IRF7379TRPBF ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageIRF7379PbF®HEXFET Power MOSFET Generation V TechnologyN-CHANNEL MOSFETN-Ch P-Ch1 8Ul ..
IRF737LC ,300V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-220AB packageapplications.Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Max. UnitsI @ T = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, V @ ..
IRF7380 ,80V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packagePD - 94420IRF7380®HEXFET Power MOSFETV R max I
IRF7380QTRPBF ,80V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package HEXFET Power MOSFET V R max ..
IRF7380QTRPBF ,80V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package HEXFET Power MOSFET V R max ..
IRF7380TRPBF ,80V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageApplicationsDSS DS(on) D High frequency DC-DC converters73m
30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package
Generation V Technology
Ultra Low On-Resistance
Complimentary Half Bridge
Surface Mount
Fully Avalanche Rated
Fifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier
utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve
extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. This
benefit, combined with the fast switching speed and
ruggedized device design that HEXFET Power
MOSFETs are well known for, provides the designer
with an extremely efficient and reliable device for use
in a wide variety of applications.
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized
leadframe for enhanced thermal characteristics and
multiple-die capability making it ideal in a variety of
powerapplications. With these improvements, multiple
devices can be used in an application with dramatically
reduced board space. The package is designed for
vapor phase, infra red, or wave soldering techniques.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
PD - 95300
VDSS 30V -30V
S2 nr3-
G2 EU:
RDS(on) 0.0459
Top View
N-Channel P-Channel
VSD Drain-to-Source Voltage
30 -30
ID © TA = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, Vas © 10V
5.8 -4.3 A
ID @ TA = 70°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V
4.6 -3.4
IDM Pulsed Drain Current (D
46 -34
PD @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation
Linear Derating Factor
0.02 W/°C
I/ss Gate-to-Source Voltage
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt ©
5.0 V/ns
Junction and Storage Temperature Range
-55 to + 150 ''C
Thermal Resistance Ratings
Max. Units
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient
IRF7379PbF International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 2%: Cl, I I V x: : tj: F, : 'gg),
_ . N-Ch - 0.032 - Reference to 25°C ID = 1mA
AV AT B kd V It T I ff t " '
(rsRyoss/ J rea own o age emp De Kyen PKm - 0.037 - V/ c Reference to 25°C, ID = -1mA
N-Ch - 0.038 0.045 Vas = 10V, ID = 5.8A (3)
Roam) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - 0055 0.075 Q Vas = ISN, ID = 4SA (D
PCh - 0.070 0.090 Vas = -10v, ID =- 4.3A 2
- 0.130 0.180 Vss = -4.5v, ID 2. 3.7A a
VGSW Gate Threshold Voltage N43h 1 .0 - - V Vros = Vss, ID = 250pA
P-Ch -1.0 - - Vros = Vas, ID = -250PA
(hs ForwardTransconductance N'Ch 5.2 - - S V95 = 15V, ID = 2.4A 8)
P-Ch 2.5 - - VDs = -24V, ID = -1.8A (9
N-Ch - - 1.0 Vros = 24 v, Vss = OV
. P-Ch - - -1.0 Vos = -24V, VGS = OV
I D -t - L k t
DSS ran o Source ea age Curren N-Ch - - 25 “A VDs = 24 V, Vss = 0V, Tu = 125°C
P-Ch - - -25 Vros = -24v, Vss = ov, Tu = 125°C
lass Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage N-P - - 1100 Vas = ' 20V
Qg Total Gate Charge 22: I I S: N-Channel
N-Ch - - 2 9 lo = 2.4A, Vos = 24V, Vss =10V
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge P Am 2‘ n0 ©
- - .9
. " . " N43h - - 7.9 P-Channel
di Gate-to-Drain; Miller )Charge P-Ch - - 9.0 k, = -1.8A, Vos = -24V, VGS = -10V
Won) Turn-On DelayTime Yi", I ti" I N-Channel
. . NCh - 21 - Vor, =15v, ID = 2.4A, Rs = 6.09,
t, RiseTime P-Ch - 17 - ns Flo = 6.29 e)
td(off) Turn-Off DelayTime 2:8: I g: I P-Channel
N-Ch - 7 7 - VDD = -15V, ID = -1.8A, Rs = 6.09,
t F llTi . =
f a Ime P-Ch - 18 - RD 8.29
LD Internal Drain Inductace N-P - 4.0 - H Between lead, 6mm (0.25in.) from
Ls Internal Source Inductance N-P - 6.0 - n package and center of die contact
Ciss Input Capacitance yg, I ifl I N-Channel
N-Ch 180 Vss = 0V, Ihos = 25V, f =1.0MHZ
Coss Output Capacitance - - pF (D
','ft - 'rr - P-Channel
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - - Ves = 0V, Vos = -25V, f = 1.0MHz
P-Ch - 93 -
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
NCh - - 3.1
Is Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) P-Ch - - -3.1 A
N-Ch - - 46
ISM Pulsed Source Current (Body Diode) C) P-Ch - - -34
V Diode Forward Volta e NCh - - 1.0 V Tu = 2500' Is = 1.8A, l/ss = 0V ©
SD g P-Ch - - -1.0 Tu = 25°C, IS = -1.8A, VGS = ov ©
. NCh - 47 71 N-Channel
trr Reverse RecoveryTime P-Ch - 53 80 Tu = 25°C, IF = 2.4A, di/dt = 100A/ps
N-Ch - 56 84 P-Channel
2, Reverse RecoveryCharge P-Ch - 66 99 " TJ = 25°C, IF = -1.8A, di/dt = -100A/ps
co Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by © Pulse width S 300ps; duty cycle S 2%.
max. junction temperature. ( See fig. 10 )
© N-Channel [SDS 2.4A, di/dt s: 73A/ps, VDD S Vism)oss, TJ S 150°C co Surface mounted on FR-4 board, t s 10sec.
P-Channel ISD S -1.8A, di/dt S 90A/ps, VDD S V(BR)DSS, Tu S 150°C