IRF7379QTRPBF ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Lead-Free SO-8 packagefeatures of these HEXFET PowerMOSFET's are a 150°C junction operatingtemperature, fast switching s ..
IRF7379QTRPBF ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Lead-Free SO-8 packageIRF7379QPbF®HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process TechnologyN-Ch P-Ch Ultra Low On-Re ..
IRF7379TR ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageapplications.The SO-8 has been modified through a customizedleadframe for enhanced thermal characte ..
IRF7379TRPBF ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageIRF7379PbF®HEXFET Power MOSFET Generation V TechnologyN-CHANNEL MOSFETN-Ch P-Ch1 8Ul ..
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30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a Lead-Free SO-8 package
TOR Rectifier
Advanced Process Technology
Ultra Low On-Resistance
Dual N and P Channel MOSFET
Surface Mount
Available in Tape & Reel
150°C OperatingTemperature
These HEXFET® Power MOSFET's in a Dual SO-
8 package utilize the lastest processing techniques
to achieve extremelylow on-resistance per silicon
area. Additional features ofthese HEXFET Power
MOSFET's are a 150°C junction operating
temperature, fast switching speed and improved
repetitive avalanche rating. These benefits combine
to make this design an extremely efficient and
reliable device for use in a wide variety of
The efficient SO-8 package provides enhanced
thermal characteristics and dual MOSFET die
capability making it ideal in a variety of power
applications. This dual, surface mount SO-8 can
dramatically reduce board space and is also
available in Tape & Reel.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
S2 Lr-
Sl I:-
Gl II-
Voss 30V
Roam) 0.0459
l/so Drain-to-Source Voltage
ID @ TA = 25°C
Continuous Drain Current, l/ss © 10V
ID @ TA = 70°C
Continuous Drain Current, l/ss @ 10V
Pulsed Drain Current (D
PD @TA = 25°C
Power Dissipation
Linear Derating Factor
Gate-to-Source Voltage
Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt ©
l -5.0
Junction and Storage Temperature Range
-55 to + 150
Thermal Resistance Ratings
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient])
08/ 09/ 1 0
IRF7379QPbF International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 2%: Cl, I I V x: : tj: F, : 'gg),
_ . N-Ch - 0.032 - Reference to 25°C ID = 1mA
AV AT B kd V It T I ff t " '
(rsRyoss/ J rea own o age emp De Kyen PKm - 0.037 - V/ c Reference to 25°C, ID = -1mA
N-Ch - 0.038 0.045 Vas = 10V, ID = 5.8A (3)
Roam) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - 0055 0.075 Q Vas = ISN, ID = 4SA (D
PCh - 0.070 0.090 Vas = -10v, ID =- 4.3A 2
- 0.130 0.180 Vss = -4.5v, ID 2. 3.7A a
VGSW Gate Threshold Voltage N43h 1 .0 - - V Vros = Vss, ID = 250pA
P-Ch -1.0 - - Vros = Vas, ID = -250PA
(hs ForwardTransconductance N'Ch 5.2 - - S V95 = 15V, ID = 2.4A 8)
P-Ch 2.5 - - VDs = -24V, ID = -1.8A (9
N-Ch - - 1.0 Vros = 24 v, Vss = OV
. P-Ch - - -1.0 Vos = -24V, VGS = OV
I D -t - L k t
DSS ran o Source ea age Curren N-Ch - - 25 pA VDs = 24 V, Vss = 0V, Tu = 125°C
P-Ch - - -25 Vros = -24v, Vss = ov, Tu = 125°C
lass Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage N-P - - 1100 Vas = ' 20V
Qg Total Gate Charge 22: I I S: N-Channel
N-Ch - - 2 9 lo = 2.4A, Vos = 24V, Vss =10V
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge . n0 ©
P-Ch - - 2.9
. " . " N43h - - 7.9 P-Channel
di Gate-to-Drain; Miller )Charge P-Ch - - 9.0 k, = -1.8A, Vos = -24V, VGS = -10V
Won) Turn-On DelayTime Yi", I ti" I N-Channel
. . NCh - 21 - Vor, =15v, ID = 2.4A, Rs = 6.09,
t, RiseTime P-Ch - 17 - Flo = 6.29
td(off) Turn-Off DelayTime 2:8: I g: I P-Channel
N-Ch - 7 7 - VDD = -15V, ID = -1.8A, Rs = 6.on,
t F llTi . =
f a Ime P-Ch - 18 - RD 8.2!)
L9 Internal Drain Inductace N-P - 4.0 - H Between lead, 6mm (0.25in.) from
Ls Internal Source Inductance N-P - 6.0 - n package and center of die contact
Ciss Input Capacitance yg, I ifl I N-Channel
N-Ch 180 Vss = 0V, Ihos = 25V, f =1.0MHZ
Coss Output Capacitance - - pF (D
','ft - 'rr - P-Channel
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - - Ves = 0V, Vos = -25V, f = 1.0MHz
P-Ch - 93 -
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max. Units Conditions
NCh - - 3.1
Is Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) P-Ch - - -3.1 A
N-Ch - - 46
ISM Pulsed Source Current (Body Diode) C) P-Ch - - -34
v Di d F dV n N-Ch - - 1.0 v Tu-- 25°C,ls=1.8A,VG5=0V ©
SD '0 e Orwar 0 age P-Ch - - -1.0 Tu = 25°C, IS = -1.8A, VGS = ov ©
. NCh - 47 71 N-Channel
trr Reverse RecoveryTime P-Ch - 53 80 Tu = 25°C, IF = 2.4A, di/dt = 100A/ps
N-Ch - 56 84 P-Channel
2, Reverse RecoveryCharge P-Ch - 66 99 " TJ = 25°C, IF = -1.8A, di/dt = -100A/ps
co Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by © Pulse width f 300ps; duty cycle S 2%.
max. junction temperature. ( See fig. 10 )
© N-Channel Iso S 2.4A, di/dt S 73A/pS, VDD f Vism)oss, TJ S 150°C
P-Channel ISD S -1.8A, di/dt S 90A/ps, VDD S V(BR)DSS, Tu S 150°C
co Surface mounted on FR-4 board, t s 10sec.