IR3622MTRPBF ,High Frequency 2-Phase Single or Dual Output Sychronous Step Down Controller with Output Tracking and SequencingApplicationsMOSFET's on-resistance for optimum cost and Embedded Telecom Systemsperformance. The ..
IR3623M ,High Frequency 2-Phase, Single or Dual Output Synchronous Step Down Controller with Output Tracking and SequencingApplicationsoptimum cost and performance. The output• Embedded Telecom Systemsvoltages are monitore ..
IR3623MTRPBF ,High Frequency 2-Phase, Single or Dual Output Synchronous Step Down Controller with Output Tracking and SequencingFeaturesThe IR3623 IC is a high performanceo• Dual Synchronous Controller with 180 Out of Phase Syn ..
IR3624M ,High Frequency Synchronous PWM Buck Controller in a 10-Lead MLPD Package.Applicationssystem level security in the event of fault • Embedded Telecom Systemsconditions.• Dist ..
IR3624MTRPBF ,High Frequency Synchronous PWM Buck Controller in a 10-Lead MLPD Package.applications. The IR3624 drives a pair of external • Hiccup Current Limit Using MOSFET RDS(on)N-MOS ..
IR3628MTRPBF ,High Frequency Synchronous PWM Buck Controller in a 12-Lead MLPD Package.Applicationstracking scheme for best performance using the DDR Applicationuncommitted error ampli ..
IS42S16800A-10T , 16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16 & 4Meg x 32 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM
IS42S16800A-10TL , 16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16 & 4Meg x 32 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM
IS42S16800A-6TL , 16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16 & 4Meg x 32 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM
IS42S16800A-7TI , 16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16 & 4Meg x 32 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM
IS42S16800B-6TLI , 16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM
IS42S16800B-75ETL , 16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM
High Frequency 2-Phase Single or Dual Output Sychronous Step Down Controller with Output Tracking and Sequencing
ApplicationsMOSFET's on-resistance for optimum cost and Embedded Telecom Systemsperformance. The output voltages are monitored Distributed Point of Load Power Architecturesthrough dedicated pins to protect against open Computing Peripheral Voltage Regulatorscircuit, and enhance faster response to an Graphics Cards overvoltage event. General DC/DC ConvertersVinVo1 Vo1Vo2 Vo2IR3622HDrv1RtOCSet1Vout1Comp1LDrv1Ratiometric PowerdownRatiometric PowerupPGnd1Comp2VinSS1 / SDVo1 Vo1SS2 / SDVout1HDrv2 Vo2 Vo2SeqTrack OCSet2 Vout2LDrv2PGnd2GndSimultaneous Powerup Simultaneous PowerdownORDERING INFORMATIONPKG PACKAGE PIN PARTS PARTS T&RDESIG DESCRIPTION COUNT PER BAG PER REEL ORIANTAIONM IR3622MPbF 32 100 -------Fig AM IR3622MTRPbF 32 -------- 300003/15/07Downloaded from: http://www.ic-phoenix.com/stock/ IR3622MPbF ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Voltages referenced to GND)Vcc, VcL Supply Voltage .… -0.5V to 16VVcH1,VcH2 ……………………….………….……… -0.5V to 30VPGood1, PGood2 ………. .…………………………. -0.5V to 16VHDrv1, HDrv2 ………………………………………… -0.5V to 30V (-2V for 100ns)LDrv1, LDrv2 ………………………………………… -0.5V to 16V (-2V for 100ns)Gnd to PGnd ……………………………………….. +/- 0.3VStorage Temperature Range ....... -65°C To 150°COperating Junction Temperature Range ....... -40°C To 125°CESD Classification ………………………………..… JEDEC, JESD22-A114 (1KV)oMoisture Sensitivity Level ………………………….. JEDEC, Level 3 @ 260 CCaution: Stresses above those listed in “Absolute Maximum Rating” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and function of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to “Absolute Maximum Rating”conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Package Information2832 31 30 29 27 262524 PGood21Rt23SyncVSEN2 2VSEN1223Fb24 21Fb1Comp2PadSS2/SD2/Mode 20 Comp15OCSet2 6 SS1/SD119VcH27 18 OCSet117 VcH1HDrv28159 11 13 14 1610 12o Θ = 36 C/W*JAo Θ = 1 C/WJC*Exposed pad on underside is connected to a copper pad through vias for 4-layer PCB board design2Downloaded from: http://www.ic-phoenix.com/stock/TrackVOUT3VccPGood1dGnVREFEnableVP2PGnd2VP1LDrv2VcLLDrv1PGnd1SeqHDrv1 IR3622MPbF Recommended Operating ConditionsSymbol Definition Min Max Units Vcc, VcL Supply Voltage 7.5 14.5 V VcH1, VcH2 Supply Voltage Converter Voltage + 5V 28 V Fs Operating frequency 200 600 kHz oTj Junction temperature -40 125 C