IRF7341Q ,55V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageapplications. This dual, surface mount SO-8 candramatically reduce board space and is also availabl ..
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55V Dual N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package
TOR Rectifier
Typical Applications
. Anti-Iock Braking Systems (ABS)
PD - 94391A
IRF7341 Q
. Eilregtggnic Fuel Injection Voss RDS(on) max ID
Benefits 55V 0.05O@VGs - 10V 5.1A
. Advanced Process Technology 0.065@Vss = 4.5V 4.42A
. Dual N-Channel MOSFET
. Ultra Low On-Resistance
. 175°C Operating Temperature
. Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TImax
. Automotive [Q101] Qualihed
Descri tion 1 a
'i'fle'ei1ryl designed for Automotive applications, these $1711 l 71701
HEXFET© Power MOSFET's in a Dual SO-8 package utilize G1 , u 2 7 ll 1 D1
the lastest processing techniques to achieve extremely low
on-resistance per silicon area. Additional features of these S2 EL 533 D2
Automotive qualiMd HEXFET Power MOSFET's are a 175°C 4 l 5
junction operating temperature, fast switching speed and G2 ILL] D2
improved repetitive avalanche rating. These benehts com- SO-8
bine to make this design an extremely emcient and reliable Top View
device for use in Automotive applications and a wide variety
of other applications.
The 175°C rating for the SO-8 package provides improved
thermal performance with increased safe operating area and
dual MOSFET die capability make it ideal in a variety of
power applications. This dual, surface mount SO-8 can
dramatically reduce board space and is also available in
Tape & Reel.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
VDs Drain-Source Voltage 55 V
ID @ TA = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, VGs @ 10V 5.1
ID @ TA = 70°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 4.2 A
los, Pulsed Drain Currenk0 42
Pro @TA = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation@ 2.4 W
PD @TA = 70°C Maximum Power Dissipation® 1.7 W
Linear Derating Factor 16 mW/°C
VGs Gate-to-Source Voltage i 20 V
EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy© 140 mJ
IAR Avalanche Current0) 5.1 A
EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energy See Fig. 14, 15, 16 mJ
T J , TSTG Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 to + 175 ''C
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Max. Units
RNA Maximum Junction-to-Ambient G) 62.5 °CNV
IRF7341Q International
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics @ T J = 25''C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
V(BR)DSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 55 - - V VGS = 0V, ID = 250pA
AV(BR)DSSIATJ Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient - 0.052 - V/°C Reference to 25°C, ID = 1mA
Rosom Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance - O.043 O.050 Q VGS = 10V, ID = 5.1A ©
- 0.056 O.065 Vss = 4.5V, ID = 4.42A ©
VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 1.0 - - V Vos = I/ss, ID = 250pA
gfs Forward Transconductance 10.4 - - S Vos = 10V, ID = 5.2A
loss Drain-to-Source Leakage Current - - 2.0 PA Vos = 44V, VGS = 0V o
- - 25 Vos = 44V, VGS = ov, To = 150 C
less Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage - - 100 n A N/ss = 20V
Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage - - -100 N/ss = -20V
% Total Gate Charge - 29 44 ID = 5.2A
Qgs Gate-to-Source Charge - 2.9 4.4 nC Vos = 44V
di Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge - 7.3 11 Vss = 10V
Mon) Turn-On Delay Time - 9.2 - VDD = 28V
tr Rise Time - 7.7 - ns lo = 1.0A
td(off) Turn-Off Delay Time - 31 - Rs = 6.09
tr Fall Time - 12.5 - VGs = 10V ©
Ciss Input Capacitance - 780 - VGS = 0V
CDSS Output Capacitance - 190 - pF I/rss = 25V
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 66 - f = 1.0MHz
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
ls Continuous Source Current MOSFET symbol D
(Body Diode) - - 2.4 showing the
ISM Pulsed Source Current A integral reverse G
(Body Diode) C) - - 42 p-n junction diode. s
Vso Diode Forward Voltage - - 1.2 V Tu = 25°C, IS = 2.6A, VGS = 0V ©
trr Reverse Recovery Time - 51 77 ns Tu = 25°C, IF = 2.6A
G, Reverse Recovery Charge - 76 114 nC di/dt = 100A/ps ©
co Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by © Surface mounted on FR-4 board, ts 10sec.
max. junction temperature.
C) Pulse width S 300ps; duty cycle f 2%.