperating Junction and -55 to +150
Tsrs V - Storage Tempieratur1rdar"tre T - _ 'C
Soldering Temptrtttyre, tcr 10 secondif _ 300 (1.6mm from txsse.1,
l Mounting Torque. 6-32 or M screw - 10l_bt1ln_(!d N-_m] _ --
Thermal Resistance
4 - Parameter - - Mln Typ Max__ .Jnigs
.Rmc Junction-to-cet, _ 7 fi— - l .0
r Recs _,' Case-Mr-Sink, Flat, Greased Sunace - 1 0.50 L - C/W ,
1 Hem 1qrstion-to-krnbient - _ A - r - - 62 --q - _'
Elgptrica} th.1rfyteristics @ Tu = 25cc (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter l Min. Typ. Max. Unlts I Test Conditions
V(smoss Drain-to-Source Breakdcwr Vakage i 400 - - V, Ves=0V. Io: 250pA
'yr.tNtirssvhTi8eakdoym 1(o_ltase Temp. Coetrcient - 0.76 - VPC I Reference to 25°C, lo: 1mA
Hrssico, State Dra "-tc-Source On-Rgsjstance - - 0.55 l f2 Vas=10V. lo=6.0A ©
Vogm.) Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 - 4.0 V Vos=Vgs, ID: 25UKA
gu, Forward Transconductance ii; - - S Vos=50V. kr=6.0A G:
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Cu rrent - r. . _25_.', pA 1/ps=400/vas-0v.' VarkN .
- - 250 5 . Vos=320V. Var-AN, To=12ti% I
lass GAtttrsource Foiwaylt..-eakage - - 100 ' nA zves=20v .
C.iate-to-SoLrce Feverse Leakage - - -100 f :Vesz-ZOV
ch Total Gate. Cnaroe - - 39 , ID=1OA ,
LALS figttrto-ficcce Charge _ - - 10 : I vos=320v g
an Gate-qura " f Miller) Charge - - 19 , 5Vss=10V See Fig. 6 and 13 (33 l
tam, Turn-On De ay Lrre - 11 - I Voo=200V ,'
l, Rise Time - 3t , CL. " ilu=10A '
Idiom Turn-Of Delay Tlme - 25 i - 85:9.19
t. Fall Titre . - _ - 20 ! - R9220!) See Figure 10 G)
Lo Internal Dram Inductance - 4.5 . - . 't2tran.ltiei.')
' nH $t'ipifrtikpg' al l
l Ls l Internal Source Inductance - 7.5 - ' m , :ie contact a
i th, ', mom Capacitance -- 1100 - Ves=0V I
Cass Cutout Capaatance - 190 l - cr- Vos--- 25V
3.3, Reverse T’ansfe' Capactance - 18 - i=1 OMHz See Figure 5
SourceeDrain Ratings and CharatttBritttiCs
- Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units I Test Ctmdtions
ls Continuous Source Current , MOSFET symbo: tl
(Body Diode) - - I 10 showing the
a, Pulsed $outge Current - - 32 iintagral favor Q
(Body Diode) (D p-n Junction diode. a
V80 7 - Digde 'orv.trt11t'plragtt _ _ - - F 2.0 v :szsac. ls=10A. Vos=OV Ci)
tn Reverse Recovery Time - 380 ' 570 rs ‘TJ=25°C, Ir=10A
a, Reverse Recovery Charge - 2.8 i 4.2 pC di/dtx100A/us ©
ton Forward Tum-On Time Intrinsic tum-on line is negagibie (lum-on is derninated try LsoLo)
C) Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
max. Junction temperature (See Figure 11)
(k', VDD=50V. starting Tr--25ct3, L=9.1mH
Rta---an, lAti--10A (See Figure 12)
a IsDS1OA. dihttS120A/ws, VorasVitsn)toss,
T451 50°C
Pulse width S" 300 ps: duty cycle Sit%.