IRF7309QTRPBF ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-ResistanceN-CHAN ..
IRF7309TR ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageapplications. With these improvements, multiple devices can be used in anSO-8application with dram ..
IRF7309TR ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageapplications. With these improvements, multiple devices can be used in anSO-8application with dram ..
IRF7309TRPBF ,30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 packageInternational
TOR Rectifier"PERF ETe Power MOSFET
o GenerationVTechnology
0 Ultra LowOn-Resi ..
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30V Dual N- and P- Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SO-8 package
l . I PD - 96135A
n te r n C t I o n CD
TOR Rectifier IRF7309QPbF
. Advanced Process Technology HEXFETO Power MOSFET
. Ultra LowOn-Resistance N-CHANrSLMOSFET
. Dual N and P Channel MOSFET SI m:1_ 8E DI N-Ch P-Ch
. Surface Mount 2 F 7
. Available in Tape & Reel G1 D: E DI VDSS 30V -30V
. 150°C Operating Temperature S2 BIL 61] D2
. Lead-Free G2 mr' 531:] D2 RDS(on) 0.0509 0.109
Description P-CHANNEL 'r"'
These HEXFET*) Power MOSFET's in a Dual Top View
SO-8 package utilize the lastest processing
techniques to achieve extremely low on-resistance
per silicon area. Additional features of these
HEXFET Power MOSFET's are a 150°Cjunction
operating temperature, fast switching speed and
improved repetitive avalanche rating. These
benefits combine to makethis design an extremely
efflcient and reliable device for use in a wide
variety of applications.
The efficient SO-8 package provides enhanced
thermal characteristics and dual MOSFET die
capability making it ideal in a variety of power SO-8
applications. This dual, surface mount SO-8 can
dramatically reduce board space and is also
available in Tape & Reel.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Max. Units
N-Channel P-Channel
ID © TA = 25''C 10 Sec. Pulse Drain Current, Ws @ 10V 4.7 -3.5 A
ID tp TA = 25''C Continuous Drain Current, Vos @ 10V 4.0 -3.0 A
In tp TA = 70''C Continuous Drain Current, Veg tp 10V 3.2 -2.4 A
IDM Pulsed Drain Current T 16 -12 A
PD @TA = 25°C Power Dissipation (PCB Mount)" IA W
Linear Derating Factor (PCB Mount)" 0.011 WFC
Vos Gate-to-Source Voltage i 20 V
dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/tt © 6.9 _ -6.0 V/ns
Ts,Tsrs Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 to+ 150 "C
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
RQJA Junction-to-Nth (PCB Mount. steady state)" - - 90 "C/W
** When mounted on 1" square PCB (FR-4 or G-10 Material).
For recommended footprint and soldering techniques refer to application note #AN-994.
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics © T, = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ/Max. Units Conditions
. - _ N-Ch 30 - - Ihss = ov b-- 250pA
V(Bglgss Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage P-Ch -30 - - V I/rss = ov, b = -25OHA
. N-Ch - 0.032 - Reference to 25°C, b = 1mA
AV cHAT B kd V It T .C ffi t
(Wig J rea thtm Q age emp °e clen P-Ch - 0.037 - vrc Reference to 25°C, b = -1mA
N Ch - - 0.050 bbs =10V, ID = 2.4A ©
, . . _ _ _ . - - - 0.080 - Vos = 4.5V, b = 2.0AG)
RDS(ON; Static Drain to Source On Resistance P-Ch - - 0.10 il Ws = MOV, ID = -1.8A a
- - 0.16 Veg =-4.5V, ID =-1.5A©
N-Ch 1.0 - - Ws = Vs , ID = 250PA
V,vc. GateTh holdVolt
Cis1th) a e res O t9 age P-Ch .1.o - - V Ws =bbs ID =-250pA
N-Ch 5.2 - - Ws = 15V b = 2.4A©
gts Forward Transconductance P-Ch 2.5 - - S Ws = -24V. kr, = -1 8A 0
N-Ch - - 1.0 v05 = 24v, Vos = 0v
. P-Ch - - -1.0 Ws - -24V, V55 = 0V
l D -t -S L k C t
955 ram 0 ource ea age urren N-Ch - - 25 pA Ws = 24V, Ws = 0V, T, = 12500
P-Ch - - -25 Ws = -24\/. Vos = 0V, Tu = 125°C
bss Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage N-P - - i100 nA V95 = A 20V
A, Total Gate Charge :2: I I 'ii N-Channel
N-Ch - - 2 9 b = 2.6A, Vce, = 16V, Vss = 4.5V
As Gate-to-Source Charge . nC G)
P-Ch - - 2.9
. . N-Ch - - 7 9 P-Channel
' Gate.ta-Drain ("Miller") Charge P Ch i/i lo = -2.2A, Mvr, = -16V. Vos = -4.5V
tdwn) Turn-On Delay Time 'tfit I " I N-Channel
. _ N-Ch - 21 - Vcc=10V, b = 2.6A. Ro = 6.051
t, RiseTime P-Ch - 17 - RD = 3.RO. ©
t _ T . N-Ch - 22 - ns
mm, urn-Off Delay Time P-Ch - 25 - P-Channel
N-Ch - 7 7 - VDD = MOV, b = 22A, RC. = 6.052,
t ll . ' =
f Fa Time P-Ch - 18 - RD 4.50.
LD Internal Drain Inductace N-P - 4.0 - H Between lead tip
Ls Internal Source Inductance N-P - 6,0 - n and center of die contact
. N-Ch - 520 -
C,SS Input Capacitance P Ch 440 N-Channel
Lil' - 180 - Vss = 0v, Nts, = 15V, f =1.0MHa
Coss Output Capacitance . - - pp ©
P-Ch - 200 -
N Ch 72 P-Channel
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance " - - Vss = 0V, Wes = -15V, f = 1.0MHz
P-Ch - 93 - _ _
Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics
Parameter Min Typ. Max. Units Conditions
. . N-Ch - - 1.8
Is Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) P-Ch - - -1.8 A
N-Ch - - 16
Isa, Pulsed Source Current (Body Diode)® P-Ch - - -12
. N-Ch - - 1.0 TJ = 25"C. ls. = 1.8A. Ws = 0V CO
VSD Diode Forward Voltage P-Ch - - -1.o Tn = 25°C, ls = -1.8A Ws = OV co
R R Ti N-Ch - 47 71 ns N-Channel
r, eve’se 9W9” 1me P-Ch - 53 80 T J = 25''C, k = 2.6A di/dt = 100Alps
N-Ch - 56 84 nC P-Channel
tar, Reverse Recovery Charge P-Ch - 66 99 TJ = 25"C, IF = -2.2A, di/dt = 100A/ps
tun Forward Turn-On Time N-P Intrinsic turn-on ime Is neglegible (turn-on is dominated by (SAC)
to Repetitive rating: pulse width limited by max. junction temperature. ( See fig. 23 )
(2) N-Channel [EDS 2.4A, di/dt s; 73A/ps, V055 Vevsrss, Tus; 150°C
P-Channel '30 f -1.8A, di/dt S BONUS. Vcc, S Vvvyss, Tu I 150''C
(3) Pulse width 3 300ps: duty cycle I 2%.
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