IRF7350 ,100V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageapplications. With these improvements, multiple devices can beused in an application with dramatic ..
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100V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package
PD - 94226B
TOR Rectifier
0 Ultra Low On-Resistance W N-Ch P-Ch
q Dual N and P Channel MOSFET Sl LIE'- 33101
0 Surface Mount G1 ULZ l 7J_U m V 100V 100V
o Available in Tape and Reel S mf- 5333 D2 DSS -
G2 El:4 l 53]: D2
Top View
These dual N and P channel HEXFET® power MOSFETs from International
Rectifier utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve extremely low
on-resistance persilicon area. This benefit, combined with the fast switching
speed and ruggedized device design that HEXFET® power MOSFETs are
well known for, provides the designer with an extremely efficient and reliable
device for use in DC motor drives and load management applications.
The SO-8 has been modified through a customized leadframe for enhanced
thermal characteristics and multiple-die capability making it ideal in a variety
of power applications. l/Wh these improvements, multiple devices can be SO-8
used in an application with dramatically reduced board space. The package
is designed for vapor phase, infra red, or wave soldering techniques.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Max. .
Parameter Units
N-Channel P-Channel
VDs Drain-to-Source Voltage 100 -100
ID @ TA = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 2.1 -1.5 A
ID @ TA = 70°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 1.7 -1.2
IDM Pulsed Drain Current OD 8.4 -6.0
Pro @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation 2.0 W
Linear Derating Factor 0.016 Wl°C
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy© 35 51 mJ
I/ss Gate-to-Source Voltage 1 20 i 20 V
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt © 4.0 4.3 V/ns
TJ, TSTG Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 to + 150 'C
Thermal Resistance
Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. Units
Ron, Junction-to-Drain Lead - 20
ReJA Junction-to-Ambient © - 62.5 °CNV
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
OR Rectifier
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
. N-Ch 100 - - Vss = 0V, ID = 250PA
V Dra n-to-So rce Breakdo nVoIta e
(BR)DSS I u w g P-Ch -1oo - - V Was = OV, ID = -250pA
. N-Ch - 0.12 - Reference to 25''C l = 1mA
AV IAT B kd V It T . C m t ° ' D
(BR)DSS J rea own o age emp oe me" P-Ch - -0AI - VI C Reference to 25''C, ID = -1mA
N-Ch - - 0.21 VGS = 10V, ID = 2.1A ©
RDS(QN) Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance fl
P-Ch - - 0.48 VGs = -10V, ID = -1.5A co
N-Ch 2.0 - 4.0 VDS = Vss, ID = 250pA
V Th h Id V I
GS(th) Gate res o ty tage P-Ch -2.o - -4.0 V VDS = VGS, ID = -250pA
9tt Forward Transconductance 1(i,1 'it I I s [ti,", :&’ID==2_'112A
N-Ch - - 25 VDS = 100V, VGS = 0V ©
. P-Ch - - -25 Vos = -100V, Vss = 0V ©
I D - - L k
DSS ran to Source ea age Current N-Ch - - 250 pA Vros = 80 V, Vss = OV, Tu = 70°C
P-Ch - - -250 N/rss = -80V, l/ss = 0V, Tu = 70''C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage N-P - - 1100 VGS = * 20V
Q T N-Ch - 19 28
g otal Gate Charge N-Channel
P-Ch - 21 31 _ - -
N-Ch - 3 0 4 5 b - 2.1A, Vos - 80V, VGS - 10V
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge ' . nC
P-Ch - 3.4 5.1
. " . " N-Ch - 8.8 13 P-Channel
di Gate-to-Drain; Miller ) Charge P-Ch - 10 16 lo = .1 SA, 1/ros = -80V, VGS = .1ov
tum) Turn-On Delay Time SE: - 'll - N-Channel
. . N:Ch I 11 I vDD = 50V, ID = 1.0A, Rs = 22n,
t, Rise Time P-Ch - 13 - RD = 50f2, VGS = 10V
N-Ch - 35 - ns ©
td(ott) Turn-Off Delay Time P Ch 30 P-Channel
F II Ti N-Ch - 20 - VDD = -50V, ID = -1.OA, Rs = 22n,
tf a lme P-Ch - 40 - Ro = 50n, VGS = -10V
Ciss Input Capacitance Ili, - 'le - N-Channel
N-Ch - 100 - VGs = 0V, Vos = 25V, f = 1.0MHz
Coss Output Capacitance pF
5%: - 110 - P-Channel
Crss Reverse TransferCapacitance P-Ch - i,'f, - VGS = OV, Vos = -25V, f = 1.0MHz
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ Max. Units Conditions
. . N-Ch - - 1.8
Is Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) P-Ch - - -l .4 A
N-Ch - - 8.4
ISM Pulsed Source Current (Body Diode) (D P-Ch - - -6.0
N-Ch - - 1.3 V TJ = 25°C, Is = 1.8A, VGs = 0V ©
I/so Diode Forward Voltage P-Ch - - -1.6 To = 25°C, Is = -1.4A, VGs = 0V ©
. N-Ch - 72 110 ns N-Channel
trr Reverse Recovery Time P-Ch - 77 120 T, = 25°C, Ir: = 1.8A, di/dt = 100A/us
N-Ch - 205 310 no P-Channel co
Qrr Reverse Recovery Charge P-Ch - 240 360 T J = 25°C, IF = -1.4A. di/dt = -100/Vps
OD Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by
max. junction temperature.
© Pulse width 5 400ps; duty cycle S 2%.
© Surface mounted on 1 in square Cu board
G) N channel: Starting To = 25°C, L = 4.0mH, Rs = 25n, IAS = 4.2A
P channel: Starting TJ = 25°C, L = 11mH, RG = 25n, IAS = -3.0A